Oh, right, the second story line!! There is a second story line!

Recalling Andersen's words in the book before.

This instantly became the only life-saving straw that everyone could think of.

The hope for the second world line saved the boat of everyone's heart that was shaky in the storm and could capsize and completely collapse at any time.

It became the last hope of Claire and others after being depressed and uncomfortable!

"I don't want the king to die!"

"Pray that King Arthur can have a happy ending!"

"Ahhh! Please, Lord Andersen, give Arthur a happy future!"

Countless book fans prayed sincerely and heavily in their hearts, shouting wildly!

Rhine's heart, which was hit by Mordred's completely different appearance from what she had guessed, also regained a glimmer of hope.

- The second story line! Lord Andersen said that the difference between the two story lines was caused by Mordred's specialness!

Her heart trembled and she had a guess.

Maybe the Mordred in another world line is the one that fits the image of the knight she saw in his introduction before!

The knight who "chose to become a king to cure his father's loneliness"!

Because of Mordred's bad deeds, Rhine, who originally felt that his inner fantasy was shattered, cast his last glimmer of hope on Mordred in another world.


Merry: "Because of different choices, the future you arrive at will also be different. Different worlds, the same and similar people... He (she) always makes the same mistakes."

As everyone continued to look behind the pages of the book, a new chapter slowly opened in front of people.

Parallel universe - that is, other universes that are separated from a certain universe and exist parallel to the original universe, which are both similar and different.

Following the explanation of the world line of the Grand Duke last time, this time the book appeared with a specific theory about parallel worlds.

And then, the Flower Magician began from the perspective of another king... telling people about another similar but different ending of King Arthur.

Merry: "His true identity is the [Knight King] of another world who reached the top of the knights in pursuit of a miracle. He has the same past and legend as Arthur Pendragon, and is exactly the same person, but he is a different person. He does not rule Britain as a completely [ideal king], but he also has an honest attitude and is admired and followed by countless knights."

"The Knight King in that world experienced the same battles and adventures as Arthur, but there was a slight difference in the issue of Mordred."

Not many people noticed... the words that Britain was not ruled as a completely [ideal king].

(The author's personal understanding: Just like in fairy tales, the only "completely ideal" king is Old Sword. Compared with other kings, King Arthur in the Old Sword worldview is set as a completely ideal and perfect king. Generally speaking, these settings of "completely ideal and perfect" only exist in fantasy and theory, right? Just like the fantasy hero! Here, in order to distinguish the kingly ways of Old Sword and Aho-Mao, it is regarded as a foreshadowing for the two King Arthurs to appear on the same stage later!)

Compared with those insignificant settings, people pay more attention to other issues!

——King Arthur of another world? !

——Parallel world, parallel universe theory?

And... the story of a knight king who has the same experience but has slightly different opinions on the issue of Mordred! !

Claire and others were stunned!

The new story line is not the two different future worlds derived from the same person making different choices as they imagined.

But two completely different worlds? !

Chapter 324 a! wsL! ——The longing for King Arthur far exceeds that ambition

Boom! Like thunder breaking through the night, illuminating the abyss and the dark sky.

Claire and others were all stunned, and the girls widened their eyes.

Such amazing news is even more incredible than different world lines and different futures.

The setting of the other world is not new to them. The abyss is also an alien world for the creatures on the earth.

But it is obviously another world, why does the same story happen, and there is also the existence of King Arthur!

Before everyone digested these surprising and shocking news.

As the introduction of Mordred from another world appeared in the book, everyone was attracted.

Mordred, King Arthur's sister, was created by Morgan Le Fay through magic to obtain Pendragon's genes, but she was indeed the real descendant of the Knight King.

King Arthur was still King Arthur, and Mordred seemed to be still Mordred.

However, what did the last "she" mean? Everyone was confused.

And what was the setting of the artificial human? ! Claire and the others were crazy!

Wasn't it the same as the previous Mordred, born through Morgan, and then growing faster? That wouldn't be called an artificial human!

Because it only described the ending caused by Mordred's specialness, and Andersen didn't describe much about King Arthur from another world...

Ahem, whether intentionally or unintentionally, Yan didn't tell people how the [King Arthur] in another world was different from the King Arthur they knew.

(In fact, Homura hasn't decided yet whether to start the sixth chapter of the singularity plot as the Goddess of Guns or the God of Guns.)

Therefore, the image setting of King Sarge was not directly applied.

This king of another storyline is just named after King Arthur of another world.

This leads Claire and the others to still use the male image of Arthur to describe this king.

Since he is a man, Morgan certainly does not need any gender change magic or other artificial human experiments.

...Wouldn't it be better to just take on the human body directly?

But Yan used the template of the young girl Xiao Mo directly in the setting of Mordred, and did not modify the artificial human Mordred.

So a new word - artificial human magically appeared in everyone's eyes.

Because it was just a passing remark without any special annotations, people can only guess this word based on the literal meaning.

