And in the following days, because of the existence of Hubi, a kind of machine.

Even Riku had to admit that thanks to her help, the accuracy of measurements and detection had improved.

The performance of Cole's telescope has also been improved, and the dairy farmer who was originally inefficient has also made slight progress.

If it hadn't been written in the books, the little princess and the others wouldn't have discovered that Hubi had brought so many changes to the settlement.

Now there is less need to go out for investigation, and there is enough food for [storage], and that kind of result is what the little princess and the others are looking forward to most.

The human ancestors of the entire settlement are moving towards a better future with the cooperation and help of Hubi and Riku.

It won't take long if this continues, even in dark caves, humans will gradually begin to live the stable and peaceful life they want, right?

Everyone in the royal capital felt refreshed when they saw the humans here.

This is history taking a step forward.

At this moment, no one can predict how sudden the changes in the future will be.

Just like the calm before the storm... Everyone was affected by this beautiful future and blueprint, and they all forgot what kind of cruel era Riku and the others lived in.

But can anyone really achieve permanent peace before the war is over?

Among the crowd in the bookstore, Hermitos, the god of alchemy, looked out of place as he frowned in thought.

It is too early to celebrate and rejoice now.

"Hi, Riku! Do you want to leisurely cook rice with your wife in your room today?"

"I told you she is not my wife anymore, bald man. Give me your telescope to watch for the rest of my life."

"Take a break~! Thank you so much last time. Thank you for playing with the children!"

It was obvious - the smiles in the colony increased...

Because now as long as they stay in the settlement, they can live peacefully without the threat of death.

However, seeing that scene, a shadow appeared on Riku's expression.

Andersen: “Nothing can be gained without sacrifice; if one wants to gain something, he must pay the same price.”

It was clear that the settlement was gradually getting better, but Riku's expression and Andersen's sudden appearance and words made everyone look slightly startled.

What's the meaning?

——The seemingly peaceful and prosperous settlement began to fall apart at the next moment.

Such words appear in the article.

[——Because I know it well, I can’t let down my guard.

Everything in front of me is just a moment of peace, the calm before the storm. 】

With just one "unconscious" action from the superior, self-proclaimed gods, the moment of "peace" will disappear like dust.

Forget that fact and live your life immersed in temporary stability, that may also be happiness.

But that happiness will disappear.

It could be tomorrow, it could be today—it could be now.

Did he give them too much hope?——A painful expression appeared on Riku's face.


"God" - such a word that makes people's hearts tremble.

When Claire and the others saw Riku mentioning, "Have you given them too much hope?"

Everyone trembled inwardly.

When did...even giving hope for the future become something that requires reflection and luxury? ?

It’s hard to understand! My heart felt so uncomfortable that I couldn't breathe as if a huge stone was pressing on my heart.

'yes! The war is not over yet. The war of the gods never ends. This settlement may be destroyed at any time due to the aftermath of the war. ’

Only then did humans and elves recall the tragedies that had happened before.

Yiwang's death seems to still be vivid in his mind.

Human beings are like ants and reptiles that humble themselves in the dust. In that mythical era...they were running around in the cracks of the earth, seeking survival.

Is it safe to hide in the cracks and pretend not to see despair?

...Believe that the settlement is already safe and will survive until the end of the war that will come one day?

Woo~! Having hope and then facing despair may be even more painful...

Andersen's words, Riku's psychology, and his gloomy, painful expression——

All these allowed people and elves to gradually understand this truth.

Then there was a kind of anger and silence towards the gods who were aloof and started wars without caring about the lives of humans and creatures on the earth.

The distracted people scratched at something unconsciously, as if they wanted to tear everything in front of them into pieces.

But only the books in their hands were tightly protected, and the stories behind them still attracted them to continue reading.

At this moment, only Hermitus, whose identity was the most embarrassing, had mixed emotions when he saw this.

‘——God? ’

Are there many cases where wars between gods have affected human beings?


Precisely because they are both gods, he can understand what a proud being the gods are. Hermitus knew the species of gods recorded in the epic, and there was no wrong description at all!

Even for a hero-loving god like him, the number of human deaths caused by indifference or indirect consequences has long been countless.

Many creatures died in the last God War. Isn't this the same as Riku's story?

It's just that the extent of their war was far inferior to the epic war that affected the entire planet...

Hermitos admired the spirit and soul of Riku and the others, and if possible... he also wanted to help these people overcome their difficulties.

But only those humans during the war.

Speaking of which, he only wanted to help them because he appreciated and liked these pure and beautiful qualities.

If it were any other human being, he wouldn't care at all.

