Restia casually reached into the contract space and grabbed something.

With a vague, invisible scream, the 'thing' seemed to be frightened awake, and there was only a tearing sound...

There was a scream and wail in the contract space that made those who heard it cry and those who heard it sad.


Then a trace of deep black flame appeared in Restia's palm.

The flame was very deep and evil, like the magma of hell, with a scorching and corroding concept. At this moment, the concept seemed to be forcibly suppressed by something...

The black flame was trembling and staying in Restia's hand.


After receiving the order, a loli machine began to analyze the product in front of her.

So Restia and the Loli Ex-machines stared closely at the flame...

I noticed these two gazes, one coming from Restia (the gaze of the end’s emotions), and the other from the Ex-Machina Lolita (the creepy gaze that analyzes the essence of things, as if to dissect them)

‘——Do you dare to move? ’ It was as if there was a sound beating in the black flame’s ears.

‘…Don’t dare to move, don’t be moved! ’

In the night, the fireworks stopped jumping as if dead, as if they had condensed into ice, and stood motionless for the two of them to observe.

On the other side…

Yan felt something, frowned and looked inside... The demon soldier who had been forgotten by him in Java was trembling at this time.

‘Restia seemed to have done something to it just now——’ Homura thought.

Although both hands had been contracted by Jizaru and Restia respectively, and the magic soldier could only be left in the space mezzanine that he carried with him for a time, Homura still made a simple contract with the magic soldier after that.

So the magic soldier is now in the contract space in his body.

Just because of the existence of Ji Zelu and Restia, the proportion of magic soldiers in the contract space is very small and they have no status.

As a demon soldier with no independent consciousness and only a hint of pan-conscious instinct, of course he would not dare to offend the other two fully conscious ‘big guys’.

Especially when one of them is a former Demon King——

Therefore, after being forcibly broken open to the last 'one-third of an acre' that originally belonged to it (the small contracted space of the magic soldier), it did not even dare to resist.

(The demon soldier cried out unconsciously: Who did it, the perverted demon king!?

Sleep well, no one knows why it is being persecuted like this.

...Why is it always the unlucky one! It is obviously very well-behaved and timid, right? ! )

Flame seems to have remembered something...

The magic weapons transformed by the magicians are the same as the legendary fairy spirits, but they have the ability to evolve unmatched by other weapons.

Restia doesn’t want to eat this magic soldier to achieve ‘lv, up’, right?

Thinking of this, Yan shook his head... let this girl be.

With his suppression, even if Restia really wanted to swallow the entire magic soldier, he would not let the magic soldiers harm Restia in the slightest.

At worst, he would just keep an eye on the magic soldier the whole time, and take action whenever something went wrong, leaving it waiting to be eaten.

Hmm - I wonder how this magic weapon tastes. Will Jizaru like to eat it? How about letting Restia leave some for her sister?

"It's confirmed, Father, he will be there soon, right in front."

In the night, Joanna, the church elite walking at the front, looked at the demon's heart that suddenly beat three times violently, and said with a solemn expression.

This feeling——

"Father...Gain's heart beat three times. The blood of the true ancestor of the vampire is very pure, and his strength may have reached the level of [reason]."

"Is it a seventh-level powerhouse who has understood [Principle]? Huo... is even more valuable to conquer."

"But, Father. If it is really the seventh level..." The surrounding church elites were a little worried.

"It doesn't matter - I've heard the legend of that vampire. She was a half-hearted monk who became a monk on the way. She has been sleeping since she turned from a human to a vampire. She has not had a sip of blood in these years, and has not had a few combat experiences. In such a short time She cannot fully control her own power."

As the black priest spoke, he showed a sharp and fierce gaze.

"It would be great if her true strength can reach the peak of the sixth level. Now is the best time to behead her——!"

"Understood, Father!"

After listening to the priest's analysis, all the church members looked more confident.

If it were just a fake seventh step...


What the church members didn't realize was that just as their footsteps gradually stopped...

The construction team, which was not far away across the street, suddenly stopped.

"Command and promise - exclude products with the aura of the devil. Target sensing begins...successfully locking the target!"

Swish, swish, swish!

In the dark night, many figures in robes and hoods suddenly looked at the building across the street.

It was as if I could sense something through that building.

If anyone looks closely at this moment, they can see that their eyes hidden under the cloak are flashing with the brilliance of countless data.

Chapter 436 - Professional floor scrubbing for 30 years! Don’t stop until you say stop!

"What...what's going on? Everyone?" Tina, who was busy at the same time, her little face still stained with cement, stared dumbly at these [workers] who suddenly made a series of movements.

Tina suddenly felt guilty in her heart——

Damn it! What's going on!

Could it be that her identity was discovered?

