Harut, who felt sorry for his inner ignorance and slander, believed that it was very disrespectful for him to fantasize about a powerful king for no reason!

But in the next moment, those images popped into his mind uncontrollably again.


It's still a bit unbelievable that such a powerful king would die from overwork... huh?

Chapter 470: Punishment at the stake for heretics!

"The man created by God...the oldest heroic story? It has created a big problem for me - Andersen." In the north - in the cold emerald cold of the Holy City, His Majesty the Pope sat on the throne and looked at Andersen New epic sound.

Subconsciously, he wanted to go to the artifact Golden Loom and predict the message left in this world by the legendary King Gilgamesh and Enkidu, the Lock of the God of Law.


Thinking of the divine instrument that was so broken that it was impossible to see its original appearance, the pope's body stiffened when he just wanted to get up, and then he sat back down as if nothing had happened.

He silently looked at the falling snow outside the palace, not knowing what he was thinking for a moment.

Having lost his divine tool and unable to borrow the power of the goddess, he had to rely solely on himself...

It is impossible to deduce even a little bit of information.

The Pope can only accept this "indisputable fact".

This reminded him of the existence of 'Ex-Machina and Flügel' again.

The Pope clenched his fists, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"If we could obtain the body composition proportions of a human being created by God..." the Pope murmured.

It is more difficult for a son of god like Gilgamesh...

But in the opinion of the Pope, Enkidu, a powerful hero created by the gods, could be successfully copied.

If we can pull out a group of heroes shaped by the divine soil, even the Ex-Machines and Flügels will no longer be a threat.

Think about it this way——

The Pope became increasingly aware of the preciousness of the golden loom.

As a result, now, he can't even speculate on the authenticity of Gilgamesh's epic... let alone find the information left by Gilgamesh and Enkidu.

Before the Pope could frown, another piece of bad news was delivered to him by a subordinate of the fourth organ of the church.

The Theocracy’s mission in neighboring Atlanta failed—!

The state religion of Atlanta...

It was a church sheltered by another god whose belief in the sun god had passed away, that is, the sun god Poros.

But their god was killed in the last divine war.

And the church without the protection of God is nothing.

As the only neighboring Northern Theocracy that had the strength to digest this delicious cake, it naturally sent out personnel dedicated to promoting the doctrine and the gods they believed in.

However, the fourth organ of the church in Atlanta was severely attacked by the local local church.

A group of believers who had lost their god, headed by Brutlin, the archbishop of the sun god Boros, were not afraid of death and even took the initiative to attack the Theocracy personnel who were promoting their doctrines.

The people of Atlanta reacted very fiercely, and many Atlantans were willing to stand on Brutlin's side.

Compared to the state religion that they have believed in for many years, the Atlan people who had just lost their faith in their main god were frightened and confused...but they were more willing to believe that their devout prayers could awaken the resurrection of the sun god Poros.

If the former Sun God had not passed away, the Pope would still understand this kind of rebellious behavior.

But now he only felt angry...

At this moment, the pope's heart became as cold as winter.

He just had a headache because of the issues of Flügel, Ex-Machina, and the Epic of Gilgamesh, and now he heard even more stupid things done by those stupid pagans! His murderous intent could no longer be suppressed.

"His Majesty the Supreme Pope - although this mission failed due to the presence of heretics, we have captured the leader of the other party, Archbishop Brutling. How should we deal with it -"

Facing the questions from his subordinates, the Pope stood up from the throne. His eyes under the silver mask were so cold that they seemed to kill.

"Heretics who have lost the protection of their gods are trying to resurrect their gods through faith...

A whimsical and childish act.

Even their pope is in hiding - a mere archbishop dares to block our missionary work. "

"Bring this heretic archbishop to the capital of Atlanta and burn him at the stake! As far as the name is concerned...just find anyone." The Pope said slowly and coldly.

Although there are many religions in this world, it is the home of the gods.

When faced with a church that is powerful and difficult to deal with, other churches will turn a blind eye or close their eyes.

But this kind of paper tiger, which has no gods and can be kneaded at will, has the people of such a large kingdom to continuously replenish their faith, but it does not have the strength to hold on to this piece of cake.

Even if the Northern Theocracy does not take action, the minions (churches) of other gods will not be able to help but take action.

The goddess worshiped by the Northern Theocracy and the sun god worshiped by neighboring Atlan originally had no hostile relationship.

Even in the camp summary, gods who belong to the light camp must also be included.

The Church of the Sun God was originally within the tolerance of the Theocracy, but in the face of huge interests - now it is better to decisively [heresy].

‘Instead of giving it to others, why not give this big piece of cake to your dear neighbors’!

Soon someone conveyed the Pope's order and began to implement it.

Soon after——

In the center of an important city in Atlanta, the country's Archbishop Brutlin was put on a bonfire and tied up.

The once decent, gentle and graceful archbishop was still roaring when he was tied up: "The glaciers in the far north will not cool down the fire in my heart. Even if I am burned to death like that, I will not regret it!"

"You are a bunch of jackals in sheep's clothing, your fight for our Lord will never end!"

