(Let me explain here, how the God of War died in the theatrical version was not explained.

After the Ex-Machina sacrificed himself to transfer the power of "God Strike", Riku then used Starkiller, and then Tetu got the Star Cup... Artosh also didn't appear anymore.

There should actually be a section about the Ex-Machina collectively challenging the God of War in the novel version, but it was deleted. I don’t know if it’s because God of War is so powerful that it’s difficult to set up for the theatrical version.

Einzhi's words also explained that the God of War did not simply restore his energy, but that his existence itself was increasing.

Then we can boldly understand: This is equivalent to the container itself becoming stronger, which should break the limit of its original power.

God of War may have the concept that the stronger the enemy, the stronger he will become! This should be related to the concept of [Strongest and War]...

To be honest, Ex-Machina can defeat the God of War in this state, even if it only destroys the [Divine Essence] that symbolizes the body, it still feels like cheating! )

Chapter 420: The cold and heartless old thief Andersen! I want to see Ex-Machina and God of War!

——[Negative], all organisms observe the same phenomenon.

No way, it violates all the laws of thermodynamics. Even magic, as long as it is applied to elves, is only within the scope of energy exchange and distorts the laws of physics, and cannot explain this.


Mass is increasing—the concepts that encompass heaven, earth, and the world are becoming tangible and emerging.

"No way—what happened...!"

After Artosh used [Divine Strike] just now, his power should not be lower than the usual twelve rate.

But now...

"It's a concept... The God of War Altius is getting stronger!!" Hermitos murmured, with a very wonderful expression on his face, and a hint of shock and disbelief in his tone.

No, but what's going on? Even if it's just a concept, it shouldn't make the God of War instantly stronger in such a short period of time!

Could it be said that Artexu's understanding of [Principle] is already so profound?

As long as there is the possibility of making oneself "stronger", the activation process of "reason" will be infinitely shortened? ! !

Shock, fear...

In Hermitus' cognition.

Even the God of War will become stronger because of the concept of [war] that constantly appears in the world.

But doesn't it usually take a war to completely end before he can roughly collect that power?

But what’s going on now—

Or is his [reason] more than just [war]?

As for the name "The Strongest" that the God of War has always been mentioned by himself and everyone else, Hermitos always thought that it just meant that Artho's strength was the strongest in the world, and until now he has not dared to associate it with a "concept" A type of existence.

Until...the next page in the book.

Artosh seemed to have read Einzig's thinking - or maybe he had really read the mechanical thinking. He said:

"——The so-called strongest is the strongest because it is the strongest. What is the significance of the increase or decrease in strength?"


When seeing these words, no matter humans, elves, Yuzuha or Hermitos, lightning flashed through their minds.

...I woke up with a start!

"The so-called...strongest...is the strongest just because you are the strongest? What is the meaning of the increase or decrease in strength?!"

Everyone murmured these words in a daze, wondering what they meant.

The more I think about it, the more terrifying I feel!

"The strongest... the strongest, the strongest because of the strongest... Huh~!" Taking a deep breath, people kept repeating the words "strongest" like a demon.

For a moment, they were all shocked by those words.

...The human's face suddenly turned pale.

They already understood what the God of War meant - because he is the strongest, he is the strongest!

What a simple truth! If that's his concept.

Doesn't that mean that no matter how hard other races try to become stronger, even if everyone gathers together, it is impossible to defeat him?

Have you become stronger? But others will also become stronger and can always overwhelm you.

Bang! !

Bang bang! ! The sound of the beating heart could be clearly heard in the silent bookstore. Everyone was reading quietly and listening to their own hearts beating rapidly due to nervousness.

Then I felt a little helpless and desperate for that power.

How could Riku and the others defeat this kind of enemy, and what would they use to defeat it?

And at this time——

Einzhi in the book also understands everything.

Presumably, if it is the concept of "the strongest", the machine that has obtained the "heart" will start to think.

"To obtain the [concept] of [self], isn't that the possession of the law of will?"

Are they actually enemies of the law that represents the [strongest]...?

"Enemies the law that represents... the [strongest]?!! Ah~!" Everyone took a breath and showed incredibly shocked looks.


It turned out to be the manifestation of the [Law] itself. This is too terrifying!