Hermitos believed that he was essentially no different from the gods who caused the continuous extinction of Riku and his human homeland and were hated by them.

For humans, the definition of gods may be a kind of "evil"!

Startled by the shocking thought that suddenly occurred to him, Hermitus shook his head hastily.

After all... he is also a god, and he will never admit that gods are inherently evil!

After chatting and joking with each other in the settlement, Riku was dragged away later in the book.

Hubie was left alone to continue standing there, as if the soles of his feet were rooted, motionless, waiting for Riku to come back.

"——Little~~Hugh~~!" Suddenly being hugged by someone, Huby looked back silently and saw Ke'er standing there with a smile on his face and a happy face.

The atmosphere in the book seems to have become a lot more cheerful again because of Ke'er's appearance.

Everyone's hearts, which felt depressed for some reason, also felt slightly relieved.

Chapter 374: The abandoned city of the elf species destroyed by a mysterious enemy?

By the way——

With such close physical contact, the identity of the Hubi Ex-Machina will really not be exposed?

Everyone subconsciously imagined the feeling of two people hugging each other and their skin touching each other.

You can feel it even through the layers of robes.

They remembered that Hubie was wearing a very revealing and shameful mechanical outfit~!

Can't Ke'er feel the hard machinery on her body?

"What are you doing alone~? Why don't you go with Riku?"

"...Riku didn't say...that he wanted me to follow him..."

"Uh-huh! Don't worry about that useless husband, Xiu, and marry me! Leave this~~poor wife aside, why don't you just forget about that stupid husband~? (dilly-dallying)"

Look at the new illustration, the cute Hubie and the beautiful girl Cor who is rubbing against him.

The pure and beautiful atmosphere of the whole picture makes everyone gradually forget those "unimportant" loopholes.

Hubie is like an angel that attracts and heals their inner wounds. awsl! !

"——Hubby is so cute!" People who are healed by cuteness feel that all the heaviness is forgotten and has nothing to do with them!

The story continues. Later, during the conversation with Hubie, Ke'er seemingly unintentionally asked Hubie what he liked about his brother.

Hubie once again showed his human nervousness when faced with this problem.

The answer given was that he was interested in Riku's [heart] and [emotions].

Such ambiguous words made Ke'er mistakenly think that Hubi was referring to the emotion of "love at first sight".

If she sees through Riku's [sincerity] and falls in love with him, Ke'er thinks that she can safely leave her brother to Hubie.

After all, Ke'er thinks that her brother is not very handsome, and his personality is not very easy to get along with compared to others (showing Riku's cold disguise). She is surprised to think that Riku can actually win Hubei's favor with his sincerity. What a very gratifying thing for her to be a sister!

"Ke'er, you'd better change your mind." Seeing that his idiot sister seemed to be instilling some strange thoughts into Hubi when he was not around, Riku quickly pulled Hubi away in anger.

After half a day -

Riku finally left the settlement again.

Although it was described in the book before, their settlement no longer has to go out and run dangerously on the ground for "livelihood".

But Riku still came out, and he had a more important goal.

Be prepared for danger in times of peace - for the sake of long-term planning, it is not time for him to slack off yet.


‘It’s so relaxing with Hubby here. ’

Riku couldn't help but have such thoughts in his heart. Even though he didn't want to rely too much on Hubie's power, he had to admit that he was gradually getting used to the feeling of having this mechanical loli by his side.

...This time they are going to visit the ruined city that was once destroyed by the elves.

That was the place Riku planned to go alone a year ago.

Because the risk was too high, the plan was scrapped and has never been implemented.

But now it's different with the help of the machine-type Hui Bi.

"The abandoned capital of the forest elves?" Everyone looked at Riku's destination in the book in surprise.

"Isn't that the capital of the elves in the past? Will you see elves from ancient times?!" Someone murmured with wide eyes, and then showed a curious and expectant look.

Hermitus also showed a look of inquiry. Elves from ancient times! Maybe it will be different from the current elves!

And on the other side——

The elves in the elf kingdom felt very surprised and nervous when they saw that the next place Riku and others were going to was actually the capital of the elf species.

...They don't know how they feel now, or they should feel!

Moreover, the words "abandoned city" and "destroyed" are not good things no matter how you look at it.

Just imagining some pictures in their minds made the elves feel a little uneasy.

Their elven ancestors, no... what happened to those forest elves? Why was the capital destroyed once?

Originally, the elves thought that the elves should be much stronger than humans without magic.

Even in the cruel environment of the war, the elves should not have had a bad life!

But now seeing the ruined city...

I feel autistic!

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