Originally, I had a little sympathy for Riku because of his childhood experience, but now it's almost burned out.

'How can such a person... become the leader of this human settlement? Is it just because he is more rational and emotionless than anyone else? '

Some people remembered the reason why Ivan chose to believe in Riku.

It still feels a little incredible.

This principle is like [King Arthur doesn't understand human hearts].

A cold, absolutely rational, perfect king, a king who can't see emotions, will only make his subordinates feel fear!

But Ivan, Yalei, these people...

Yuzuha and the others have discovered that this group of people seem to have a great degree of trust in Riku for some reason.

What is the reason that makes you willing to die for such a man?

Many people gritted their teeth and frowned in thought.


In the next plot, Riku said goodbye to everyone and left alone.

[Confirmation as usual], returned to his private room far away from other rooms.

Separated by a door panel that is several layers thicker than other rooms.

Riku took a deep breath, then touched his chest -

With a click... the [lock] was unlocked.

The human emotions that he had locked up and suppressed forcibly suddenly surged out like a tide!

[——What? - It wasn't in vain - You damn hypocrite! ! ]

He pounded his fist on the dining table and cursed himself.

In order to explore the [map], it wasn't just Iwan... Things like today have happened more than once in the past.

Forty-seven people - no, one more person, so it's forty-eight people.

When, where, and why they died, Riku remembered them all clearly.

All of them were ordered by Riku to [die].

[——Continue this kind of thing... What can I do...? ]

Kill one person to kill two people.

Kill two people to kill four people.

In the end, the result is forty-eight people. After such sacrifices, the population of the settlement is now nearly two thousand.

——Come on! Answer it, Riku. How long will this practice last?

There will always be a day when you will continue to [kill 999 people for 1,001 people]!

Or until [the last person]?


Then, in the stunned expressions of the little princess and the others.

The man who they had already regarded as a cold-blooded machine actually began to roar hysterically and shout desperately in the room.

Then there were all kinds of shocking data, and Riku's desperate and angry roars that were more powerless than anyone else.

His unprecedented weak state was exposed in front of everyone for the first time.

His fists smashed everywhere, and he didn't care even if blood flowed.

His cold heart that no one could see through and made people shudder, but this time presented a completely different scene.

"What, what... is going on?! Riku he——!" The little princess opened her mouth and stuttered.

She was stunned! The sudden scene made her completely stunned!

A strong sense of contrast suddenly hit people. Ah! Wait, wait——!

Riku! Isn't he -- isn't he indifferent to Iwan's death? What is he doing now?

When the little princesses and the others saw that Riku still remembered the names, appearances, time, place, and how the forty-eight people died clearly in his mind!

Hiss~! Everyone who saw this plot was shocked.


No matter how hard you beat him, it's not enough.

No matter how hard you cry, it's not enough.

For someone who thinks he has no right to shed tears, it's better to bleed.

For a scum, a scum, a liar, that's more appropriate. -- Compared to something as noble as tears, hands stained with blood are more appropriate!

With a click, a heavy voice sounded, and Riku buckled the [lock] again -- that's it.

After venting, he returned to normal and became the leader of the human race who met everyone's needs, like a disguise, good at calculating and cold storage.

From unlocking the heart lock to re-closing the heart lock. This short paragraph, which is not too long, ends.

At this time——

In the palace, the little princess stared at the last sentence on this page in a daze. After seeing the scene of the heart lock being locked, she still did not come back to her senses.

The anger towards Riku before was just hanging in the air, and suddenly lost its target.

On the other side, the cat-eared girl Yuzuha, who also saw the progress here, was stunned.

‘——Before, was it all Riku pretending? ! He has always, always... remembered Ivan and the others? My God! This man! He, he, he...! ’

Boom! Like a bolt from the blue, wait until I finally finished watching this plot.

After reacting, everyone was in an uproar.

‘I TM, I was actually deceived by Riku's disguised appearance from beginning to end? ! ’ Hermitos, vampire loli, little princess... xn

Chapter 362 The fake human king can only protect 2,000 cabbages in five years!

‘I was actually deceived by a character in an epic? ! ! ’

Hermitos and the others were struck by lightning!

Even though Riku was the protagonist of a mythical war story thousands of years ago, in their eyes, he was still a character in an epic that only existed in the past.

They watched Riku and his friends' experience from a God's perspective!

But even so, everyone was still deceived by Riku's perfect disguise.

Some people who had been cursing at Riku just now were still in a state of confusion after watching the plot of Heart Lock.

The guy who was always thought to be a hostile force turned out to be a comrade in the end! ?

At this moment——the little princess's eyes wandered in the palace, and her face turned red.