The solemn and solemn bells from the towers of the main city pierced the night sky and reached thousands of households.

This was the signal to be burned at the stake. The streets leading to Campo de' Fiori were filled with people.

Brutering was tied to the stake in the center of the square. He solemnly announced to the onlookers: "The darkness is about to pass, dawn is about to come, and the brilliance of the sun will eventually defeat evil!"

Finally, he shouted, "Fire cannot conquer me. This is also the glory of my Lord Sun God!! Ah! The future world will understand me, and there will always be someone who knows my value!"

The executioner put a cork in his mouth and lit a fire. Bruno whined and struggled desperately to death in the raging fire.

That thin whine seemed to mean that he would never bow to these bandits and pagans.

As a church that is also in the light camp...

He never dreamed that after the death of their gods, the first ones eager to attack them would not be the dark churches——

It was this neighboring country that also believed in the goddess of the moon, destiny, and harvest—the Northern Theocracy.

Relying on Atlanta's huge base of believers, their gods clearly have the possibility of recovery.

As an innate god born from a concept, the sun god Poros did not die completely, but just fell into an inactive god species.

That is, like a god who has lost his ‘spiritual essence’.


If Atlan's faith were changed.

The believers of the Sun God who have lost a large number of followers will never have the possibility to resurrect their gods.

Now that he has been burned to death, the Theocracy, which is preparing to preach in this land, is not the most evil robber and villain in the world in Brutelin's eyes! !

And all of this was seen by a pair of eyes below.

Chapter 471 Angry! Achieve the achievement [Twin Princesses get]!

Northern Theocracy——

Before it was invaded, probably no one could remember the name of that country.

But some people never forget.

It's just hidden deep inside those people.

For example, a certain former princess——

At the moment, he is having a very passionate time with Restia and Ji Zelu.

Stacking blocks, building sand sculptures, playing snowballs...

All of this can be done in the mirror space simulated by Yan.

You can imagine and construct whatever you want.

At this moment, the former princess, on the surface, was playing carelessly and happily with Ji Zelu and Restia. She seemed to have completely forgotten her heavy life experience and the terrible memories of being hunted.


'Well... I did have a lot of fun. ’

If he hadn't heard the story of the former princess from the outside world and the vampire tool (Loli), Homura would have thought that the innocent, cute former princess in front of him was just an ordinary little princess.

After Epic of Gilgamesh was released, Homura no longer cared about sales and response.

Anyway, even if he doesn’t ask——

Hidi and Yuuye will also run over excitedly, chatting with him, and then be inexplicably moved, shed tears, and desperately ask him about his next story.

Now Homura has discovered something that interests him even more!

His eyes lingered on the pink-haired Lolita (former princess), and then looked at Hitti who was playing chess with him.

"Checkmate... this is the three hundredth time." Yan Yan raised the corner of his mouth with a slight arc and said as he took the last move, and then took a sip of hot tea.

Hidi was stunned and spoke nervously;

"Nonsense... I've obviously only lost one hundred and five times!"

Hidi was a little embarrassed——

Although she loses all the time, she has also counted the times in her heart! How could three hundred times be that exaggerated? !

"No, I'm not talking about the number of wins and losses on the chessboard - out of a total of one hundred and five games, you lost one hundred and five times..."

"Shut up! You bastard!" Hidi's face fell, feeling that her majesty as a magician had been completely wiped out.

She was gritting her teeth, was it necessary to point it out so clearly?

"That's not the key. The most important thing is...haven't you thought about why you always lose to me?" Homura sighed and looked at Hidi as if he were looking at a rebellious half-year-old child.

"Use your limited brain capacity and think carefully..." In an obviously gentle and pleasant voice, he said words that can make people angry to death.

"Are you dissing me for being stupid?" A black line hung on Hidi's forehead.

"There were a total of one hundred and five games, and the number of times you looked away from the chessboard was a total of three hundred times. Although it is difficult to defeat me - but the reason why you lost so miserably is because you didn't pay attention at all! "Yan did not answer that question, but asked and questioned.

"...!" Hidi's face froze and she was a little flustered.

‘Really, really so many times? ’

She wasn't sure whether Homura was bluffing her or not.

On the other hand, Yan lowered his head and seemed not to notice the change in Hidi's expression.

He just picked up the chess pieces on the chessboard leisurely and rearranged them.

"Since you think playing games with me is so boring...why don't you listen to my story!"


Knowing that Yan is the legendary evil bard Andersen that countless people are looking for...Hidi was slightly stunned, then nodded, and was a little expectant.

Will it be an epic poem that has never been heard of?

"The protagonist of the story starts with a newly born princess." Yan's nice magnetic voice sounded.

A story with a completely different style from the epics he had written before was told.


The kingdom ushered in a day worth celebrating. Their great king gave birth to a child, a very cute princess.

But the princess is an ominous symbol, and she has attracted divine punishment.

The powerful church that has the ability to influence the country's political power, the pope of that church personally issued the goddess's oracle, ordering the execution of the princess.

The king, unable to resist, could only painfully agree.

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