A chill rose from the spine of everyone's tail, and the cold air went straight to the forehead.

Artificial human - refers to humans created by humans? !

Could it be a human alchemy experiment of the devil or those evil magicians! ? Oh my God! The Mordred of this world can't be -!

... Inhale! Everyone dared not say a word.

Apart from this problem, Mordred in the book is actually referred to as a woman.

——Is it written wrong? !

It must be written wrong? ? Rhine and other girls were inexplicably nervous.

Until they saw the familiar words again.

"As my son, you have the right to inherit the throne. Now temporarily hide your identity and serve the king. Then-in the future, overthrow the king and replace him."

Morgan explained her life story to Mordred, who had no rebellious heart.

That is, the truth that she was the unfaithful child of the king and Morgan, and "King Arthur did not know that Mordred was his child, and even if he knew, he would not admit that he had such a filthy child."


This plot! ! This is the clip where Morgan took Mordred to secretly spy on King Arthur who returned triumphantly and instigated him to seize the throne!


When an illustration came into people's eyes, beautiful blonde hair, fair skin and petite stature.

Wait--!! Petite? !

Those clear and innocent eyes are as pretty and lovely as emeralds.

That is the color of a beautiful and lively girl full of youth.

The same hair and eye color as King Arthur, no doubt about it! It should be Mordred! Uh! Bah, that's wrong!

There's something wrong! There's a big problem!

This height, and this soft and cute face. Ah! wsl!

"Mordred is a man, right?" Rhine asked mechanically and stiffly, turning to look at her bestie next to her.

Claire happened to see this and immediately understood why Rhine asked such a question, and she froze all over.

After hesitating and being confused for a while, Claire said: "Uh... It seems, yes! I remember he was half a head taller than Arthur."

But the one in this illustration in the book is clearly a girl! ! ! Ah!

It's different from when Mordred appeared in the previous story line.

In the illustration of the mysterious cloaked man, the two never raised their heads.

Even Claire and the others didn’t see Mordred’s true appearance until the final battle of Camlann Hill, after King Arthur split open his helmet.

But now, in this new illustration, there is a close-up of one of the cloaked men looking up.

“Is this Morgan…?” Rhine looked at the ten fingers on the shoulders of the petite and cute figure in the illustration, and his voice was a little unsure.

How come the one behind the other person is Morgan!

——Mordred is a girl!

How is this possible! Such an evil, rebellious, and hateful knight turned into a girl? !

Exploded! For who knows how many times, the people in the capital’s brains exploded again!

No less than the creation of the world and the replay of chaos, it was like the Big Bang of the universe that was chopped by EA’s sword on the head boiling in the mind.

Ahhhhhh! Mordred in this world is a girl!

After everyone confirmed again and again, they finally verified this conjecture.

People went crazy... They were originally very disgusted with Mordred, and their favorability was about to drop to negative because of Mordred's various evil deeds in the previous story line.

No way!

How could Mordred in this world be so cute!

Yan's exquisite illustrations are pure eyes that can be called the textbook version of the second dimension.

It made people stare at him and swallow their saliva, and finally doubt their lives.

Mordred in this world doesn't look gloomy at all! Such a rebellious knight, they actually saw a sense of innocence? !

It's over! Our brains must be broken!

They actually think that rebellious knights are simple and cute!

Keeping the impression of Mordred set in the previous story line, everyone felt a strong contrast from the new Mordred!

'No, don't be deceived by her appearance! This is the culprit of King Arthur's death! 'Everyone shouted in their hearts vigilantly, reminding themselves.

But when they saw the next paragraph in the book, that idea was quickly forgotten.

——Mother Morgan told him the truth.

Mordred was shocked, but also immersed in supreme joy. Although he had his mother's delusion, Mordred's admiration for King Arthur far exceeded his ambition.

Although he was not a normal human, he had the same blood as the king. As the heir of the king, he was worthy of the title and believed it.

"——The admiration for King Arthur far exceeds that ambition." Emphasize the key points.

This sentence, which should never appear in people's eyes, made everyone confused.

Chapter 325 The powerful charm of the king: After the blow, the effect is even better!

"Yes... the admiration for King Arthur... exceeds that ambition?!" Everyone muttered in disbelief and dullness.

Claire and others still couldn't believe that this would be the inner psychological state of Mordred, who was so perverted that he stole his father and queen!

Confused, completely confused.

This should never be the idea of ​​the rebellious knight! Ah! It's incredible!

They heard... words that were more absurd and more shocking than the world was about to be destroyed in the next moment.

——Although Mordred in the previous world line didn't really do that to Guinevere.

But this is a rebellious knight who killed his biological father, King Arthur, with his own hands.

The name of patricide is well deserved!

An ambitious man, a filial son, but now because of his admiration for the king (father), he has forgotten about fighting for the throne.

This Mordred... seems to be really different!

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