Seeing that she was the only one in the palace and no one else noticed her current appearance, the little princess breathed a sigh of relief.

'——It's so embarrassing! It turns out that I saw it wrong! '

She had said some slanderous words to Riku before.

She said "I'm sorry" to Riku several times in her heart.

She really didn't expect that Riku was not without emotions, but he hid his emotions and accumulated them in his heart.

Now the little princess somewhat understood Ivan's thoughts at that time.

Riku... really has been carrying the will of the dead souls forward.

Such a hopeless, heavy burden——all borne by him alone.

Recalling Riku’s hysterical, desperate and powerless roar in the book just now.

The little princess was a little shocked and very uncomfortable.

‘In that kind of broken and crazy world, do humans really have a future? ’

But thinking about how good the human world is now, and Riku and the others were just humans who lived in this world in the past, the little princess regained her confidence in her heart.

Riku and the others will definitely find a way to make humans stronger in the end!

Yes, it must be like this! That’s why there is a world where they, humans, live happily and peacefully now!!

Just when the little princess was looking forward to and hoping for fantasy... (But in fact, she was thinking about Momoko, it was not the same world at all.)

Everyone continued to read the story behind.

Coron was clenching her fists, leaning against the door with her back worried about her ‘brother’ Riku, and then began to recall the past five years.

When Riku was a child, after the village was destroyed, he fled to the human settlement in Coron’s hometown, and was later taken in by Coron’s father... the village chief of that settlement and became her brother.

Later, because of the war between the Dragon Spirits and the Flügel, Coron's village was also [affected] and destroyed. (At that time, the "strongest" Altosh of the Old Gods and the "strongest" Dragon Hardirever of the Dragon Spirits should have challenged each other, but the Dragon Hardirever was killed, causing the other Dragon Spirits to declare war on the Flügel and the God of War for revenge!

From the description in the original work, the Dragon Hardirever also seems to have the concept of "strongest". As a Dragon Spirit, the Dragon Hardirever was born from the bones of the Old Gods, and was probably a little worse than the Old Gods, and ultimately failed to defeat the God of War.

Later, Yanlong wanted to lead people to take revenge, but failed, and was beaten to death by the Ex-Machinas halfway. It was still Conglong who was more cunning, and deeply cautious and [survived], and became the Dragon King who survived to the end. Funny)

From Coron's memories, everyone knew the reason why Riku was elected as the leader of mankind.

At that time, when all the adults were either dead or collapsed because of despair, only Riku calmly analyzed and led everyone to find a cave as a shelter.

After that, he said something that even adults couldn't say. (It was the words that Ivan recalled before, about the meaning of life that Riku gave him.)

[Swear to the will, those who can follow me - then follow me.] The thirteen-year-old child spoke last.

The boy whose hometown was unreasonably destroyed twice, looked like a real dead soul, but gave those who had lost the meaning of life a new reason to live and a meaning to die.

Five whole years! A settlement of more than 2,000 people, under the leadership of Riku, only 48 people died. This is something that Coron now feels like a miracle.

This number is definitely not much, and most of the 48 dead died in the [Expedition].

Among them, just solving the food problem, and the problem of the devastating blow that may be encountered after being discovered by other races - counting these various problems, there are still only 48 people who died.

When Claire and the others saw this, they were greatly shocked.

——How did that man do it! This! So cool!

In the face of this astonishing data, everyone has reason to believe...

Even if any person, any sage, hero, were in his position, it would be impossible to do better!

2,000 people, not 2,000 cabbages!

Even in peacetime, considering the poor living environment and backward sanitation in the other world in the past, it would be normal for 48 people to die in a year.

Even now, in the slum areas of most countries where humans live, the number of homeless people who die in a year can be comparable to this, or even far exceeds it.

During the war, Riku protected this group of people well!

"Monster... It's amazing." After careful thinking, many people trembled with excitement after understanding how incredible Riku in the epic had done.

The previous anger had long gone, and all turned into admiration for Riku's silent bearing of those pressures!

No wonder Iwan and everyone else believed in Riku.

No wonder these people are willing to put their lives on his shoulders!

Is Riku really just an ordinary human?

I have been playing the role of the flame of hope that maintains the sanity of two thousand people. I have been able to do that and my spirit has not collapsed yet!

In the eyes of people and elves, this is already a remarkable and great event!

Could the wisdom of the ancestors of the human race, who were in desperate situations, reach such a level! Incredible! Such an incredible miracle!


After being excited and excited, the humans remembered the price that Riku had to pay for his reasonable and perfect strategy.

…The blood in everyone's hearts faded.

Then a feeling of discomfort and sadness spread in people's hearts.

The last paragraph at the end of this page is Riku's inner words after driving away his sister Coron and taking a bath alone.

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