During this time, the girl would also whisper from time to time, such as:

‘Oh my God! This king is so outrageous that he even picks up the wives of his subordinates. ’

‘Sister Mei Li is so beautiful. Ah, if only she could be my mentor. ’

The psychological activities of girls are no less than those of teenagers before them.


"So, so handsome!" The girl exclaimed in admiration again.

Now, before her eyes, there was a new illustration.

In the illustration, Mellie is holding a staff in one hand and a sword in the other, elegantly holding the sword in front of 'Arthur' who is sitting on the ground, looking like she is teaching something.

This angle perfectly reflects Mellie's beautiful posture.

The girl opened her blue eyes wide and discovered for the first time that a magician could be so handsome and elegant with a sword.

At this time, Mei Li in the illustration is still dotted with beautiful petals.

This reminded the girl of the reputation of the 'Flower Magician' she saw in the prologue.

It was originally thought that holding a sword was a fighting method used by those barbaric and rude warriors.

Suddenly, the girl felt that the magician holding a staff in one hand and a sword in the other seemed to be——Isn’t it unacceptable?

‘Hmm! Woohoo! ! This - this is so foul! ’

‘Sister Mei Li is so beautiful! Ugh, ugh, ugh! ’

‘I really want to be as handsome as sister Mei Li. ’ The girl was rolling and acting cute in her heart.

All kinds of ideas kept popping up in the girl's mind like mushrooms after a spring rain.


Wouldn't it be weird for a 'magician' to learn swordsmanship?

She still had the last doubts, reservations and hesitations in her heart, but she gradually began to plant a seed called 'handsomeness'.

...Because of her past views and habits, even though she thought 'Meili' looked handsome holding a sword, she still rationally did not choose to learn from her behavior.


There is a saying that goes well: "Whether you are strong or not is a matter of one version, but whether you are handsome or not is a matter of a lifetime." ’

This also planted a small seed for the girl's future changes.

Continue to turn to the next page, and the plot at this time gradually changes from 'Arthur' learning swordsmanship with his mentor Mellie, and his daily life with his brother Kai to the high court part.

Because the girl had already spent money to buy the book, the clerk did not bother the girl until she had read it for a long time.


Girls are about to see the latest plot of ‘The Sword of the Chosen King’.

At the same time, more and more people entering the bookstore began to notice the 'protruding' cover on the bookshelf, as well as the quiet and beautiful girl sitting on the side holding the same cover and reading quietly.

Many people recognized the uniform of the other party's "Iris Academy".

For a time, many people became interested in the book the girl was reading.

In this world, magician is a very noble profession.

The eldest ladies of the magic academy rarely go out, and they are like noble ladies who stay at home, mysterious, beautiful and imaginative.

Even if Iris's female students occasionally come to the bookstore to buy books, they always leave after buying.

People still rarely see them.

It can be said that it is very rare for a girl to be so obsessed with a book that she sits directly in a bookstore like she is now.

Not to mention those who originally came to buy the 'hero's biography', for a moment——

Even those who were not interested in 'hero biographies' books were now interested in them.

They did not recommend the bookshelf, but quickly found a pile of "King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table" inside the bookstore.

‘King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table’ – pseudonym, Andersen?

When everyone picked up the book and turned to the first page, they were all surprised when they saw the unfamiliar pen name.

Chapter 42 The ‘Human Computer’ was successfully constructed!

Just when the story of "King Arthur" was gradually coming into the public eye.

On the other side, Homura is trying out his new 'biochip' production technology.

It was originally planned to use the body materials of legendary creatures to make ‘chips’ that carry the computing power.

Because he had no ‘material’, he was about to give up temporarily, but suddenly found a better option.

——‘Cell Computer’.

This was what Homura thought of after recalling the idea of ​​a certain scientist he saw on Earth. It was a method that could replace the 'biochip' to achieve ultra-high computing power.

Compared with the 'biochip' that needs to be implanted in the brain to accelerate the thinking and computing power.

The 'cell computer' does not require him to insert some 'weird' things into his body. It only needs to perfect some 'structure' in the body to achieve the same function as the 'biochip'.

Some scientists once proposed.

…The human body itself is a huge computer.

Since time immemorial, the human body's metabolism has harnessed the computing power of trillions of cells.

'Imagine a microtissue with billions of cells, each equipped with its own dual-core processor. In theory, this kind of computing power could far exceed that of a supercomputer, and only consume Very little energy. ’

On Earth, this technology has already entered the research and development stage.


Because the protein switch does not have the ability to process information, it can only process one instruction at a time.

How to add a multi-core processor so that it can process more complex commands and information has become a 'overcoming problem' that plagues this technology.

Relying on the continuous analysis and simulation of the [Simulation Star Chart] in the body, Homura finally obtained a 'result'.

——Use the magic power in the body to ‘frame’ and construct a framework for conveying information, thereby completing high-speed processing and storage of information, and achieving the realization of a ‘human cell computer’.

"Simulation and analysis begin -" Homura slowly spoke.

At this time, he was standing on the grass in front of Hidi's house, and at the same time he drew out an iron sword used for training as a novice warrior.

After "simulating" countless times through the powerful calculation ability of "Simulating the Star Chart", it was confirmed that it was correct.

Homura finally plans to start experimenting and developing a 'human computer' in 'reality'.

