This gave her a chance to win the first victory of her military career.

(This is when people remembered in shock.

I think I did say it before...

When Joan of Arc went to war, Charles VII provided little help.

Although nominally given the power to command.

In fact, Joan of Arc's armor and weapons were all gifts from 'friends'.

Could it be that even that friend is Giles?

One cannot help but think so.

Plus Giles' status as Joan's guardian and watcher.

That Charles VII didn't believe that Joan of Arc could lead France to victory! )

The continuous victory of the war not only established the morale of the French army, but also allowed Joan to see through something.

Joan of Arc believed that the French generals' strategy of always acting cautiously was not suitable for use in this war.

On the battlefield she used a fierce frontal offensive to attack the British fortresses. After capturing several forts, the British army began to abandon other wooden defensive buildings and concentrated the remaining forces to defend a stone fort that controlled the Orleans external bridge, the Fortress of Turiel.

She really seems to have divine help!

Perhaps her brave fighting style is the reason why she was chosen by the gods!

Chapter 505: Uneasy routine! [Miracle] Victory with twice the distance!

‘That God, God—

What level of god is it? ! ’

The Hermitian couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Deities that existed from the days of the Impaler to the days of Joan of Arc and Marshal Gilles of France.

Never heard of a name like that.

But there is no doubt that the current legends and descriptions about it -

Such as the Holy Grail, it is definitely a supreme god. Even if it is said to be of the same level as the creator gods during the war, Hermitos believes it.

And guided Joan of Arc, active on the battlefield between France and England.

And won many victories——

Ordinary gods cannot do this kind of thing.

Just think of the land in England that once gave birth to powerful knights like King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table...

In his heart, Hermitus had a very overestimating view of England and, correspondingly, France.

In such a battlefield, the victory of the war could be influenced by the gods themselves. It was this that surprised Hermitos.


It’s not true after all, all ‘revelations’ are smooth sailing.

Soon Hermitus saw:

'On May 7, the French army began to attack Turiel. Joan of Arc was hit in the shoulder by an arrow during the battle and was carried away from the front line by the soldiers. However, she quickly pulled out the arrow and returned to the battlefield after being wounded to lead. The final offensive. ’

Although in the end the French army led by Joan of Arc won.

But in the middle, even her true spiritual leader was injured and almost died.

If Gilles hadn't covered her retreat and temporarily held the front line for her, France's attack might have failed. Not to mention the subsequent recapture campaign.

The French army was originally unable to match the increasingly powerful England in terms of military strength.

The singing all the way at that time was entirely supported by the invincible morale led by Joan of Arc.

All at once——

Then it will decline, and three times it will be exhausted!

Jeanne d'Arc, who knows this truth well, will still treat the wound as quickly as possible after being injured, so come here!

‘And it was also around May-June that Gill, as a subordinate of Joan of Arc, participated in all the major battles of the French army in the Loire Valley, and assumed the important task of protecting Joan of Arc’s safety.

The rapid victory at the Battle of Orleans led the French army to begin planning further offensives.

The English expected the French army's next target to be Paris or Normandy;

The Duke of Dinoy later confirmed that this was indeed the original target, but Joan insisted that the attack should be towards Reims.

After a series of sudden victories, Joan persuaded Charles to grant her and the Duke of Alencon full command of the army, and was allowed to attack the bridges near the Rore River as a prelude to a later attack on Reims.

This was a rather bold proposition, as Reims was twice as far away as Paris and already deep into enemy territory.

The French army captured Jareau on June 12, Meung-sur-Loire on June 15, and Beaugensi on June 17. The Duke of Alençon fully supported the decision made by Joan of Arc. . Other generals, including the Duke of Dinois, were also impressed by Joan's victory at Orleans and became loyal supporters of Joan. ’

When the little princess and the others saw this: "!!!"

Changed, the whole atmosphere changed.

With the description of one war after another in the book, the constant triumphal songs, and the many officers who no longer despise Joan of Arc...

When I see everyone being conquered by Joan of Arc's charm and becoming her loyal supporters, I feel as passionate as if I were raising my own daughter and seeing my daughter finally grow up and be recognized...


It doesn't feel that way, but it's very similar.

That sense of accomplishment is unparalleled.

When humans read a book, they will develop a sense of immersion.

It may be the protagonist, or it may be an important plot role.

And I witnessed the transformation of an ordinary country girl into the unparalleled Platinum Iris on the battlefield...

People who have dreams are full of praise and blessings for this.

But the real battlefield is not a fairy tale, and there are many dangers.

Those appropriate thrills make people more deeply involved, worried about it, and happy after escaping.

