…I…NM! Old thief Andersen!

At this moment, Claire’s head was filled with the fragrance and the words “Did you hear that——. This kind of relationship is called——————ah”.

She was thinking “——————ah” now



[So what is this kind of relationship called? ] Why did the dialogue suddenly disappear at such a critical and important place?

Claire even wondered if she had become a mentally retarded person.

On Earth, it would be like the clip she was browsing…was deleted by the Scarlet King!

No, it was really me who was mentally retarded! I ignored it and missed a part!

Ah? Ah? ? Ah? ? ?

“Friend? Best friend? Partner? Brother? Wife? My TM——woo, my mentality exploded!” In the other side of the royal palace, the little princess also directly swore at this moment.

This is the language she learned from the white dragon when she was on the top of the snowy mountain.

According to the stupid dragon, she also learned it from a pink-haired magician. As for who the pink-haired magician learned it from, she didn't know.

(Ah Qiu! Hitti, who was reading the Internet "Civilization" language section of the Earth Encyclopedia at this time, sneezed loudly. The girl felt a deep malice, and the cancer called nesting dolls was approaching her!)

"Sure enough... Gilgamesh also loves Enkidu... Enkidu must have turned into a girl. The confession of love, that "fool". It's obviously an insult, why do I want to be said in that tone?!"

After a period of madness, she read it again and again to make sure that there was really no final "answer". Claire could only resist the urge to tear up the book, and recalled the conversation between the two several times, and then murmured with mixed feelings.

Although I didn't see the real scene, I had already imagined Gilgamesh speaking in a gentle tone with a frown.

Then Enkidu lit up the entire star and the world! !

OK -

I'm a fan of this couple!

"Although the king must be aloof! He must have no friends! Isn't this the case?!" Claire.

Thinking of Arthur who was pitted by the Round Table, and the Grand Duke who was betrayed and distrusted by the people... and finally sent to the guillotine.

This world... there really is friendship for the king!

Afterwards, Gilgamesh did begin to restrain himself under Enkidu's advice.

Gradually, he reappeared the extremely wise attitude of his childhood, which was the ideal form of the king in the hearts of humans.

It seems that even Gilgamesh thinks that as long as Enkidu exists around him, even if he does not continue to follow the way of protection that stimulates human growth, but truly becomes a wise king in the eyes of people...

It seems that it is not bad!

What he couldn't accomplish alone, if two people did it...

Even a proud Gilgamesh would smile when he thought of this friend, recognizing his ability to accompany him.

——In the whole world, there is only one person who can be recognized by Gilgamesh and called "friend"!

The combination of Gilgamesh and Enkidu can even defeat the terrible Humbaba, and even the gods can hardly suppress his edge-not to mention challenging their own destiny!


Just when Uruk was gradually prospering with the joint efforts of the two.

The revengeful anger from the goddess Venus came.

Chapter 459 Anu: Seven years of poor harvest, are you ready?

"It is not enough to protect like a spring breeze. Sometimes the bitter north wind is also necessary." Gilgamesh said.

This idea made his friend Enkidu fully understand him.

Accompanied by his friends, Gilgamesh guided Uruk onto the right track and gave it prosperity, creating a flourishing civilization, and thus became an excellent tyrant.

The spring breeze and the north wind exist at the same time! The glory of the entire Uruk belongs to the hero king and Enkidu.

The angry goddess fled back to heaven and found her father Anu and mother Antum.

Gilgamesh did not hide this matter.

According to Gilgamesh's understanding of the goddess, even if he accidentally broke his own bedroom, she would run to her father god Anu to cry.

He could also think with his toes that the goddess would retaliate against him because of the rejection of marriage...

But no matter what the challenge is, Gilgamesh is confident that he can solve it.

When Ishtar was ridiculed mercilessly, Gilgamesh was mentally prepared.

Anyway, he would never marry her.

And this Venus goddess is not much different from the spoiled young lady among humans who has been spoiled since childhood.

This is one of the reasons why Gilgamesh hates her...

Goddess? Just an immature and annoying woman. (How can ordinary women and goddesses be as good friends? It's ridiculous. She satisfied Gilgamesh's "fighting" ability that made all the people of Uruk feel a strong pressure. Ordinary people and gods probably can't do it.)

And in the heavens-

Ishtar also said: "My father, Gilgamesh insulted me.

Gilgamesh not only listed my evil deeds, but also your evil deeds. He listed many of your stupid mistakes."

Ishtar continued to speak to her father Anu:

"My father, in order to destroy Gilgamesh, make me the 'Bull of Heaven'.

