Even the small castles of the human empire are much taller than it.

However, it is on such a piece of land that there is a huge elf kingdom.

Sylph walked into the kingdom in a daze.

The elves who had spoken ill of her seemed to have not seen her at all and let her enter and exit the land freely.

They didn't even stay on her for a moment.

This made Sylph in a state of confusion.

Then she found that Yan was gone.

Sylph, who suddenly became a person, hurriedly looked for the figure, but didn't find it after turning around.

... Just when Sylph was about to cry.

After a while, the figure appeared in front of her again, as if it had never left.

"Come on! Sylph, I have found the right place." Yan, who appeared again, smiled and said without waiting for Sylph to react.


First, he cast an illusion so that the elves guarding the gate had no sense of their entry.

Then just now, Yan "took a tour" of this country again.

To Yan's surprise, he found that the currency used here was also Ke La.

It seems that the elves are not completely isolated from the human world, and they also have some exchanges.

After disguising himself as a silver-haired elf (in the eyes of others), he spent a lot of money to buy the most suitable prosperous area for opening a store here.

Yan's desire to see if the elves would be attracted by epics became stronger and stronger.

He brought Sylph all the way to the bookstore, and then temporarily made magic props to confuse others' perception and gave them to Sylph.

In this way, even if he met an acquaintance in the elf country, he would not be able to recognize Sylph's true appearance.

'Perfect--' Yan thought in his heart.

He didn't have time to run a store here, but now he even 'picked up' a ready-made store manager.

Even the goddess of luck in the other world is on his side.

Things went so smoothly that it was unimaginable...

Sure enough, this is the benefit of becoming stronger. If it were still Yan who had not crossed the seventh step, he would not want to open a store in the elf country.

With the magic level of the sixth step, it would be very troublesome for him to sneak into the city with a burden. Who knows if there is a seventh step or even stronger in this country.

But whether it is the seventh step or the eighth step, it is undoubtedly a dream to find Yan now.

After buying the store, it is a matter of decoration.

The specific decoration and bookcases inside, Yan directly used magic to project the entity, or element alchemy.

... He even saved the time to buy tables, chairs and benches.

Now, as long as he wants, he can notify Yuye to get more inventory from the printing factory in the capital, and fill the empty bookshelves here at any time, even if he chooses to open the business the next moment.

... However, Yan did not choose to do so. Although he also left the space coordinates in the store here, he can use his own big library as a transit station in the future, and he can come and go here at any time as long as he "opens the door".

Now it is also convenient to notify the bosses of the printing factory to rush to produce a batch of King Arthur series or Dark Souls series.

But King Arthur tells the epic of human heroes. Dark Souls tells the story of the undead, ash, and the Lord of Fire. There are no elves in it, so it is not appropriate to put it here.

Well, there are lake fairies, but they are obviously not the same creatures as the elves that Yan sees now.

A world view without elves at all... For these elves, it is a bit lacking in sense of substitution!

In order to make a name for himself in the kingdom of elves, let Andersen's name spread here as well.

Yan decided to choose an epic with elves.

Of course... it doesn't mean that the whole bookstore will put this "new epic", but it will definitely be the main push.

So Yan then remembered the question he thought about last time.

Preparation and selection of the next epic... He thought about it;

One is No Game No Life Zero - the movie version a thousand years ago; the other is the Epic of Gilgamesh.

There is basically no elves in the story of Shan Shan, so Yan pushed it aside in his mind.

Then there is the story of Riku and Shubi, the protagonists of No Game No Life Zero - the movie version. (There are also translations of Riku and ShuVi, but here I will use the homophonic version that is easy to remember.)

Elves, elves - the image of the elves in this world is very similar to that of the elves in No Game No Life.

Thinking of this, Homura decided to make No Game No Life Zero first.

Although the elves are not the protagonists, he is too lazy to write an epic specifically for the elves.

It just so happens that No Game No Life Zero has a grand and huge world view and plot.

Even if you want to open a bookstore in other races in the future, this is still a good work!

Among the sixteen intelligent races, there are many similar to the races in this world.

As for why the names of the sixteen races are different from the current ones.

Homura remembers that the human race did not have a racial name at the beginning, and humans were not even considered a kind of intelligent race.

It was not until the birth of the God of Games. After Tet became the only god, he gave the name of the race that created himself - "human race".

And the creator of the Ex-Machina, Hanlou, created the Ex-Machina as just five "small cubes" at the beginning. In order to relieve loneliness and solitude, he did not give them names or anything like that.

It was not until later that they reproduced and formed a new race - the Ex-Machina.

The so-called xx species was more like a name formed by other races after they recognized it in the world of No Game No Life 6,000 years ago.

In the disk world Disboard a thousand years ago, there was no specific division of intellectual races, nor was there a so-called ranking list of sixteen races.

In the eyes of the high-ranking Flügel, the Elves and Werebeasts were classified as forest monkeys and beasts, just slightly stronger than the human race. It was also between the difference between a stronger ant and a thin ant.

The sixteen races can be regarded as the most primitive way of calling many races now.

But the problem of the "essence" of the Gods.

'This needs to be slightly modified, or described in a way that people in the other world can understand! 'Yan couldn't help thinking.

ps: Because No Game No Life has a little more appeal, I finally decided to write this first. As for the timeline, I plan to start No Game No Life and the epic of Glitter at the same time. If No Game No Life is written as a movie, it won't be too long. It doesn't conflict with the Epic of Gilgamesh, so just write it. There's no need to worry about the conflict in settings.

