Following Giles' atrocities, everyone didn't like it and didn't say anything.

After all, there is Giles' tragic childhood as a foreshadowing.

They can also understand why Giles' character is so extreme and cold-blooded.

But the little princess and the others are a little worried now——

The protagonist of this epic always gives them the feeling of growing into the dark wind.

Could he have gone astray in the future? !


It's different from what the girls imagined.

The future Generalissimo of France.

Although he would go astray in the second half of his life, in the first half of his miserable, pitiful life, he met a girl who could calm and calm down this insecure beast.

That was the warmth and brilliance that he had been chasing all his life!

Gained the appreciation of Charles VII...

On the battlefield, he also improved step by step and performed invincibly.


Just when Gill was about to show off his talents, his lord John, Duke of Brittany, reaffirmed his allegiance to the King of England.

This is not an act of surrender...

Britain and France were old enemies.

And Giles was the leader of the massacre of the pro-British faction.

The decision of the monarch to whom he is loyal——

For Jill, it was like a bolt from the blue. Many of his territories back home were also in danger of being confiscated by pro-British factions. Jill became panicked. However, the arrival of a young girl gave his fate a new turn.

Chapter 502: When Joan of Arc looks at Joan of Arc!

The situation of the Hundred Years' War was extremely unfavorable to Charles VII.

Northern France, including Brittany, was controlled by foreign powers.

The English ruled Paris, while the Burgundians occupied Reims, the coronation site of all French kings. This was an even heavier blow to Charles VII, who was eager to establish his orthodox status through coronation.

At the same time, the British army had been besieging Orleans, an important town on the Loire River, for several months. Once Orleans falls, France will be in no danger of defending.

This is also the reason why Charles VII still had the idea of ​​bowing his head even though he had outstanding talents like Gilles.

He couldn't hold it anymore——

It's not that he is too useless as a king, but that the current situation does not allow it.

As the prince, he was also helpless...

People understood a little bit when they saw this, but they couldn't help but think about what Giles would be thinking at this moment?

At that time, Giles was indeed falling into an extremely embarrassing and violent scene in the story.

He held the hilt of the sword with one hand and pressed it against his forehead, looking at the ground with an ugly, pale face.

'hateful! Why is this happening! ’

Giles kept roaring in his heart.

His loyalty, he worked so hard for His Majesty the King.

In the end, Charles VII bowed to their worst enemy.

If England wants to settle scores...

As for Giles, he liked to kill English prisoners.

He might become a political victim of compromise with England.

Since childhood, Giles has seen everything about the ups and downs of the world, and interacted with cruel political chips from his grandfather.

He even fantasized about his own tragic ending in the future.

At this point in time, there was nothing in the world that he wanted to protect at all costs.

He will also be afraid because his life is threatened, and he will be afraid of death...

...Giles also knows how to seek good fortune and avoid evil.

After he understood what he had done for a moment of pleasure, his way of retreat was completely blocked.

He never failed to have a moment of regret.

But it's over now.

"Jill!" Inside Jenny's body, Jeanne saw this from the girl's perspective, feeling a little complicated in her heart.

Along with the events described in the story, she generally recalled some of her early experiences.

It turns out that at that time...

Is he so uneasy inside?

She remembers if we look at the current time in the epic.

Soon, it will be time for her to go to Charles VII's court in Chinon to visit the prince in person.

‘Did Gil meet the girl who changed his life at that time? ’ Jeanne was a little surprised.

But he didn't think about himself, he just regarded that 'time' as a coincidence.

And in the epic——

The words that followed revealed everything to her.

There is a rural village called Donremy on the border of France's Champagne-Ardenne and Lorraine regions.

In the village there was a girl named Jeanne d'Arc, that is, Jeanne d'Arc.

Her father was Jacques Darc and her mother was Isabelle Darc. The girl's parents owned about 50 acres of land and ran a farm, and her father also held a less important official position in the village, responsible for collecting taxes and leading the care of the village.

The village was one of a small, isolated area of ​​northeastern France that remained loyal to the French crown and was surrounded by Burgundian territory.

During Joan's childhood, the village suffered several attacks, one of which even set the village on fire.

Later, for some reasons, Joan of Arc was executed as a heretic.

Later, in the vindication of Joan of Arc's heresy charges, the villagers' testimonies said that Joan of Arc was an excellent, simple, and pious girl.

