What about the scene where the promised knight saves the beautiful girl?

In the final analysis, they had too much expectations.

Even if everyone fantasizes about the relationship between Giles and Joan of Arc, is it really just friendship? Shouldn't it be a deeper emotion than just ordinary friends?

Seeing that unlike the other people who had betrayed Joan of Arc, Gill was the only one who dared to stand up and directly send troops to Rouen.

Although his talents and achievements are not comparable to the other 'Gil'.

But his courage and his sincere relationship with Joan of Arc still moved everyone.

But Giles has a wife.

And he left the battlefield because of the birth of his daughter.

So what is the relationship between Gilles and Joan of Arc?

Are they brother and sister?

Are guardians and guardians?

Or love, admiration, friendship, admiration, and spiritual comfort!

But no matter which one it is, there is a voice in people's complicated hearts that can tell them clearly.

They hope that Joan and Gilles can survive successfully, leave Rouen together, and return to France in glory.

But that can only be a fantasy.

Then people saw Joan of Arc’s last description before her death:

The execution took place on May 30 of the following year in Rouen's Old Market Square. Eyewitnesses described the scene of the execution.

Joan of Arc was tied to the stake. She prayed constantly and asked the priest next to her to let her hold a small cross. It was lent to her by the little girl on the roadside.

The priest agreed to her request. Finally the fire was lit and it was over in a few minutes.

The executioner reported: "When she first lit the fire, she called Jesus more than six times. Especially when she took her last breath, she called Jesus with a firm voice. Almost everyone present shed tears of sympathy."


Everyone knows whether the so-called "witch" is a real "witch" or a kind-hearted saint...

Can't their eyes and hearts distinguish clearly?

In the end, the purity and turbidity were all based on lies and a piece of paper.

Let the illiterate plead guilty——!

"Witch...?" Claire and the others murmured in disbelief.

Suddenly I felt a little scared, trembling, and extremely unfamiliar with this world.

No, in other words, I am afraid of those bishops who can confuse right and wrong.

Rumors of the Inquisition came to many minds.

It seems that the method is also very disgraceful! Are they also the same type of existence as the bishops in the book?

How terrible! A bishop can actually do this kind of thing.

Joan of Arc didn't even see the Pope in the end...

‘Dare to be angry but dare not speak! ’

At this moment, people clearly saw that mood from the epic.

That is the common sentiment of countless people who have witnessed with their own eyes that Joan of Arc, this innocent and kind-hearted girl, was killed on unfounded charges.

Chapter 511: Then do what you want to do, you won’t go wrong!

'The executioner was ordered to keep the flames at a distance from her, in order to make her death as difficult as possible.

The English pushed aside the charcoal to reveal the blackened body to prove to the crowd that she was indeed dead, and then burned the body again to prevent anyone from trying to collect her ashes.

The English threw the remaining ashes into the Seine.

The executioner Geoffroy Therage, who was responsible for lighting the fire, later described that he was very afraid that he would be sent to hell for burning a saint. ’

At the end of the epic, the tragic ending of the saint is described in a sideways way.

People can no longer bear to look directly at such a scene.

Then, they saw that piece of discourse analysis, which allowed them to further understand the current situation during the Hundred Years War era.

‘Before Joan of Arc came to prominence, France was going through the darkest period in French history.

The long Hundred Years' War between England and France caused a lot of suffering to the French people.

A large area of ​​territory in the north of France is occupied by the English army, and these areas are likely to become English territory permanently in the name of the "Second Kingdom".

The king of France at the time was Charles VI. Charles VI went crazy around the year Joan of Arc was born, leaving him completely unable to handle political affairs.

The king's two relatives, John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy, and Louis, Duke of Orleans, also frequently quarreled over the power of the regent and the guardianship of the royal family.

When rumors about Queen Isabella's extramarital affair came out, the struggle between the two factions escalated sharply.

Each began kidnapping members of the royal family, and the struggle reached its climax when the fearless John plotted to assassinate Duke Louis.

King Henry V of England took advantage of the chaos of this political dispute to invade France, winning a dramatic victory at the Battle of Agincourt and then occupying towns in northern France. ’

What follows is what one sees, a series of battles.

'And Charles VII assumed the title of Crown Prince at the age of 14 after the death of his four older brothers.

He wanted to conclude a peace agreement with John the Fearless, but this negotiation turned into a catastrophe. Charles promised in advance to protect John's safety, but during the negotiations, John was assassinated by the Armagnacs.

Philip III, who succeeded the Duke of Burgundy, allied himself with England, and as a result, large areas of French territory were occupied by England and the Burgundians.

Queen Isabella signed the Treaty of Troyes, which also recognized that Henry V of England and his heirs would inherit the French royal family, which was equivalent to depriving the crown prince Charles of his inheritance rights.