Dark Souls is also an independent world view, and is read as a prophecy book. It can be regarded as a different world in another world. As long as it is not clearly marked as an "epic", Yan has never said that it is a story that really happened in this world.

Everything is just the imagination of humans in another world. At present, only the King Arthur series is recognized as the genuine version, which is considered to be an epic that truly deceives the entire other world. The others can only be regarded as stories! Stories can be adapted! emmmmm, this is the key point!

Chapter 350 We are the weakest and strongest existence!

Reviewing the various settings of the Gods.

The Gods are almost the same as the gods of the other world, and both have the concept of being gods.

And the spirit is more like a host of the concept, that is, a physical existence.

The Gods will not die if the spirit is only killed, which is called inactivation in the original book.

Yan remembered that the description of the God of War Artosh in the original work was that he was a God who fed on fighting spirit, hatred, malice and blood.

And his essence also seemed to represent the concept of "the strongest".

A sentence in the original work can describe it well, "Because he is the strongest, he is the strongest!"

Because of this, he is an invincible and unbeatable God.

Even in the final war, he was killed by his own "ultimate move" that simulated attacking the Ex-Machina.

But that only penetrated the essence, destroyed Artosh's body, and made it inactive. It did not really kill the God of War.

The God of War has always survived as the concept of war and the strongest.

And the creator of the Ex-Machina also committed suicide and penetrated his own essence.

But she was awakened by the "shrine maiden" who had not yet become the agent of the Werebeasts thousands of years later. After the game, she was deceived and her consciousness was trapped in the body of the "shrine maiden".

The God of the Ex-Machina, who only had the concept left, lost her essence, but her consciousness was still alive.

From this, we can see that the Old Deus cannot really die if only their Essence is killed.

If the concept is compared to the soul of the Old Deus, and the Essence is compared to the body of the Old Deus——

The "Blank" that arrived six thousand years later was called the new "strongest" by the Flügel's [All-wing Agent] Azrael.

When reading this in the original work, Homura even suspected that Blank might be the reincarnation of Altos! But this inference is even less reliable than the claim that Blank is the reincarnation of Riku and Shubi.

Because a new "strongest" has been born.

This is probably the reason why the Ex-Machina's God can finally be resurrected, but Altos cannot be resurrected... right? !

In fact, Homura feels that the reason why the Ex-Machina God can be resurrected is more because he is a cute and adorable little loli, while Altos is a bad old man.

Not to mention that the Ex-Machina God Hanou and the protagonist brother and sister [Blank] personally helped. Not only did he resurrect, he also became the full agent of the Old Deus.

... In terms of treatment, there is no comparison.

This is simply the author's deepest malice. (Funny)

After thinking so much, Yan finally came to a conclusion.

The god born from the concept, as the final boss, Altishus can be set as the god of war and the strongest concept.

This does not conflict with the gods of the other world.

And the essence can be set as the description of the body of the god in that event.

The world of No Game No Life is set in the distant past, the oldest mythological war era.

Then the most critical issue is the "Star Cup". Yan does not intend to make many changes.

For example, there are always some similar stories and treasures in the myths of major pantheons, and it is common to copy each other's settings.

Myths are true and false, and they are born by integrating many historical and gods' stories.

Marduk, the main god of Babylon, is the prototype of God in the Bible.

The goddess of Venus Ishtar spread to Egypt and became the image of a female war god holding a dagger and a shield and riding a lion.

The story of the ancient Persian military god Bahram (Veleslana) was introduced to Greece, and the image of Hercules was born.

Even if there are more star cups similar to the Holy Grail, but with more powerful functions...

Well, such things should be troubled by his dear fans.


Farewell to the elf priest Sylph who was still dizzy and confused.

Yan took Mercury Lamp back to his big library.

Now that he had decided what to write, he would act immediately. He was not a person who liked to put things off until later.

Strike while the iron is hot!

When the cat-eared girl, who had worked hard all day, pushed open the door and came back, she subconsciously walked to the floor where the desks were placed in the library.

Being able to peek at Yan's manuscript in advance was the happiest and happiest thing for the cat-eared girl Yuzuha every day.

That was the happiness second only to eating a lot of dried fish!

When Yuzuha came to the floor, she was surprised to find the feather pen that was writing furiously and the mercury lamp that was taking a nap in Yan's arms.

"Hush!" Yan smiled and raised a finger to her lips.

Yuzuha looked at the sleeping rose doll. The cat-eared girl, who had gradually become familiar with this new member of the family in the past few days, nodded in understanding.


She couldn't help but secretly glanced at what the feather pen wrote on the table.

So, with just this quick glance, she only had time to see part of Yuzuha.

A passage that shocked Yuzuha, full of confidence and courage, just "coincidentally" caught her eye.

"I am the weakest and the strongest existence, declaring war on God, commanding the [Sixteen Races], subverting the known to become the unknown - therefore, I am the one who controls the transformation of the world... Powerless people, why are you looking for me?"

Originally, it was a more appropriate passage to describe the blank space of Tetu and the future, but as a promotion or preface, it should be enough to attract people's attention. So it was written by Yan.

It was this passage that hit Yuzuha's heart G-spot at a glance.

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