Does that Machiavellian Einzhi mean that the God of War is the original law—a god who represents the concept of "the strongest" itself? !

Although Einzich in the book did not explain too much.

But people who have finished thinking about it and justify themselves...

Ahhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh!

Crazy, what a crazy feeling!

What a frightening statement that is——

The god of alchemy, Hermitus, was also stunned with fear.

Even today, most of the innate gods are born out of various [principles], that is, laws and concepts...

They only represent that kind of law, not the law itself.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many gods with the same [power] and [concept] in different worlds.

But that God of War is the manifestation of the very concept of "The Strongest"...?

Hermitos's mentality at the moment is probably like this - my mommy!

'Sure enough - we are different, we are different...ah! ’——The cry from the gods!

In the end, Einzhi could not figure out the formula for victory, and the calculation result...the winning rate was zero.


what to do?

Then everyone saw an extremely familiar scene.

The psychological activity that also occurred when Hubie faced Jibril once again appeared in Einzhi's heart.

Dual emotions and memories hit everyone.

[——If the enemy is unknown, then imagine everything you can’t even imagine.

Don't understand, don't calculate - in the end the only thing you can trust is your feelings - right? 【The one who left behind】】

"The goal is to cultivate the essence of Altes - assuming that things change every second, and even the laws can be changed - each change is dealt with in half a second - ask each machine, is it impossible for us mecha?"


That's right - no matter what kind of existence it is, no matter what kind of concept it is -

"If it exists, destroy it - that's us Ex-Machina. I hope all the machines will work hard and it's over!"


Facing the [enemy] that was still expanding and appearing, the entire machine shouted in unison.


The final...key plan has begun! The lives of all remaining Machina species are on the line, and the battle is bound to be completed.

Everything is just to fulfill the last wish of [The Willer] Hubi.


Also for [Riku]? (It’s funny, people who understand will understand. I’ve never seen all the Ex-Machines propose to Sora!)

Everyone watched this scene with trembling hands, wondering how many Ex-Machinas would be sacrificed after this battle.

‘——Can it really succeed? ’

They are no longer the novices who believed that Riku, Hubei and the others would succeed with their passion.

Hubie's death was a huge blow to them, and they were told once that the plan might fail.

Especially in battles where the winning rate cannot be calculated...

The chances of a miracle happening are slim to none.

Will it fail or succeed...if it succeeds, in what form will it be achieved?

Everyone is thinking about these issues with anticipation and uneasiness.

Then they saw-

I saw Artex's fearless declaration that seemed to resound throughout the world: "Come, my [Divine Essence] - tell the world the true essence of war, my poor [Weakest] -!!" Boom !

Thoughts explode like a cosmic explosion, like the creation of the world.


Then everyone discovered... there was no more.

——Danger! ! !

The battle between the Ex-Machina and the terrifying and unrivaled strongest god never appears again in this epic.

...Hermitos and the others hurriedly flipped through a few pages, but they couldn't find the scene where the perspective switched back to the battlefield where the Ex-Machina killed gods.


"No more?!"


"Ah?! Is this gone?" He shouted like a woodchuck.

Everyone's brains seemed to be exploding again! Me~?


Ah, what's going on? How did the Ex-Machina we are going to see kill a god? ?

Did it succeed or fail? Worri! At this moment, countless people felt as if ten thousand grass and mud horses were rushing past in their hearts.

They sensed the deep malice coming from the troubadour Andersen.

Andersen is an old thief, he definitely knows the process - ahhh! You didn't write it down, ruthless! You are so heartless! Ahhhhh!


The feeling of not being able to stop, of having a climax that was suddenly cut off, made everyone go crazy.

(Yan: "???" How do I know why there is no more at the back.

He——"Merry Andersen" also expressed his helplessness! The God of War is so powerful that the original author has not figured out how to solve the problem, so what can he do? Anyway, fate has already been set. No matter how strong the God of War is, the one who deserves to receive the lunch will still receive the lunch! )

Chapter 421 I’m sorry... Hubi... I still lost

——Is it over? !

Ming Ming had just seen the Ex-Machina challenge the God of War.

But they couldn't see the specific process at all and everyone went crazy.

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