Try to capture the prince in the shortest possible time, and then live a happy honeymoon life together in another world!

Shajo Aige thought so expectantly.

And her various performances were all seen in the eyes of her Servant Heizhen.

Hei Zhen'...! ’

She finally confirmed that she was right.

The Master in front of me must be sick!

She couldn't understand her Master's mind at all.

One moment you want to destroy the world, and the next moment you want to follow the guy in front of you to some other world?

...? What the hell!

Is it the kind of different world she understands?


Hei Zhen just heard Ai Ge mention Hassan.

Naturally, she also noticed the "cursed wrist" on one side.

But Cursed Wrist is obviously not a heroic spirit, and has no similar aura at all.

She still knows who Hassan is——

Shouldn't it be Assassin?

Where is this place?

Finally realizing that something was wrong, it might not be what she thought before... Hei Zhen, her lips moved slightly but she didn't know how to speak.

(It's not like crossing space or changing maps. It's really traveling through different eras. Hei Zhen never imagined that her Master could lead her to do such a thing.)

And on the other side——

Not only Heizhen, but also the mantra who heard Aige's words said "...!"

Although he has a mask on his face, his expression cannot be seen.

But when Ai Ge said, he was a little better than that 'Mr. Hassan' over there.

Curse Wrist is very dissatisfied. Although he thinks he is not very talented, he is still the assassination leader of this generation——

There is no way he can't beat an ordinary little girl.

Although he also noticed something unusual about Shajo Aige.

Maybe a descendant of a magician——

But that's all!

However, Ai Ge suddenly turned around playfully and showed a perfect and elegant smile to Ju Wan.

Buzz~! Curse Wan's brain crashed.

It is a huge fear - it is the instinct of the body. When being stared at by a predator, the prey will unconsciously feel nervous.

Just like when he was an ordinary young man, he felt trembling when he faced the devil for the first time.

When Ai Ge looked away and Shu Wan didn't say a word, he realized that his back was already covered in sweat!

Cursed wrist ‘…! ! ! How is that possible! What did she just do to me. ’

Chapter 486: Next stop, fanatic, the forgotten Hassan of all appearances!

When he went out, he not only abducted a group of assassins.

It’s almost time to gather all the Hassan’s from past generations…

I also accidentally got a root princess.

Homura didn't know what impact taking Sajo Aige out of this world would have on the moon world.

If we take the Hassan people away, we just dig up some local products.

If you take the root princess away, you are really abducting someone else's daughter!

...But he had absolutely no reason to refuse. Homura's inner evil taste was greatly satisfied.

From now on, he can also claim to others, ‘He is also a man who has been in and out of the source, and even abducted the source’s own daughter’!

Homura finally agreed to their allegiance.

Although I had no intention of sending an invitation to Ai Ge...

But the princess who was given to you for free should not be given up for free.

Even if Aige can no longer connect to her roots, her strength will be greatly reduced in another world.

But in terms of human talent and quality alone, she is a very outstanding individual in any world.

Not to mention that it is very easy to use the knowledge in his head to help him improve and improve his technology tree.

And without the plug-in love song that connects to the root, it is the biggest reason why Homura can safely bring him to another world.

In this way - even if she suddenly had a sudden idea and wanted to create a 666 Beast King in another world.

Homura was also able to hang her up with one hand and spank her until her butt blossomed.

In a different world, Sajo Aige, who is unable to connect to her roots, is no better than an ordinary human magician.

For cute children, they need to be trained well.

Especially the naughty princess, if you punch her, she will definitely cry for a long time, right? That must be fun.

Hmm... I remember Ai Ge's cooking skills are good.

It’s time to change the food and daily recipes. At the same time, Homura made the decision to fire Yuzuha, the temporary cook.

Just use the cat lady as a maid, let her go into the kitchen, and eat small dried fish every time...

A chef who cheats on himself is not a good chef!


Homura directly took away all of Jumu, Sajo Aige and Kurosada.

You ask Heizhen?

Just one glance, and he understood the origin of Hei Zhen. Hei Zhen couldn't let go of this Hei Zhen!

Rather than putting it back and causing trouble for Gudazi and the school girls, we should pack it up and take it back to another world together.

It is said that when he was still on Earth, he was still a Quanzhen cultist.

