He actually didn't use it on himself.

At this moment, Yuzuha and the others were in awe. He saw through the life-like spiritual growth, and it turned out that it was really not a boast, nor was it a helpless statement because the elixir was stolen.

As the hero king of mankind, he actually resisted the temptation of immortality.


At least I can live another life! He is worthy of being the hero king among heroes.

Sumerian region, the oldest heroic epic of mankind. )

Harut didn't say a word. Even Hermitus couldn't understand it, but he sincerely admired this act of giving up the life span that was within reach.

Faced with this temptation - if he were not a god, he wouldn't be able to resist it.

This kind of courage and this strong unshakable will are indeed beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

...However, they kind of understood it.

It’s like being brave enough to make oneself equal to the truth of the universe;

Or maybe it's the bad government when people are drunk and dreamy and ignorant.

Everything he did was undoubtedly the king's decree.

This is probably what the absolute king is.

...Gilgamesh had an epiphany about life and death and returned to Uruk. Finally, with the support of the high priest Siduri, he began to govern the Kingdom of Uruk.

In the second half of his life, he worked hard and worked hard, which eventually led to his death from fatigue.

(Hmm... He is indeed a great emperor. Even without the supervision of his friend Enkidu... King Gilgamesh has grown into a wise monarch!

Huh? etc--

Claire and the others suddenly widened their eyes. Something is wrong. )

‘In the second half of my life, I worked hard and worked hard, but eventually I died of fatigue. ’

Everyone read this sentence over and over again.

Suddenly confused~!

Die, die, die! !

? ? ? Really dead?

...like the great flood that rolled up Nabistin and swallowed up the world.

The storm and tsunami formed by the gathering of hearts swallowed people up completely.

That King Gilgamesh, a powerful king that even gods cannot defeat, ahhh——! ? Just die?

Ishtar: "!?"

"There's really a funeral going on—!?"

"Siduri, what on earth is going on——!"

The epic seems to span a long plot and jump directly to a new scene.

It was at the funeral of Gilgamesh. The goddess of Venus and a group of "mysterious" visitors dressed in completely different styles from Uruk were questioning a beautiful woman wearing a veil.

That was Siduri, the chief priest of Uruk.

Siduli: "Ah...everyone...everyone is back safely..."

Siduri: "But...it's a pity. King Gilgamesh...has..."


Yue Ye and the little princess were all focusing on the 'funeral' at the moment.

Really hung up. But how can we kill that king?

Everyone subconsciously ignored the word 'death from overwork' described in the epic.

How could a great king, a glorious king who was born great and deserved to die, die from overwork?

No! Absolutely not!

It was like a magnitude 10 earthquake, causing people's hearts to tremble.

Everyone would never believe that Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, would end his life in such a 'way'.

"That's right, King Gilgamesh cannot be killed!" A familiar yet unfamiliar figure suddenly appeared in front of people's eyes along with the illustration, and those words that seemed a bit urgent and unbelievable.

White robe, silver hair, and dreamy eyes——

Gender is male!

"Mei..." Before the word Li could be spoken, everyone suddenly reacted.

This is not Meili, it should be another individual from a parallel world similar to Meili. (Reviewing the final volume of King Arthur for details, Mellie and Merlin are aware of each other's existence. Further popularization of the concepts of parallel worlds and different worlds. People know that Melly also has a male version.)

"I remember... it's called Mei... Lin?!" Yu Ye said uncertainly.

Merlin: "He is a man who has insight into the future and took the initiative to become a magician! He should have been fully prepared to deal with the assassination!"

"In order to avoid death on the battlefield, he made a promise with me to insist on commanding from the throne!?"

Although for Merlin, due to some indescribable reasons, many male compatriots, and even female compatriots, looked at the male version of the flower magician in front of them with disgust.

There were even some excited people, their eyes filled with murderous intent and hostility. They felt that the male version of the flower magician in front of them should not exist, and their illusions were shattered.

But at this moment, everyone nodded in agreement with every word Merlin said. Reluctantly standing on a united front.

that is! that is!

That's King Gilgamesh! How could he die so easily!

Chapter 468 The self-cultivation of a king! Shouting: As expected of King Gilgamesh!

"Who on earth, and by what method, could kill Gilgamesh like this!"

"Merlin is mad..." Among the mysterious people, a young man with black hair said.

It seemed like it was the first time I saw Merlin...

Merlin, who always remained calm and collected, showed such an expression for the first time.

Chief Priest Siduri: "...About the cause of the king's death, that was——"

Siduli seemed to be lost in memories.

Then everyone saw Gilgamesh's last scene through her perspective.