The treaty also caused speculation that the crown prince was actually the illegitimate son of the queen and the Duke of Orleans, rather than the biological son of King Charles.

Henry V and Charles VI died within two months of each other, leaving only an infant, Henry VI, who nominally became the common king of England and France, regented by Henry V's younger brother, the Duke of Bedford.

By 29, almost the entire north of France, as well as part of the southwest, were under foreign control.

England occupied Paris, while the Burgundians occupied Reims. ’

People suddenly realized that this was not the incident in which the duke identified Joan of Arc before, which led to his nephew, Henry VI, failing to become the King of France! ?

‘Reims has always been the traditional place for the coronation and consecration ceremony of the French king, especially when the French royal family members who claimed the throne had not yet been crowned.

England then launched an offensive against Orleans, which was located on the Loire River and became the last strategic location that could stop the British army from advancing into the remaining French territory.

At that time, the survival of the French nation was facing an unprecedented crisis - "the fate of the entire kingdom depends on Orleans." '

And Joan of Arc, the saint who almost single-handedly helped Charles VII to the throne, almost changed everything by herself...

The girl who saved her country.

Although she died, looking back at her achievements later, we will find out what a great miracle she has done.

It can be said that without Joan of Arc, there would be no future France, no future Charles VII.

However -

Joan of Arc was just a slightly younger and prettier country girl from an inconspicuous village.

But she became a legendary figure in just a few years.

Before Joan of Arc, both England and France used the thousand-year-old Salic Succession Law to justify the war, which was originally just a conflict between kings for the right of succession.

After Joan of Arc appeared, it brought a different meaning to the war.

As Jean de Metz said, "Many of our (French) kings are of English blood; but are we going to become English?"

As Stephen Richey said, "She turned a dynastic conflict that was originally boring and suffered by ordinary people but was not interested in into a passionate holy war to defend the country."

"Five centuries after her death, people have done everything to commemorate her: (she is) a fanatical believer, a religious mystic, innocent and pure, but sadly became a pawn manipulated by those in power, and at the same time the founder and symbol of modern nationalism, a worshipped heroine and saint.

Even when she faced the threat of torture and death by burning at the stake, she still insisted on the voice from God she heard.

Whether that voice was true or false, her deeds shocked everyone who heard her story."


Shocked, Jenny read the last evaluation of Joan of Arc, and her mind was still recalling the figure carrying the white and gold iris flag and walking forward.

She suddenly seemed to understand something——

Joan of Arc...

Even at the end, she didn't seem to regret it.

Is this the meaning of what you want to tell me, God?


It is extremely difficult to save a country and save your hometown with this ordinary body——it is even a miracle that cannot be realized.

But if you don't even dare to try, how do you know that you can't do it?

Even if the final result will be the same as Joan of Arc?

Thinking of the burning that made her afraid and scared——

Jeanne's eyes flashed with confusion. Can she do the same thing as Joan of Arc?

Can she do better? Even Joan of Arc's final ending is so miserable, what can she have the courage to do?

Jeanne didn't know.

Until her eyes once again stopped at the words in the epic.

"Many of our (French) kings are of English blood; but are we going to become English?"

"She turned a dynastic conflict that was originally boring and suffered by ordinary people but was not interested in into a passionate holy war to defend the country."

The Sun God and the Moon God, two neighboring countries, have been neighbors for a hundred years or even earlier.

In the past, when the country of the Moon God was not yet a religious country, there were even royal princesses who married into the royal family of Atlan.

The two countries have always had blood exchanges.

However, Atlan is Atlan! In any case, it cannot and should not be annexed by the religious country and become history completely.

Jenny showed a firm look.

She couldn't watch her country continue to be eroded by foreign invaders.

This has nothing to do with faith!


In the end, is she really a fanatic?

Jenny suddenly figured it out.

She loves her hometown and this country.

She believes in the Sun God because the doctrine of the church declaration can lead the country to a better and happier place.

She actually just hoped from the bottom of her heart that such a happy world could last forever.

But now her hometown was in chaos, and there were even signs of war everywhere.

She had to do something!

At this moment, the Joan of Arc in Jenny's body felt everything Jenny was thinking, and was a little surprised.

Then she couldn't help but smile.

'Then do what you want to do. You will definitely not be wrong, Jenny. '

Chapter 512: Use evil to verify the gods!

The death of Joan of Arc caused a great mental blow to the marshal.

He was upset that he failed to save Joan of Arc in the end and failed to save Joan of Arc when Joan of Arc needed him the most.

And that huge blow even began to make his cognition of things have a terrible reversal.

Originally, under the glory of Joan of Arc, he had become a knight who was more upright, pious, brave, and calm than anyone else -

Because he couldn't figure it out!

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