Ai Ge summons not the old sword, but Kurosada—an unexpected and pleasant thing for Homura too!

Just after Homura left with Sajo Aige, Kurosada and Jumu.

The belated arrival of the mountain man stood alone in the wild sand.

Because the mask is blocking it, you can't see his face at this moment.

But in the end, including "this memory", all the memories were passed to the back of the mind of the 18th generation and the last generation of Hassan - the Lord of the Mountain.

Grandpa Wang Ha can’t sit still!

This time he did nothing and set off directly to find Baimai.

It just so happens that Bai Mong's personality is basically on the verge of collapse.

When Baimao watched the first generation of the Mountain Master appear in front of him, his schizophrenic brain woke up due to the huge shock.

Hiss~! The first—the first generation of the leader! ?

Looking at the appearance of the mountain man, the terrifying black aura that comes with him seems to be suppressing something, full of killing intent of death.

Hassan, the most beautiful man, was almost scared to death!

His hundreds of personalities were so frightened that they retracted into the depths of his brain. The 'multiple personalities' who usually rush out to occupy the body have no movement this time.

For a moment, those unruly souls seemed to be dead, trembling and huddled in the corners of their bodies, refusing to come out again.

at last--

Loli Hassan's personality was pushed out by them and became the conscious subject of the body at this time.

The Old Man of the Mountain: "Baixiang. What have you built up with that countless wisdom? The desire to fight for the only reputation with a hundred souls? Idiot - hand over your head!"

What appeared on the outside at this moment was Hassan, a purple-haired little lolita without a mask.


Maybe it can’t be called Hassan.

She is the most special existence among Hassan's many personalities.

A young girl who has no conversational skills, no memory, and no awareness that she is a part of Hassan Sabah. In the past, when Hassan was captured by the enemy and tortured, he would express this personality to keep the secret.

At this time, none of the various "many personalities" who were frightened by the sudden visit of the first-generation adult were willing to come out, so naturally this young female personality was pushed out.


The young girl Hassan, who was almost scared to tears by the old man, looked at the old man with tears in her eyes.

That was definitely not the look that an assassin or an assassination leader should have.

The young girl in front of him was not the Hassan of this generation he was looking for, but she was still inhabited by Hassan's body.

The old man of the mountain sees the purple-haired loli thoroughly——

The man of the mountain who had originally decided to execute and punish the corrupted Hassan personally this time, and fulfilled his duties... now retracted his raised sword.

"Call other souls to come's not you I'm looking for." The man of the mountain's majestic voice sounded in Loli Hassan's ears.

But Loli Hassan just stared at her grandfather with her dull eyes, without any reaction.

The old man of the mountain: "...~!"

He knew that if he didn't act quickly, the infidel would come again!

Not surprisingly, his execution of Bai Mang will also fail this time.


Looking at Sakura, she looked like the innocent victim Loli Hassan who came out of the basement after being abducted by the insect master.

The Lord of the Mountain did not recognize his name as Hassan.

He would only take action against the fallen Hassan, not the little girl who knows nothing.

Facing the black spiritual pressure, King Hassan became more and more terrifying, as if his surroundings turned into a forbidden place in the valley, with blue flames spraying out of his eyes.

Bai Mong's other personalities are even more afraid to move!

They also know the ‘legend of the man who redeemed Hassan’!

When I saw Wang Hassan at this moment, it seemed that because of that loli personality, the other personalities were even more afraid to take action, and they all planned to wait for the arrival of the 'redemption person'.

And the main personality has shrunk itself to the deepest level.

Even if the first generation could cross over the body and kill his personality directly, he would have to kill more than ninety 'selves' first!

At this moment, Bai Mang wanted to curse in his heart, praying desperately that the legend of the 'salvation man' was true, and it was best to come here quickly...

He really couldn't hold it anymore!


Neither the old man of the mountain nor Bai Mao had thought of it.

After collecting the seventeenth Hassan, Homura did not go directly to Baimao.

Instead, he went to the world where Assassin, the fanatic, was not Hassan, but was even more Hassan!

‘…? Hundreds of appearances? Is there such a shameful thing in Hassan?

Forget it, after I finish collecting the fanatics, I’ll go back and take a look. Just treat it as complete collection. '--flame.

Chapter 487: The ultimate move of our ancestors! The traditional skills of assassins!


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