For example, there is a description in the book: "Joan of Arc also saved Alencon's life by warning him to dodge the incoming artillery during the battle of Zara. In the same battle, she also climbed up to siege the city. She was hit on the helmet by a rock while climbing the ladder, but she continued to fight."

Save others, even at the risk of getting yourself into the most dangerous situations.

(People in the other world couldn't imagine how dangerous that kind of 'dangerous' scene was, but they automatically optimized it and made up their minds: This artillery must be a magic cannon! The stone must have fallen from the sky like a meteorite!)

It is Joan of Arc's courageous and dedicated spirit that will infect countless officers and gain their recognition!

The people she saved during the war ended up becoming her most loyal supporters.

Giles noticed that brilliance from the very beginning——

And deeply fascinated by it.

Even in the war, his keen dispatching, timely arrangements, and several times covering Joan of Arc all played a very important role.

But he hid himself behind Joan of Arc.

Only this girl who is full of brilliance, he hopes that she can continue to shine.

Instead, Giles' own powerful talent was buried.

But who told him that he didn't care!

Rather than becoming a respected hero who saves the country.

He even enjoys the peace and satisfaction he gets from his soul when he fights for his beliefs and protects his homeland with Joan of Arc.

‘On June 18, the expected English reinforcements arrived, commanded by John Fastolf.

This Battle of Paty can be seen as a reversal of the Battle of Agincourt: the French vanguard launched a surprise attack before the British longbowmen's formation was ready, and annihilated or captured a large number of British troops in the ensuing battle. And captured the British commander, Fastolf, who escaped with a small group of soldiers, became the scapegoat for England's shameful defeat.

The French army suffered only minimal casualties during the battle. ’

This is the final summary of this surprise war on this epic page!

Travel thousands of miles to steal the nest?

Not only was it successful, but the loss was not huge?


At this moment, even the elf girl, who had always thought that Charles VII was a bit stupid, was stunned and speechless.

This scene is more like a fairy tale than a fairy tale. Are you sure you are not dreaming during the day?

The girl named Jeanne d'Arc once again told people the true meaning of unparalleled love.

Even though England has so many experienced commanders.

But it just so happens that the leader of France is Joan of Arc, who never plays by the rules.

Chapter 506: The Coronation of the Seventh Generation, the light refracted by the church glass!

Then there is a very special description of Joan of Arc in the book.

After the surprise attack war went smoothly——

France captured such British soldiers.

In the past, according to Giles' character, all these prisoners would be tortured and killed.

But now he is just the lieutenant and guardian who follows Joan.

Although he has the ability to seize military power...

But Giles never thought about fighting with Joan of Arc. He donated a loan to the French army to purchase siege equipment during the Battle of Jargeau, and made great contributions to winning the Battle of Jargeau.

If we really want to count the merits, everything he has done is not inferior to Joan of Arc.


Perhaps it was because he lacked love in his childhood that he cherished this friendship even more now.

Rather than having an official career or military power, he preferred his position as Joan of Arc's guardian and follower.

Only Joan of Arc has the authority to make arrangements for prisoners of war.

So he could only watch Joan of Arc doing another kind thing that surprised many people and felt incredible.

Joan of Arc forbade the killing of prisoners of war.

She even confessed to a dying British soldier (people at the time believed that people who did not confess would go to hell).

This tolerance was too good for the British soldiers who were prisoners.

Even many English soldiers were moved by her actions, and even as enemies, they were fascinated by the charisma of this saint.

Giles also began to restrain his original careless nature because of Joan's guidance.

Everyone is fascinated by it.

Not to mention——

Joan of Arc herself is a very beautiful girl, at the age when she blooms like a flower.

How attractive she is, one illustration is enough for people who are reading the epic to understand.

Then people saw the heart-warming Bai Zhen in the illustration. Is this really just 16 years old? ! !

(If you change it to a thick man, the effect may not be as good.)

'On June 29, the French army began to attack Reims from Meung-sur-Loire, and on July 3, they negotiated with the Burgundian city of Auxerre to remain neutral.

The French army was able to pass, and other towns they passed along the way returned to the French side without resistance.

Troyes, which had previously signed the Treaty of Troyes, surrendered without a drop of blood after a four-day siege.

After the army arrived at Troyes and faced a shortage of food supplies, legend has it that Joan met a monk named "Brother Richard".

Brother Richard had long been warning about the end of the world in Troyes, and local farmers switched to growing beans, which were early-maturing crops. When the army arrived, the beans were ripe, thus solving the food problem. ’

“…Isn’t this just a lie?” Everyone was frowning.

But they didn’t expect that this incident would become the process that led to Joan of Arc’s transformation from a hero to a witch in the eyes of the people.

It gave the people of the church an excuse.

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