The cat-eared girl's face was swept by the cold wind blowing in from the window, and it hurt for a moment.

As if by an illusory coincidence, she felt as if the wind was laughing at her.

And, were you deceived by Riku's disguise again? !

Ah! How is this despondency?

(It’s clear that Riku is planning to cause trouble!)

I saw the scene in Riku's illustration where he took Hubi and turned his back on the humans and left without looking back, waving away without looking back.

For a moment, people's eyes focused on his back, as if they had found their backbone.

Since Riku's mental state is fine...

Then he must have new ideas and plans!

Everyone who thought of this instantly became energetic and excited! The blood in my heart that had gradually cooled down started boiling hot again!

Everyone looked at the last words of the paragraph on this page.

At the same time, I still have some doubts in my heart. Riku is really planning to leave!

Has he really given up on the settlement?

No... Eliku's character shouldn't be such that he would do that.

But his spirit was clearly not broken, but he still chose to leave. Why on earth!

[Riku——What exactly do you want to do——? 】

Ke'er was convinced that the person who pried open the [Heart Lock] was the girl walking beside him - Hubi.

Ke'er sighed deeply - gently.

She asked Riku - although she expected that she would get an incredible answer.

Just like that, the answer was as expected. No, no, it was even more than she expected——

The words of the [original Riku] who is both innocent and bold, and full of endless fiery will:

"—It's just a game. What I'm going to start playing is just a—child's game."

Afterwards, the figures of Riku and Shubi gradually disappeared from everyone's eyes.

...Claire and the little princess were stunned for a moment when they saw this.

——Travel, games?

Although I don't know what Riku means by that.

But why do they have the feeling that Riku is going to do something very big!

That was probably something they would never have imagined, a whimsical and shocking idea.

But that handsome back, the confidence in the corner of the mouth, and the happy smile from the heart.

It seems that what I am about to do is just to play a ‘game’.

Then everyone felt a strange feeling in their hearts.

Although I can’t quite understand it, Riku looks so handsome right now!

There was a sense of expectation in everyone's hearts that they themselves could not understand.

Together with the anger and pain of seeing the sacrifice of the settlement and two hundred [Human Ancestors] before, they believed that Riku would get it all back.

And Riku did not disappoint them.

His eyes turned——

The plot of the story suddenly comes to a cave very far away from the new settlement place that Riku gave to Cole and the others.


The elf girl who has just turned a new page with a firm and supportive mentality towards Riku.

A new illustration came into the girl's eyes.

However, the expression on the elf girl's face was as she stared blankly at the 'dense figures' in the illustration, and was stunned for a moment.

Huh? ! !

...Well, so many people!

Is this the new settlement of Sister Ke'er and the others?

(Girl! In terms of time, the sister you call can already be your grandmother.)

But the elf girl soon saw an extremely familiar figure in the center of the illustration.

——Riku and Shubi.

Chapter 380 Ancestors, we are listening——! [Stupid] makes people feel envious!

The elf girl showed a happy expression when she saw the familiar two people.

"——It's Riku and Shubi!"

However, she reacted quickly!

Haven't Riku and Hubi already left the settlement?

So where is this place? Who are these figures?

There are many human figures gathered in the simply constructed secret base.

Of course the humans here are not from the settlement.

But the explanation of the identities of these [figures] in the book surprised everyone.

That was the one who still commanded the evacuation until the end, and died because of it——Those who were considered dead on the surface, including Riku and Shubi, were now surrounded by a total of one hundred and seventy-nine [Ghosts] in front of the round table.

"What do you mean?...Are these people all-!"

[People who were apparently considered dead]... After understanding the meaning of this sentence, everyone was shocked.

So the tragic experiences of more than two hundred people who died before are all illusions?

The expressions on the faces of the people and elves at this moment are quite wonderful.

Hermitus also opened his mouth wide and could not close it for a long time!

When they saw that Riku's spirit had not collapsed or been depressed due to the sacrifice of personnel and the destruction of his homeland, everyone felt that they had been deceived by Riku.

Because like Cole, they also believed that Riku was in a state of depression due to the destruction of the settlement.

