Ahhh...Hubi actually...until now, is he still ashamed and blaming himself for that kind of thing? !

Just because I don’t want to let everyone’s efforts down... I don’t want to [lose]——

"Hubby!!" I couldn't bear it anymore!

Yuye covered her mouth to prevent herself from making a sound of collapse. Tears streamed down her face, and she felt more uncomfortable than ever before.

Chapter 403 Give me the link! You're a machine that doesn't understand emotions!

——What to do.

At that moment, Hubie had the only option left.

Considering Riku, this is the worst possible method.

The worst thoughts that seemed to overwhelm the self-loathing.

Even so - this is the only path to victory that he can find to bring himself into a situation of inevitable defeat.

"The only way to victory that can be found?" Everyone looked at those words blankly.

Then - they saw -

"Individual identification number \u0026 uuml: c207pr4f5t9 - Apply to [the first command body of the connector] for re-linking."

[Communication]——Call the Ex-Machina [Connector] that used to dispose of him.

——No response.

Jibril——The eyes tell that she will not deviate next time, and she compresses the light again.

(Everyone's pupils contracted, as if they could feel Hubie's sense of urgency at this moment. However, the source of that pressing... was the Flügel Jibril in the book.

——Hubi actually tried to connect the connector at this time? !

No one knows why Hubi is rushing to reconnect the connector at this dangerous moment...

But it must be something very important! This is the only thing no one doubts.

They could only watch reluctantly, watching Hubie continue to work hard. )

"Apply again! The analysis of [Heart] is completed, there is no time - please allow [Synchronization] - allow reconnection!"

—After a brief interval that felt like forever—the communication responded.

【\u0026uuml;c207pr4f5t9, your machine is in the state of permanent unlinking and the application is rejected. 】

As the footsteps of death approached, Hubie still communicated like a roar.

Everyone was nervously sweating over her at this moment.

‘Respond quickly! ’ The little princess and the others couldn’t help but think in their hearts, no matter what Hubi wanted to do... now, everyone supports her.

Since Hubie wants to reconnect the Nexus, people naturally hope that she can succeed.


"The application is rejected! Strong application information is sent to [Full Connector Command (Einzishi)] simultaneously! [Analyzer] Any report on Einzhi, Yuba Ein, your machine should not refuse to send it that power!"

Hubie refuted the [Command Body] of the connected body - and finally even refuted the other party - but there was no response.

Hubby was as anxious as shouting, but he still continued to communicate.

"——Yuba Ein... No, correct it... you stubborn guy!"


Everyone fell into silence, and some couldn't bear to stare.

What a cruel and cruel scene. They seemed to be able to feel the anxious and unable to express their emotions. Coupled with Hubi being forced into a desperate situation, all they saw seemed to be despair.

Just when everyone thought that there was no way that connector could respond to Hubie.


Everyone saw Hubi’s final state of mind and loss of voice after his defenses were defeated——!


"...Actually, I don't want to hand it over to anyone!...This feeling...belongs to Hubie."

——I like Riku and I don’t want to be separated from him. Riku has given me a full [heart].

I originally decided not to hand it over to anyone because - [People will be shy] Well...

[This is a feeling that only belongs to Hubie] Ah——! Such feelings——!

"...I say now...I want to hand it over! Don't you understand the meaning of this...Idiot!!"

——Because there is no other way.

Apart from that, Hubie couldn't think of a way to offset his own mistakes and let Riku [win].

'A way to let Riku [win]...! ! ’ When they saw this, the little princess and the others began to read in a daze, their minds filled with Hubi’s words echoing.

[This is a feeling that only belongs to Hubie], [People will be shy], that kind of feeling - I don’t want to give it to anyone!


Before the Connector could respond first, he recalled everything he had seen in one breath, every moment between Riku and Hubi. At this moment, whether it was a human or an elf, a cat-eared girl or...

They all exploded!

"Give me the connection! You piece of shit who doesn't understand what [heart] is!" Someone punched the wall next to him and shouted angrily.

Just think about something as precious as feelings.

What kind of mood did Hubie have? He had to convey his feelings back, but he was not [recognized] or [accepted].

‘The gods will get angry if they see this kind of thing! ! ’——Hermitus said this. He said this. The God of Alchemy personally certified it!

There is no doubt that it is love!