Thinking of this, Tina quickly looked at the 'talent disguise' on her body...? ? ?

It hasn’t disappeared! Then what are they doing!

I noticed that at this moment, the eyes of these "perpetual motion" workers seemed to be focused on one location.

Tina subconsciously followed and looked over...

‘Although I don’t know what they are doing, should I imitate them? ’

Vampire Lolita always feels that it’s not right to be special by herself!


No matter, no one is working anyway! She didn't dare to move alone!

Like a husky that has blended into a pack of wolves, the vampire loli pretended to be serious and looked at the 'front' with the many machines in full formation.

"...It's Restia...What is she going to do? [Remove the Demonic God's Aura]?" He has been paying attention to the developments here. After the Ex-Machina suddenly reacted, Homura slightly sensed the person who gave the order and found out It's Restia.

Then he linked part of his 'consciousness' to one of the Ex-Machines... intending to see for himself what would happen next.

"Don't do anything in the city..." Homura, who had just taken over the machine, heard the new instructions in the mind of the machine.

‘It’s Restia’s order. ’

Don't you want to do it in the city? ...This is exactly what he meant. No matter what, let's move the position first.

If the city of Ceylon is destroyed... it will be troublesome to rebuild, and it will be even worse if the residents in the city are harmed;


A group of church personnel had just rolled across the street with a ferocious aura.

When they looked at the Mechas who were already waiting in front of them, they all froze on the spot.

...What's going on?

"How, how could...? Why are there so many... people here?" Joanna, the leader, stammered.

Although he knew that fighting with the True Ancestor, it was impossible not to make any noise.

Because of the special situation, if there was a fierce battle in the city, the priest would not ask them to kill every witness.

But if you can avoid exposing their identities, it’s better not to expose them as much as possible——

But the navigation led them directly to a large group of people? ! !

"[All. Code Open] - [Pseudo Code. Heavenly Shift]." Looking at these stunned church personnel, Yan suddenly issued an order.

Among the war machine Kai types, any analytical body can become a temporary [command body] to command the battle. This is the program programmed in when Homura created them.

Because there is no connecting body, only Homura's consciousness can connect many Ex-Machina at any time, so there is no such thing as "direct leadership" among these imitation Ex-Machina.

Although Yan's consciousness is not connected to the analytical body now, he has the 'highest authority' and can naturally become the temporary [commander] of this team.


Before everyone in the church could react, the Machinas all said in unison with emotionless voices, "[Code Opening] - [Pseudocode. Heavenly Shift]".

A large area of ​​celestial space passage spread out under the feet of the church members and the Ex-Machines.

"Be careful!! Get out of the way!" The black priest felt his feet were empty, his back was instantly covered with cold sweat, and he yelled with a red face and blue veins exposed.

But it was too late——

Even he didn't react in time, and the other church members were even more unbearable.

Outside the city of Ceylon, in the Elf Forest across the Domana River, a huge space passage suddenly opened.

Countless figures suddenly fell from the sky and fell to the ground with a dull sound.

Bang bang bang! !

Except for the priest and a few church personnel, who landed at a good angle and barely stood firm... the others fell directly to the ground.

Some people even landed face first on the ground and ate a mouthful of weeds and dirt.

Immediately following the passage, there were many machines that deployed their mechanical armaments and stretched out their robes and were suspended in the air——

With their backs facing the bright and beautiful huge full moon, dozens of machines looked down coldly without saying a word.

Under the moonlight, those mechanical accessories full of science fiction style are exuding a cold and moving luster like ice.

"Ahhh!" Vampire Lolitina just screamed because her body fell, and she found that her body was also floating in mid-air under an inexplicable magic power...

That was Homura controlling an Ex-Machina and applying suspended magic to it.

At this time, Tina, who was standing among a group of machines, looked particularly conspicuous.

The space channel that moved through the sky disappeared, leaving no trace of the sky being 'torn apart' on the forest.

The forest with rain and dew was covered by the moonlight, and the unique smell of the vegetation was blown away by the strong wind.

Looking at the figures with their backs to the moon——

The priest was shocked by the cold machines that seemed to surround them. He stared at those figures...

The killing intent overflowing in his chest seemed to have calmed down.


"——What?" After a slight pause, he asked the church people around him.

But no one answered Father?

The scene in front of them made everyone forget their words for a moment.

'What just happened? Why did they suddenly appear here? And those people... are flying? ’

‘No, that’s not right…these guys are not human! ’

Noticing the mechanical decorations exposed next to the skin, and the powerful military style of discipline –

A trembling thought came to everyone’s mind…

‘Humans covered with metal? They are definitely not humans, but some other race that has never been seen before? ’

[Never seen before] Thinking of this, everyone felt dizzy.

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