6! ! There are actually six heroic spirits? !

People stared at this scene in stunned silence.

Holy Grail——

Can you even achieve this level of miracle?

The little princess and Claire's breathing was stagnant. The brain is a little confused.

Originally, they thought it was great to be able to summon the dead.

And they are also legendary heroes who have disappeared in history.

But the Holy Grail summoned six of them at once? !

Ah! Ahhhhh!

‘Please give me a dozen of these magical tools! ’ Many people couldn’t help but become wildly envious.

And behind the illustration...

People saw the mysterious figure suspected of being 'Joan of Arc' and spoke again.

? ? ? : "——You are finally here, my compatriots. I am your master. Do you understand the reason why you were summoned here?"

Saying those words.

The next moment——

A piece of text that made people feel ominous appeared.

"Destruction and killing. This is my order to you."

! ! !


"!?" The expressions on the faces of Claire, the little princess, and the noble young men in the royal capital suddenly froze.

Chapter 522 Human Security Agency—The Name of Chaldea!

"Orleans - The Hundred Years' War of the Evil Dragon"!

With that ‘order’ issued!

In the new page, the epic plot does not continue.

Instead, it stands alone, like the bold and enlarged title words at the beginning of another story.

It seems that Gilles's shouts and declarations are still echoing in my ears, and they are about to reach "Heaven hears".

Seeing this moment, people finally understood how Giles' revenge really started!

Is this the time you are talking about?

Everyone's minds seemed to have been bombarded by thunder, and they went blank...

"Giles" was resurrected by "Joan of Arc", and then he was given the order to "kill"!

Oh my God!

"Evil Dragon Hundred Years' War!" Boom! ~! The little princess opened her mouth, covered her mouth with one hand, and placed one hand on her chest, where her heartbeat was speeding up.

It turned out to be like this. Is this the ‘predetermined destiny’ that was changed at the end of the epic!

So this is a side story!

——A new story, or a continuation of the epic "Hundred Years' War between England and France", and people have also seen a new preface.

The prologue does not start from the end of the Anglo-French War, nor does it continue from the previous illustrated plot, but words like this appear:

"The Age of Gods ended, and after Xicuo, humans became the most prosperous race on the face of the earth.

We are the ones who decide the fate of the planet and carve inscriptions on it.

The principles used to make mankind prosper longer, more surely, and more powerfully - the navigation map of mankind.

This is called human reason in the magic world. "

This is a somewhat confusing preface.

"The Age of Gods——"

Everyone thought about it. It seems that we have seen such words in the biography of King Arthur.

At that time, King Arthur's era seemed to be in the age of the gods.

As for the words in the preface, they can understand every sentence.

But why is it so confusing to connect them together?

Humans are indeed the most numerous species in this world.

However, "most prosperous".

They don’t seem to be qualified yet?!

Many people felt puzzled for a while.

After being slightly stunned, Hermitus also began to think deeply. He believed that 'