Is it just because he likes killing and war?

Hermitos would never believe that it would be such a perfunctory thing.

Then what is the reason! It must be for something! As a god, he is very clear with his wisdom and vision that there is no war without reason.

Looking back at the wars started by gods and tribes on earth in the past thousand years!

The reasons are very clear--!

Whether it is for territory, for faith, or for hatred, it is all for profit!

Except for the crazy people who are crazy about the concept of war, no god will start a world war that the whole planet will join just because he is passionate about war.

Other humans and elves are also curious and excited.

Just when they are eager to see how Riku will respond.

Unexpectedly, Riku rejected the proposal.

"Ha... boring information."

The reason for the start of the war? The cause of the end? ——Who cares about that.

The endless war, no matter what the reason is, what changes can it bring to the fact that it is still going on?

Not to mention the cause of the end.

If this condition could be met, someone would have done it long ago.

How can you think that humans can do what those guys who destroyed the world can't do?

Since his power alone can't end the war, so--

Riku concluded that it's useless to know.

However, seeing the reason why Riku denied it, everyone's faces were very interesting, and finally all blushed.

It's meaningless to Riku, but they want to know! !

The little princess shouted in her heart.

—— Too much! Too much! So much! Wow!

It aroused their curiosity, but didn't tell them directly.

It would be better if it wasn't mentioned. Now the girls' minds are full of the origins, conspiracies, and suspicions of various wars.

—— Which god wants to conquer the world and start a war?

—— Or is it a creator who wants to destroy other races and build a world where only his own xx race exists?

The things that the demon gods committed in the past were all blamed on the gods by people's imagination.

Their limited brains can only imagine these possibilities.

In order to quickly understand the truth, everyone continued to look back.

…Although Riku expressed that he was not interested in those things.

He pointed his fork at Shubi and narrowed his eyes.

“Change the conditions. The knowledge, mathematics, and design technology possessed by the Ex-Machinas—if I win, I will take that knowledge.”

Riku, who originally refused to play the game, suddenly said so, and his purpose was very obvious.

Although for the Ex-Machinas, what Riku just said was not very important knowledge.

But if humans obtain and use that power. There will undoubtedly be a better [tomorrow]! Having a better [tomorrow] is equivalent to having a [future]!

Everything is for "survival"!

“Survival”—this heavy word came into view, making everyone lower their heads in shame.

I didn’t expect Riku to be able to think so far (thoughtful) in that situation? No wonder he changed the conditions after refusing to play the game.

As expected of the leader of the human race during the war!

Yuzuha and the others admired it again in their hearts. That was a heartfelt admiration from the heart.

‘But what is mathematics? And design technology? ’

…? ! !

At this time, not only humans, but even the elves, who are known for their erudition and wisdom, and many forest sages, were a little confused when they saw this.

There is no such term as mathematics in the other world.

Although there are some simple calculation methods, they are not very important.

But since it is the [knowledge] that Riku emphasized to obtain.

They still subconsciously remembered it in their hearts.

There are no special annotations or explanations in the book. Many curious humans and elves have secretly come up with ideas. After reading the epic, they will go to the nearby library to find it.

He (they) don’t believe that the library of such a big capital (the capital of the elves) can’t even find the knowledge that Riku said!

Unless that knowledge has been lost and extinct in the history of civilization! !

Chapter 366 [Infinity]’s speech!

For humans and elves in the other world, it is obviously impossible to find a ‘knowledge’ that does not have an explanation term at all.

Their subsequent actions are destined to be useless.

When Yan wrote this, of course he would understand how those unfamiliar knowledge and words would affect the other world.

But he did it on purpose!

Starting from Ceylon City, it is not only mathematics, agriculture, industry, electricity...

Yan plans to develop little by little and gradually complete the transformation of the world.

As the lord of the first territory to begin to change, Rhine will become a legendary grand duke that will be remembered by the entire history of human civilization.

And Yan can solve some problems such as wanting to create some modern works such as the Holy Grail War in the process of completing the fun of cultivating the legendary grand duke.

Only by letting people understand and contact the modern world first...

The world view of the Holy Grail War will not appear so special and strange in the eyes of the people in this world.