Another villager recalled that Joan was very generous to the poor, even giving them her bed to sleep on, while she slept on straw. Sometimes, Joan of Arc would give dinner to the poor.

! ?

! ! ! !

Jeanne "...!"

She was confused. My whole body was numb.

It was said a moment ago that Giles met a girl who could change his life, and his life took a turn for the better.

Why did he start talking about her existence the next moment?

She even found out how many acres of land her parents owned, what her father did, and the family's financial situation.

Joan of Arc is not stupid, of course she understands that she is the girl mentioned in the epic who is about to bring a major turning point in Giles' life.

But she is really just an ordinary country girl!

(She’s really just a village girl! Well, her father is a minor official and her family has a large farm. This is so “ordinary”!

Although compared to nobles like Giles, Joan of Arc's background is indeed nothing. But it's not true, just like an ordinary country girl. )

Afterwards, it is described in the book.

Joan of Arc confirmed her first miracle. She allegedly met the archangels St. Michael, St. Margaret and St. Catherine, who told her to drive away the English and take the crown prince to Reims for his coronation.

When she was 16 years old, she asked her relative Durand Rasoix to take her to nearby Vaucouleurs, where she explained her purpose to the local garrison commander, Botricour, hoping to take her to the seat of the Crown Prince. ——Chinon.

Botricul just laughed at her, but this did not make Joan retreat.

Joan of Arc came again in January of the following year, accompanied by two soldiers who supported her: Jean de Metz and Bertrand de Prange. With their support she received a second interview, during which she gave some miraculous war predictions, predicting the defeat of the French army near Orleans in the Herring War.

After news from the front confirmed Joan's prediction, Botricul finally agreed to escort her to Chinon. Disguised as a man, she traveled across vast hostile Burgundian territory before finally arriving at the castle of Dauphin Charles at Chinon.

...The epic has reached this point, and the plot that happened in it is basically the same as Joan of Arc remembered.

It was as if someone had seen her past from God's perspective and written it all down.

If Jeanne could show her expression at this moment, her face must be filled with shock.

On the next page, a beautiful girl wearing beautiful silver armor appeared in the book carrying a white fleur-de-lis flag.

'Is that - me? ’

Jeanne thought in a daze and panic.

See your own story in an epic way.

It was another feeling for her...

On the other side, many people who were reading the epic were stunned by the image of Joan of Arc.

For this girl who is no less beautiful than any other flower, no wonder she can change Giles' already somewhat extreme personality.

Is this the heroine this time?

Love it! Love it!

Chapter 503: Joan of Arc, France is unparalleled!

This was a very meaningful meeting.

This was true for Joan of Arc at that time.

In Joan of Arc's recollection, she was actually quite nervous about that meeting.

She didn't know if she could convince Charles VII to believe her words and that she had heard divine revelation.

And even more so for Giles...

That was the moment Giles crossed paths with the love of his life!

During the meeting, this girl from Orleans made a very deep impression on Charlie and Giles.

Charles then directed that Joan's background and theological examination be conducted in Poitiers to confirm her morality.

At this time, Charles' mother-in-law, Yolande, raised funds to launch an expedition to relieve Orléans.

Joan of Arc volunteered to join the expedition and donned the gear of a knight. Since she had no funds of her own, her armor, horses, swords, flags, and retinue were all donated by others.

‘Is that the armor and flag in the illustration? ’ The flag of fleur-de-lis flashed across everyone’s minds.

I have said this before - Joan of Arc, who was only 17 years old, left a very deep impression on Charles VII during the meeting.

Yes, it looks like that!

However, although Charles VII allowed Joan of Arc to participate in the French army's expedition to rescue Orleans, he still had doubts about this girl who had no war experience.

"If you don't trust her, why would you send Joan of Arc to the battlefield?" Someone on the other side couldn't help but whisper.

The kingdom of elves——

Because of the legend of Zero in the previous game, the bookstore managed by the former elf trainee priest girl also welcomed many customers this time.

Among them came a being with a special identity.

She came here from another elven country in the far west, riding a carriage under the protection of the escort.

——The race is the natural spirit.

The surname is that of a rare ancient noble among the elves - the "Nilbalen Clan".

She came here because an elf wrote a letter asking her family about the 'True Red Nirvalian', and included some brief stories about Game Life Zero in the letter.

The current head of Nilbalian's family took this matter very seriously and sent his descendants to investigate the situation.

‘Is this the source of that mythological epic? An epic poem that records what seems to be the legend of our family's ancestors...'

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