It was located close behind Abant Heim, a fantasy species floating in the sky.

"——Aim. Correct deviation. Fix——Don't kill?"


Then, more than 1,200 [Sky Strikes] - a historic salvo that affected the fate of the planet.

From Abant Heim's [back]——attack [United].

"[Apocryphal Code]...? And [Sky Strike]?!" People murmured in a daze.

"——It's an Ex-Machina!"

Everyone soon realized that the 'proper body' of the existence that had just been having the conversation.

They have only seen the words [pseudocanon] and [diankai] in Hubi so far...


Boom! Like a pebble dropped on a calm lake, ripples continue to ripple.

Everyone was in an uproar.

What did those Ex-Machines say just now?

What are they doing! Launched an attack on the fantasy species Abant Heim?

Isn't that the place where the Flügel and the God of War Artosh live?

After suddenly changing the perspective, he saw the scene of Ex-Machinas launching an attack on the Flügel headquarters.

The little princess and the others took a breath.

When he realized what these group of machines were doing.

Especially that sentence: More than 1,200 [Sky Strikes] - a historic salvo that affected the fate of the planet.


The [Pseudocode] Sky Strike that simulates the Flügel's unique move is already a provocation, right?

Is this... a formal declaration of war on Artosh and the Flügel?

——The war has completely begun under such circumstances!

Confused... Everyone was confused when they saw the war that suddenly broke out.

And the one who launched the attack first was not the Forest Elf Alliance and the Goblin Alliance, nor was it Artosh...

It turned out to be a third-party force called Ex-Machina.

Or maybe other forces have already started fighting...! ?

Who ordered these mechas? Could it be Riku?

Before everyone's shock could subside, one question after another kept popping up in their minds.

I always feel that they have missed many "things" that everyone has not seen - such as combat deployment and plans.

Now they were stunned.

And at this time——

Azriel was screaming because of the sudden flash of light that burned the sky and the earth.

"What the hell!? Who shot [Sky Strike] just now!?"

"No, it's not clear! There was no reaction from Abant Heimne——"

The Flügels gathered in the Hall of the Amyrlin were in confusion and scrambling.

Some people started gathering magic, and some used space transfer to fly into the air outside.

This further verified everyone’s inner thoughts.

Machina! It was definitely the Ex-Machines who took action!

The Flügel would definitely not launch such a suicidal attack on their home base.

So, these more than a thousand volleys of [Sky Strikes]...


Thinking of that terrifying and magnificent scene, everyone's hearts trembled and they broke into cold sweat.


To the Flügel? !

Revenge for Hubie? Or what?

Oh my god, is this the strongest contest between these two God-killers and the God-killer race about to begin!

At this time, everyone who thought of the names of the [Killing Gods] of those two races was left with this barren, simple thought echoing in their minds, and they were so shocked that they could not recover for a long time.

Chapter 414: Kill the strongest person——[you]!

During the war, there were only Flügel and Ex-Machina, and they were described in the epic as the races that succeeded in [Killing Gods].

And they were not killing ordinary gods——

He is the supreme god at the level of creator who can truly create life.

The gods that the Flügels killed had already been exposed to everyone's eyes.

——The forest god, Kainas.

That is, the creator of the elves, who is currently not recognized by the elves.

As for which god the Ex-Machina killed, it has not been revealed so far.

The only known highest record is that they forced Yanlong, one of the three dragon kings, to "self-destruct".

Although Yanlong used [Yanlong Roar], which was a large-scale destructive light cannon [self-destruction] at the expense of his life, he was unable to do anything with these mechas.

It is said that the leader of the Dragon Kings, the Dragon King, is one of the three dragon kings, and has strength comparable to the God of War Artosh.

It is even described in the epic that the group of giant dragons in ancient times were actually beings born from the bones of gods—the weakest ones had the strength of lower gods.

Let’s not talk about that shocking secret——

It cannot be verified for the time being!

But Yanlong's strength will not be weaker than the gods, this is for sure.

Hermitos had always thought that the great deeds of the [Killing God] accomplished by the Ex-Machina were referring to the [Yanlong] and its subordinate dragons, which had a strength comparable to that of the gods.