He does not need to let the other world directly leap to the modern level of the earth.

But people must understand and recognize it.

Just like modern people watching science fiction movies, they will imagine that it is the future world. But if you watch a fantasy movie, it is a complete fantasy of the other world.

And because of the previous King Arthur series and the setting of the Heroic Spirit, Yan naturally cannot write it as a novel of "Another World in Another World".

In people's cognition, King Arthur is a real king who existed in the past, so the Holy Grail War... and even the singularity, of course, are stories that take place in the future!

The conditions for victory are determined.

Since there is victory, there is also the possibility of losing.

Facing Riku's request——

"… Yeah… Got it." Hubie nodded in agreement.

No matter what conditions Riku puts forward, it doesn't make much difference to her, and her goal from beginning to end is only one.

"What if I lose?" Riku asked.

"… [Communication]…" Hubie stared straight into Riku's black eyes.

"… I want to know [Heart]… The definition of [Heart] that Riku knows… I ask… That kind of information."

"Didn't I say that it can only be understood by reading the implicit meaning?"

"… Yeah, so I ask… to communicate with Hubie with implicit meaning…"

"… OK." Riku gritted his teeth.

——Do you really want to understand his [heart]?

People who saw this did not think that there was anything special about Shubi's behavior of wanting to understand [heart], but instead enjoyed the interaction between the two.

Although for Shubi, it was not her original intention.

However, no one noticed how "heavy" and "dazzling" that statement was to Riku.

...The game started soon. Staring at the chessboard, Riku pondered seriously for the first time in many years.

It is impossible to surpass the calculation ability of the Ex-Machina in judging the best chess moves.

But from Shubi's actions, his lack of understanding of the heart, and his failure to judge the meaning behind his words...

The psychological factor, that is, psychological warfare - that is exactly where the Ex-Machina [cannot calculate].

"——Checkmate." Riku was so sure, and set a simple trap, and Shubi was easily tricked and was defeated.

The little princess stared at this scene with wide eyes in surprise, "Amazing!"

Because there are detailed explanations of the gameplay and rules of this "game" in the text, she does not need to fully understand how to play this game.

But she still understood what "General" meant.

The calculation ability of the Ex-Machina in the book has been described in words, and people have already known it.

That is a powerful calculation ability that no race in the current world can surpass, and even cannot [match]. (The premise is that the gods are not counted!)

But Riku used his strategy to calculate the Ex-Machina! ?

——Too amazing!

Some ignorant and simple elf girls now worship this "human".



Huppi immediately took this situation into consideration and responded to it, and quickly counterattacked Riku.

It was as if he was saying again——the same trick will not work the second time. (Saint Seiya:...!...???)

That is the racial characteristic of Huhpi.

Faced with this powerful learning (copying) ability, Yuzuha and the others were also shocked and nervous.

It was just a game, but it was like another battlefield.

Riku and Huhpi seemed to represent the contest between fragile and ordinary humans and powerful and amazing Ex-Machina with amazing calculation ability.

Can humans really rely on their own wisdom to defeat the other side in the areas where the Ex-Machina are good at?

Yes, they are good at it!

For the Ex-Machina, there is probably nothing that they are not good at! If you analyze something once, you can perfectly reproduce it.

What are they not good at, except giving birth?

——You must win! Riku!

Everyone prayed in their hearts.

In this process, because the same trick cannot be used twice, Riku also constantly changes his strategy.

If you induce and lure the enemy mentally, and even add elements of psychological warfare, the number of strategies will be——【Infinite】.

At this time, even though sweat appeared on Riku's head, he became more and more excited and more and more confident.

'If you can calculate [Infinite]——then you can calculate it, Ex-Machina——! ! '


"So handsome! So handsome! It's Riku after all!! He will definitely win!" The innocent girl's eyes were full of stars.

I have been gradually conquered by Riku's personality charm. At this time, I saw Riku's mentality, especially the sentence - 'If you can calculate [Infinity] - then you can calculate it, Ex-Machina -! ! '

As human, the fans of the Royal Capital book are all excited!

That's right! If you have the ability, you can calculate [Infinity]! Hahahaha!

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