As a result, they were slapped in the face before!

Now the truth is that even those sacrifice lists are fake? ! Is everything "fake"? !

boom! ! Everyone's minds were completely empty.

It turns out that the real biggest fraud is here——!

Lies, all lies...Likulenko and the humans in other settlements actually lied to them.

Bang! !

Bang bang! It felt as if someone was holding an invisible mallet and hitting their foreheads with a smile, making everyone suddenly wake up.

My mind was spinning rapidly... When I came back to my senses, I felt hot sweat on my back.

In a short time, they actually found many loopholes where [two hundred people] had sacrificed before.

——With Riku's talents, he has protected the settlement well for five years and only sacrificed forty-eight people. How could he make a mistake in the final command?

Everyone else escaped, but "they" couldn't.

This is a loophole.

Think about it carefully... The article seems to have described the specific items that humans brought out when they escaped. Yuzuha and the others recalled it.

It seemed that Ke'er and the others had taken out all the precious instruments. Even the bulkier ones were not spared.

The "bulky" ones have not been spared, so focus on them!

People's faces felt hot at the thought.

Oh my God! Yuzuha and the others feel like they are so stupid!

That’s it, that’s it! If Riku and the others still have time to direct everyone to move the instruments, they still have plenty of time.

Then it is absolutely impossible that we cannot even arrange for the last remaining group of people to escape!

How could they forget such an important point.

Riku, who has Shubi, a mecha, by his side...

If Riku didn't calculate all this, it would seem ridiculous.

He is such a responsible human leader!

Giving up the lives of two hundred people for all precious equipment, this kind of thing... Even Riku couldn't be so cruel as to make this decision easily!

The problem still lies here...

Riku made these people "fake death"!

They now broke away from the settlement and gathered together in another area. What do they want to do? !

Everyone's hearts were pounding. It feels as thrilling and exciting as riding a roller coaster.

For the first time, they met this kind of epic hero who didn't play by the rules at all and didn't take the usual path.

Time and time again, he broke everyone's understanding and made incredible decisions again and again, leaving everyone completely unable to guess his true inner thoughts.

In addition to being the ancestor of mankind in ancient times...the leader of the human species, Riku has a mysterious and attractive charm about him.

The "chemical reaction" caused by the addition of the cute Hubie has made even Hermitus forget his own identity.

People who had a vague feeling that Riku was about to do something big.

It seems that I have also integrated into that group of extremely weak, but as tenacious and vigorous lives as a spark of fire - that group of individuals called "human beings"! She was waiting with great expectation for that man's declaration.

What to do? Riku!

We're listening-!

In fact, Riku wanted to start that matter more quickly than the little princess and the others! End it all!

He said he wanted to play a game...

And what he wants to play is the game to end this dark war!

After looking around at each member, Riku——[Captain of Ghosts] spoke slowly:

"The final battle will come one day - I have decided not to wait for that [future that will not come] anymore."

The people around him were speechless after hearing this, but Riku continued speaking in a strong tone:

“Running for your life in such a world where nothing can be gained, praying for the end of the war—who do you pray to?”

"Are those destroyers who claim to be gods!? Or are they the gods who can't even stop them, or other existences!? In this damn world, just live in an ignoble way until the war is over - and then! What after that? ?”

The deafening words, which made everyone feel faint and shocked, seemed to be about to penetrate through the paper.

People and elves were delusional for a moment.

It was as if he had transformed into one of the more than 190 ghosts, listening to Riku's sonorous and powerful words as he waved his hands exaggeratedly and vented his emotions!

A throbbing feeling that they themselves didn't understand spread in their hearts.

What earth-shattering thing is Riku going to do with such a declaration? !

(That is indeed earth-shattering!)

Riku then shouted: "I heard that they are fighting for the throne of the only God. No matter who wins in the end, we can expect that bastard to bring a better future than the present one." Right?"

"It's time to admit it, this world... there is no hope." The tone was lowered, without any warmth.

These all seemed to be really happening around and in their ears, making Yuye and the others feel the hair on their backs stand on end! The blood all over his body exploded and spurted out!

It doesn’t matter what kind of doubts you had at the beginning!

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