But seeing that the Ex-Machina are now collectively marked as the hometown of Flügel and the God of War Artho——

Hermitus couldn't help but have an absurd, astonishingly bold idea in his mind.

The Ex-Machina’s great cause of [Killing God]——could it be completed starting from the God of War?

Although the epic says that the Ex-Machina completed the killing of gods during the war, it does not say whether it was the early stage of the war or the time when the war was about to end!

That is to say——

The God of Alchemy's eyelids twitched, and the heart-pounding and exciting thought in his heart became more and more enlarged.

Could it be said that the achievement of [Killing the Gods] accomplished by the Ex-Machina was accomplished in this battle?

The Flügels were in panic.

This is what everyone can see now in the epic, the reaction of the Flügels after encountering a volley of attacks from the Ex-Machina.

At this moment, Azriel suddenly remembered Jibril's words.

——Acting alone, he made a wonderful move that made Xiaoji even use [Sky Strike]... [Enemies].

It is absolutely impossible for my sisters to use [Sky Strike] on the back of their house.


"—Ex-Machina... whose stunts are useless imitating them like monkeys..."

Azrael suddenly realized something.

Although they knew that the [Sky Strike] just now was not performed by their Flügel.

But other races don’t know that…

And more than a thousand [Sky Strike] shots suddenly fired, what does it mean?

...At this time, the little princess and the others suddenly raised their heads, the shock on their faces finally faded away, and they seemed to think of something in unison in their hearts.

"——Declaration of war! This is the password for the [Flügel] to launch attacks on other races!" Hermitos said in surprise.

A smile appeared on his face, and he suddenly understood the "plan" of Riku and the Ex-Machina!

The [Sky Strike] imitated will be regarded by others as the Flügel taking the lead in attacking - causing a full-scale conflict.

I see--

In this case, after passing the Ex-Machina's [Pass Control]! Is Riku's plan still going on? !

"Ah ha~ How dare you do such an act of looking down on others, you iron filings...!!"

The little princess and the others could see things clearly at a glance... As the eldest sister and acting leader of the entire Flügel, Azrael could not really be just a pervert and idiot who only clung to Jibril.

Azriel quickly grasped the current situation, a ferocious smile appeared on her face, and she quickly issued instructions one after another.

"Raphael, lead the Nine Wings, and attack all the goblin ships that may launch [Marrow Explosion]; Sarakir, bring all ten to eighteen wings, and attack them as quickly as possible. To save the forest elves——"

Azriel hadn't finished her order when suddenly...


Even the humans and elves outside the book were startled. The enlarged and bold words "haha" and laughter suddenly came into people's eyes.

(How can you not laugh with joy as a God King! To be honest, I feel that if the game life can be linked with FGO, the God of War will be another haha ​​monster!)

At the same time as the loud laughter sounded, all the Flügel fell silent.

Humans:...! ! !

Elves:...? ? ?

The same startled thought arose in their hearts again: "Is he... laughing wildly?"


It was obviously a Flügel who was 'falsely accused' of being the instigator of the war, and even his hometown was attacked from behind... But the God of War was laughing? She seemed to be smiling very happily? !

What on earth was he thinking...?

No one could figure out the thoughts of the god, and for a moment they felt even more unfathomable.

"Hahaha! Really? The person who wants to kill me is [you]. You came unexpectedly early, hahaha!!"

Artosh continued to speak, this time speaking clearly.

Among them, he refers to "you", not "you"...

This makes people feel confused and confused again.

Obviously he couldn't be referring to the entire Ex-Machina species...

The quantitative title is wrong, so "who" is the God of War Artho paying attention to at this time? This is a bit intriguing!

On the other side…

Because Artosh continued to make laughter that shocked Abant Heim, Azrael asked with some trepidation:

"Excuse me, with all due respect, it is impossible for a mere Ex-Machina to destroy its master——"

(Seeing this, Hermitos shook his head helplessly, with a curious look in his eyes, 'No way - you have not paid attention to who your master really regards as the [opponent]!')

As Azriel thought——

As expected, it was still the same as usual, the master - didn't say much.

Is it divine insight? Or what about the power of the God of War? It's like - no, in fact the master seems to have everything under control.

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