Would Gilgamesh use #@? #^(too fragrant and muffled here) fill up. "

It's not enough to just act coquettishly, pretend to be pitiful and give Gilgamesh a shit basin...

Ishtar even began to threaten her father:

"If you don't make the 'Bull of Heaven', I will break down the gate of Hades.

I will open the gates of Hades, and I will awaken the dead and let them eat and drink like the living! "

"There are more dead than alive! Humph, that seems to be a very interesting thing!" As he spoke, Ishtar seemed to be more than just threatening, but actually a little interested.

One sentence can describe this goddess very well——

It is the duty of a goddess to protect human beings. However, Ishtar’s so-called protection is to laugh and think at the same time.

"Should we let humanity continue to survive or let humanity perish?"

It can be described as a true devil of Venus (red).

Ishtar in this epic is described in the version of Rin who was possessed by the gods.

It can be said that she has tried her best to hide the evil side of the goddess...

But after all, he is still a god in mythology.

People don't understand the difference.

However, the current goddess of Venus's bad character and the terrifying threat she poses to human beings are enough to make people fearful.

The little princess and the others opened their eyes wide and couldn't believe...that there were such vicious women in this world.

Is she really the goddess of beauty, harvest and fertility? Rather than being disguised as some evil god or evil god? !

Why would the gods like and favor such a woman——

They are blind! ?

Thinking of Gilgamesh's series of taunts to the goddess of Venus before in the epic, and all her sins. (There is a shortened section in the epic, the description of Shining mocking Ishtar)

Thinking about it, in order to get the God King to help, she even deceived the God King...

He said, "Gilgamesh also criticized the evil deeds of the God King" and threatened his doting father——

[If you don’t help me, open the door to the underworld and make the world a purgatory. 】

"Too vicious!"

"This goddess..." If they live in the area of ​​beauty and fertility controlled by that goddess.

Thinking of the series of disasters caused by Ishtar's descent to the underworld...

Even because she tricked the faun to death, Gilgamesh and Enkidu had to take action against Humbaba.

Think about it this way——

It turns out that Ishtar is the cauldron of disaster in this world! !

And on the other side...

The God King's face darkened and he said:

“If I do what you ask me to do, there will be seven years of bad harvests.

Have you ever stored up good grain for people? Have you ever made the grass flourish for animals?"

Anu clearly told her daughter that the creation of the bull in the sky would bring disaster to humans on the earth.

The meaning of his words was to ask Ishtar if he was ready to help the humans on the earth to overcome the hunger of grain and grass.

‘How could that evil-tempered goddess prepare these things in advance? ’ This idea immediately came to people’s minds.

He will express his duty as a guardian while laughing and thinking, "Should we let mankind continue to survive or let mankind perish?"

The goddess who protects humans and protects the people who believe in the gods in this way...

It would be nice if he doesn't have any ill intentions toward humans.


Ishtar had something to say and said to her father Anu:

"Don't worry, I have already stored grain for people and prepared enough fodder for beasts.

Even if seven years of bad harvests do come, I have already stored up grain for people and made the grass lush for animals. "

Sure enough, it’s a p!

People's eyes widened suddenly, wondering whether they had read the words or were blinded by their strength...

Do you see black as white? !

‘No, it’s impossible! How is that possible? ! This is completely different from the bad goddess I imagined! Is it a lie? ’

Everyone thought for a while in confusion.

Could Ishtar be a liar?

Others may be fooled.

But as a father, how could Anu not understand her temperament. She must be lying to herself!


Anu thought about the rumors that Gilgamesh was now very close to Enkidu, the Lock of the Sky.

In order to maintain the bond and bridge between gods and humans... they intentionally guided the birth of Gilgamesh, a man created by the gods.

Gilgamesh is the wedge of heaven——

Even though he has the blood of gods and is a human being, he can help the gods better manage and rule humans.

...and Enkidu, the Lock of the Sky, was created to warn the Wedge of the Sky to prevent him from being disobedient.

The Lock of the Sky, now the supervisor, is so close to the Wedge of the Sky, Gilgamesh, who needs to be disciplined.

Even if Enkidu has completed the discipline to Gilgamesh to a certain extent...

Let him change from a tyrant to an excellent tyrant loved by people.

But this is not what the gods want.

Heaven's Lock and Heaven's Wedge should really teach them a lesson.

What they finally need to understand...

How can humans or those created by God disobey their protector, God?

"God Anu...! He——!" Hermitos opened his eyes wide when he saw this.

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