——The high-level sword skills ‘Cross Sword Technique’, ‘Whirlwind Slash’, ‘Super-Speed ​​Sword Swing’, and ‘Horizontal Square Slash’ are recorded.

These are the ‘Advanced Warrior Combat Skills’ brought by Hitti before.

Data correction and synchronization begin!

First, all these sword skills are analyzed and integrated through the [Simulated Star Creation Diagram], and then they are split and modified in detail to synthesize a new sword skill.

Finally, the [Simulated Star Creation Map] feeds brand new knowledge into Yan's brain.

at the same time--

The magic power in the magic corridors throughout Homura's body also began to operate at high speed.

Magic and cells begin to converge to build a 'cell computer'.

At this moment, the magic corridor in his body suddenly emitted a dazzling pattern of light, like a circuit board.

"Buzz~!" When the light reaches a certain level.


Yan's mind moved, and after relying on the cells in his body to process and calculate, he tried to swing a sword.

This time, without relying on the power of the [Simulated Star Creation Diagram], the muscle memory cells in Homura's body have accurately driven Homura to swing based on the 'data transmitted by those messages'.

Huh~! Soon, the 'analysis' results of the sword just appeared in Yan's mind.

‘The calculation error is almost zero. Whether it is the frequency of muscle movement or the timing of swinging the sword, even the wind flow in the air has been calculated and processed. End result - perfect. ’

‘Perfect’, just because there is no higher evaluation than perfection.

Although Homura could quickly master various skills due to the [Simulated Star Creation Map], he was able to master them perfectly.

Now it can achieve a more accurate level. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a thousand percent and one hundred percent comparative performance.

‘This way my computing power can keep up with the analysis speed of the [Simulated Star Creation Chart]. I just don’t know how the computing power compares to the Ex-Machina in ‘Game of Life’.

Coupled with the powerful analysis ability of [Simulating Star Creation Diagram], you can perfectly imitate the opponent's skills the moment you fight with the enemy. No...the ability analyzed and modified by the [Simulated Star Creation Diagram] will only become more powerful. Adding this calculation power——' Yan thought for a moment, then looked at the sword in his hand, with a smile in his eyes.

The 'super computer' that directly acts on the cells analyzes all the unfavorable factors and techniques in the battle, and then quickly responds to all parts of the body through the muscle memory cells.

Take the most appropriate action with the fastest reaction speed.

Homura was on the lawn and continued to use the improved and fused new sword skills.

This new set of swordsmanship not only inherits the advantages of the previous swordsmanship, but is also more lethal. When the sword was swung in the air, it was also imbued with magic power as red as thunder.

Under Yan's precise calculation, the high-concentration compressed magic power perfectly covered every part of the sword, maintaining the balance of magic power, keeping the red magic power on the sword from dissipating, and at the same time increasing the lethality of the sword.

The sword vibrates at a high frequency in conjunction with the sword skill, and objects touched by the sword instantly collapse.

At this time, Yan was like the combination of Lancelot and Mordred, and the 'magic swordsmanship' was raging across the entire land.

After practicing a set of sword skills.

"Very good, then it's time to start the second test." Yan said slowly.

At this time, the sharp sword in his hand also turned into dust due to the high-intensity vibration and the infusion of magic power.

If Yan hadn't been using magic power to maintain its form, it might have collapsed long ago.

"It seems that we need to find some hard materials to build a magic weapon for ourselves." Looking at the scene in front of him, Yan frowned.

He needs a magic weapon that can withstand his surge of magic power and is powerful enough to allow him to perform various 'advanced sword skills' at the same time.


Perhaps the heroic spirit’s ‘Noble Phantasm’ would be a good choice.

An idea suddenly appeared in Yan's mind:

‘Can we use the analysis ability of [Simulated Star Creation Diagram] and add [Projection Magic] to copy a bunch of Noble Phantasms? ! ’

Theoretically, as long as you can "understand" it, you can imitate and construct a Noble Phantasm that is indistinguishable from the original.

Even a flashy EA can project as long as it understands its structure.

Shirou and Red A in the original work were unable to project EA, because they simply could not understand the structure of EA.

Similarly, although he can project A=V=alon, it is because Avalon has been buried in his body for ten years.


The biggest limitation of projection magic does not seem to exist for Yan.

One is the [Simulated Star Creation Chart], which analyzes the three theories of heaven and the world's cosmology.

The other is the "projection magic" created by God, which you can rub with your hands as long as you can recognize it.

Imagine that you will rub EA with your left hand, rub the sword of the end with your right hand, and then release the "water gun" at the same time.

Yan's eyes suddenly lit up!

Chapter 43 Two girls who also long for "father's love"!

If mortals want to fight many powerful enemies with their poor strength, they can only burn and sublimate in the extreme.

But humans are living creatures and have the instinct to keep themselves alive.

Even if you force yourself to fight with all your strength in your heart, your instinct will not allow you to exceed that limit.

It will specially distinguish and retain the part that is enough to maintain life functions from the power you usually drive.

The second test that Yan has to do is to use the absolute control of the body by the "human computer" in the body at this time to unlock the "instinct bondage".

"Concentrate all the strength you possess into just one minute, and use it up completely, in order to create an explosive burst of combat power in an instant." Yan muttered to himself as he thought.

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