Then Riku took out the white chess piece, which represented the king.

The plot that Yuzuha and the others saw at this time was the official start of Riku's tactical deployment.

"This is us." Riku, who said this, attracted everyone's attention.

The chess piece representing the [ghosts] -

- the white king?

It turned out to be such a crucial and important chess piece.

Before Yuzuha and the others could think about it.

Riku gave an explanation.

[The white king - that is the weakest chess piece, and it will not become anything else.

But it is the most important chess piece, and it will end if it is killed. ]

Correction -

"We are the king, but also - ghosts."

People who do not exist, people who cannot exist, and therefore cannot be detected.

The three consecutive negative words [non-existence], [cannot exist], and [not allowed] made humans and elves feel solemn and alert.

Inexplicably felt a heavy sense of mission.

... People who are omnipresent, but can control everything from outside the board.

Then Riku took out multiple chess pieces, all white.

‘Win the game without eating any chess pieces. Therefore, all races are——【white】. ’

Taking out the chess piece representing the white soldier of the Werebeast race, Riku placed it on the【board】.

That is the habitat of the Werebeast race.

“Werebeast race?!” The newly appeared word of race made the cat-eared girl Yuzuha, who was already concentrating, instantly show a look of astonishment.

Orcs… Werebeast race.

Could it be——

(That’s that could it be…)

When Yuzuha looked back, her sight turned, and the scene of the story had moved away from the previous cave and came to a forest.

Turn over a new page.

——The three Werebeast races eliminated their breath and were wandering in the forest looking for food.

An illustration appeared in front of everyone, in which the figures of the three Werebeast races were clearly depicted.

Seeing the human figure standing on the tree branch, the Werebeast with furry fur and a strong body.

“It’s really an Orc! Is this the ancestor of the Werebeast race——?!” With a tone of certainty, everyone said a question.

On the other side, the cat-eared girl Yuzuha also got excited when she saw this.

——It's the ancestors!

Finally, I saw their race! Werebeasts, orcs... It shouldn't be wrong to name them with this term, right?

Because of the confusion between the names of the elves, elves, and forest elves, Yuzuha was not completely sure for a while.

But she was 80% sure!

The girl selectively forgot the scene where Riku used the Werebeasts as [white soldiers], that is, "chess pieces"!

At this moment, Yuzuha's mind was completely attracted by the three Werebeasts.

'How did the Werebeasts live in the past? What about them during the war?'

It's impossible for her not to be curious about such things.

On the other side, seeing the appearance of a new race, even the elves who didn't have a good impression of the Werebeasts and still had a barbaric and rude concept also held the same curiosity.

So, under the attention of everyone.

The three Werebeasts in the book focused their attention, used their five senses, and followed the smell - finally, they found a target that could be regarded as prey.


The crowd and the elves subconsciously thought that the beastmen must have discovered a large beast.

According to the habits of the beastmen of their time, their food is still mainly beasts without wisdom.

Cows, sheep, fish, and even bears are all on the food list of the beastmen.

Although the word “beast” is in the word “beast”, they do not confuse themselves with ordinary beasts…

Just like [How can humans fall in love with monkeys], the beastmen do not think that beasts are distant relatives of themselves.

Applying the lifestyle of the beastmen of this era to the past era, it is natural that ——

Whether it is the humans in the capital or the group of elves, they all think that the beastmen who just appeared should also be prey to beasts.


This subjective conjecture can be said to be right, but it is also right to say that they are wrong.

At this moment, whether it is the elves or humans, they did not realize that ——

Sometimes, under the influence and constraints of the environment, as the instinct of biological survival, they will also make appropriate changes.

In the world and era of war, it is not easy for even the beastmen to ensure food.

After all, there are not many normal animals alive, and there are also limited other species that can be hunted without taking risks.

In the past, the beastmen did feed on wild beasts in the forest.

But no matter what creature, once it is hungry to a certain extent, it will become hungry and eat anything.

For example——

"——It's a human." A beastman said with joy.

'Although this animal is not very delicious, at least it can fill the stomach. '

The beastman who thought of this was communicating with the other two beastmen in a voice that only the beastmen could hear.