He dared to say that it was something more valuable than all the precious data collected so far by the entire Ex-Machina species!

Compared with those cold data, the value of the emotion called [heart] and love is the only one in the world!


As people read faster.

They saw——

Hubie had forgotten that he was in communication and shouted out!

"So... don't be wordy! Just pass on this longing!!"


The atmosphere seemed to fall into eternal silence because of this sound.

Everyone held their breath, their hands trembled, and their vision paused for a moment.

All the humans and elves who saw this, regardless of race... their hearts and emotions were connected together for the first time.

‘——[Connection] Ah! Will he respond to Hubie! ’

A machine that doesn't understand emotions...will you be convinced by Hubie's words? !

Anger, unwillingness, and the feeling of pity for Hubie.


【\u0026uuml;c207pr4f5t9, your machine is indeed damaged. 】

"……I know."

"Your machine is contradictory and defective, yet it still operates. That is an anomaly and a violation of regulations."

"...I know this very well."


"It is judged that your machine is valuable sample data."

——In an instant, the connection that was originally released——she felt connected to the connector again.

After a few years - sharing the feeling with the 437 machines including myself - that feeling came back.

"It is judged that your machine [qualifies for the special case], data synchronization - start."

"Actually... even... got fucked!" The little princess and the others were slightly startled, and then showed surprised smiles.

The royal capital suddenly burst into cheers!

During the cheers, it seemed that even the previous heavy atmosphere had taken on a new look, and the atmosphere began to become magical.


The feeling now - the feeling of being unceremoniously peeked into everything in my mind, made Hubie feel very uncomfortable.

She shook her head. Even so, it was necessary now - she had decided that way.

"In addition, before the synchronization is completed, all related actions that will cause damage to your machine are -" Forbidden - just as he was preparing to continue the communication like this, grasping the current situation - he stopped talking.

After reconnecting, all the circumstances of Hubi's current situation are known to all the machines connected to Yuba.

——The enemy currently facing off is Jibril, the strongest individual of the Flügel. (Although I feel that Xiaoji is still close at this time! But that’s what the original article said. Isn’t the strongest individual now the green-haired one?)

So the [Connector], which in people's eyes was cold and indifferent before, as if it didn't care about anything, suddenly got stuck...

Is this the emotion of being stunned, shocked, and surprised as if humans have seen something incredible? ! !

Even knowing that those machines are different from Hubi should not cause any obvious mood swings.

But at this moment, people couldn't help but make malicious speculations.

That’s right! ! It's the Ex-Machina fighting with the Flügel! Didn't you expect that? ! You guys are incomparable to Hubby!

That reaction also made Hubie laugh in anticipation of the synchronization being completed.

‘The fact that a single aircraft was confronting the Flügel but was still operating gave the whole aircraft the feeling of an abnormal alarm going off. ’


"Hubey is different! Woohoo!" the girls murmured with softened hearts.

But that [feeling] will be shared soon——

At this moment, Hermitos couldn't help but think about what happened when other Ex-Machina shared Hubi's [heart] and feelings through the connector...

After that, what will happen to the other Ex-Machines?

Chapter 404: Bet on these 251 seconds [Full Code Open]! Born as a machine, but with a heart!

No need to make any more guesses——

Hermitos quickly saw from the book that there was something unusual about the Machinas...

Hubie clearly pointed out in his heart that it was an emotion called [surprise].

Isn't it? Thinking logically, even excluding the fact that the opponent is an [Exception], the [Analyst] alone can fight a Flügel. This situation itself - is it impossible?

——But this is reality. What the [Heart] obtained from Riku shows——

Making the impossible possible is an indisputable fact.

[——Situation Control, \u0026uuml;c207pr4f5t9——Unlimited use of all weapons owned by the Ex-Machina. 】

What the Ex-Machina possessed - 2,745, an armed Dikai Network was disarmed.

"Use all kinds of weapons and firepower to fight, and [total destruction] is prohibited until synchronization is completed."

——At this time, if it is a human being——if it is a life with a soul, it should be said like this.

"...Can't you just say... [No death allowed]...?"

However, Yuba Ein does not understand the conceptual difference between Total Destruction and Four-Five...

Hubie's wry smile and complaint reminded everyone of the Ex-Machina girl who asked Riku to kill her at the beginning.

Understand the concept of death clearly...

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