Gilgamesh: "How... oh oh... how terrible this is...

I didn't expect it to be so sharp...! "

Siduli waited quietly on the side and asked with concern: "King Gilgamesh!? Why is your whole body trembling suddenly? Are you feeling unwell!?"

Gilgamesh: "No, you idiot! The design for the Fang of Nabistin is finally completed!"

Gilgamesh raised the corners of his mouth 'calmly', as if it was true as he said, he is very well now!

If only that strong body could be more stable! Maybe it will be more convincing.

Or, as King Gilgamesh said, he was trembling with excitement because of the completion of his new masterpiece.

At this time, I remembered the words 'death from overwork', and everyone who looked at the words and illustrations in front of them felt a little frightened.

No - it shouldn't be... really, right?

Death from overwork, no matter how you put it, is a bit...

Gilgamesh: "Take a look. Then be stunned! This is my king's proud work. Send this to the weapons shed."

After finishing speaking, Gilgamesh paused for a moment and added: "There is no time. Let them not be in Uruk, but make it directly on site and complete it within two days."

Siduli: "(Huh...) It turns out that the royal aura is as touching as ever.

Oh oh...this is..."

Siduli took a breath, and then——she looked at the drawing.

'It will automatically combine into segments when exposed to external pressure. It only takes ten seconds to complete such a transformation (plan)...! ’

Siduri: "It is simply a great work of genius...! King, maybe you should explore the path of becoming an architect!?"

(The cold sweat on the foreheads of the little princesses is about to cross the world, time and space, and become Genghis Khan!

How is it possible? This little priestess...that is the proud King Gilgamesh!

There is no way I would want to go——)

However, before the idea was fully born, something even more shocking happened.

Facing Siduri's words, Gilgamesh not only remained undisturbed, but actually had a faint smile on his face.

"Don't praise me so much, it will really make me hesitate. I originally wanted to study architecture. Only in this way can I be considered unique."

Gilgamesh: "Speaking of which, the intertwined structure here is formed by hydraulic pressure, forcing it upward like a wave.

Because it resembles the action of drinking a large glass of ale, it is called the cup-rising pose. How about it? "

Siduli exclaimed: "It's perfect. Let's apply for a patent by the way."

(‘Specialize…specialize for what?’ Everyone looked at the conversation between the master and servant, the king and the chief priest, as if no one was watching.

Well... they really don't know that there is a group of people 'watching'; but does the king still want to study architecture? Even apply for transfer...

Gilgamesh's answer was completely unexpected.

It was not at all like the words he would say with the proud gesture he displayed in his previous epics.

And Wang wants to study architecture——

This is the first time that Harut, the hero king of another world, and the well-informed god Hermitos have heard of and understood this kind of thing.

Harut felt even more ashamed for himself and his Majesty the King.

It seems that they who are called kings are really incompetent for their duties! No matter in terms of strength or talent, they are completely incomparable to the great His Majesty Gilgamesh.

But how did the tyrant become like this now——?

Did your temperament also undergo earth-shaking changes after you had a great enlightenment in life? )

Then Siduli mentioned a few terms that everyone felt were unknown, "This is the so-called secret weapon to deal with the upcoming Gorgon crusade. Send the supplies to Nippur in advance."

(Secret weapons? Supplies? People looked a little confused. ‘Is this... a war?’)

Gilgamesh: "Idiot, it's the other way around. This needs to be placed from here to here, arranged like this."

Siduri: "Hey...why are you in this kind of place? What should I do with the Gorgon Crusade?"

If Rhine was also reading epic poems at this time, he would definitely find some "familiar" interesting names.

In the legend of the hero Perseus in the short story that Homura told her, the banshee Medusa was one of the three Gorgon sisters.

Later, Rhine learned more about the three sisters from Yan and listened to them as legends.

Then Gilgamesh explained again——

Suddenly... Wang showed a rather absent-minded expression, as if he was not in a good state of mind.

Siduli looked at Wang who stopped speaking, ‘…! ’

"King...? Are you still not feeling well...?"

"...Same. Although it's just a slight dizziness, it seems like I've been working too hard these days."

(Yuye, the little princess and the others didn’t believe Gilgamesh’s words at all.

etc! Wait! Something went wrong!

King Gilgamesh, who was so energetic that no one except Enkidu could punish him, would he also suffer from slight dizziness due to overexertion? ! )

"Once my magic power weakens, the protection of the barrier will also become fragile."

"There's no guarantee...(those things) won't come."

Gilgamesh's next words seemed to explain why he was working so hard.

But on ‘those things’, actually the epic paper, were maddeningly blacked-out words.

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