Even if the opponent is a human, you can't take it lightly.

You have to go all out to treat the prey, surround it, rush up——bite——

"————!?" The smile on the cat-eared girl Yuzuha's face due to excitement and happiness was instantly frozen.

She turned and looked at the three beastmen in the illustration with an incredible look.

Whether it is hair or body shape, they look not much different from the beastmen they are now. That’s right, they should be the ancestors of the beastmen in ancient times!

Apart from the fur on their bodies, they have faces that are basically the same as humans.


Wait, what did she just see?

The inner thoughts of the three beastmen and the whispered conversation just now were revealed to everyone without reservation.

“Ah wow wow wow wow!?” The cat-eared girl Yuzuha screamed and wailed, as if she had seen something very terrifying.


Their target is a human? !

Are you kidding me? The prey is a human? Is it a human? ! How can such a thing be——!


Even if the girl thought so, she could not accept this strong shock to her worldview.

She still widened her eyes and trembled to see the text behind.

Those extremely cruel words continued to describe like this;

[Three beastmen suddenly came out of the darkness and rushed forward. Be sure to seek a one-shot kill~! Just when their teeth were about to fall——】

"——Wow wow wow!" Yuzuha suddenly closed her eyes tightly, tears in the corners of her eyes.

——I dare not look! I dare not look!

She was afraid to see the miserable state of the human described later.

The teeth fell... and then blood splattered and flew in the air? Or was it instantly dismembered into a group of blurred mosaic pieces of meat?

No matter what, it is absolutely unacceptable! This kind of thing!

The extremely horrifying (cat-scaring) thing is impacting the young mind of this cat.


It's fake!! We beastmen are not so bloody and cruel! How could we be so perverted as to eat humans? ! The cat-eared girl, who still dared not believe this fact at this moment, fell into a great shadow and shock.

Chapter 388 [Marrow Explosion]! It's dark!

——Too dark!

The humans and elves watched the development of the plot with pale faces.

Wasn't it just that the [Ghosts] were in high spirits and united under Riku's leadership, preparing for a zero-casualty counterattack prelude!

How did it suddenly become a scene of beastmen hunting humans?

Especially Yuzuha, who was still making panicked cries at this moment.

Anyone who saw the cat-eared girl crying like rain, as if she had been greatly wronged and unbelievable, would be soft-hearted!

But... the "culprit" of this matter is not by Yuzuha's side now. Yan, who can't see all this, naturally won't worry about such things.

He naturally can't explain to Yuzuha what "fantasy can't be regarded as reality" is;

Yuzuha's belief collapsed a little.

This is just like humans can't accept humans who eat people.

Even as an orc, she doesn't want to believe that they, the orcs, will eat humans who look quite similar when they are very hungry.

Compared with orcs eating orcs, the psychological rejection is second only to it.

Andersen: "As long as the orcs bite lightly, they will die easily... They (humans) are the most fragile creatures on this planet."

At this thrilling and critical moment that made everyone nervous, before the orcs "bite" and the result appeared-

Andersen used the words that Tetu said to Izuna in the original work here.

He reiterated the extremely cruel fact.

This made Yuzuha, who had great courage and finally opened her eyes to take a look at the following plot.

She was sunk again!

Yuzuha, who originally had a little fantasy, fell to the bottom of her heart after seeing this sentence.

As expected, she was dismembered and blood and flesh were splattered!

Ah~! Ah! Wow wow wow wow~~!

'That's not right...' Although Yuzuha thought so.

Such a rude and unreasonable thing, taking humans as prey, is a serious abnormality in her eyes!

This is even more difficult for her to accept than seeing her ancestors eating raw meat and drinking blood. Yuzuha trembled, wanting to denounce such a bad behavior? Or was it a feeling of disgust?

But those people were our ancestors from who knows how many years ago!

Such a sad fact made her even more devastated.

Of course——

Those gods, humans, and elves who were also reading books!

Although they were also shocked, they were not as shocked as Yuzuha.

This kind of thing can only be empathized by beastmen, it is hard to understand!

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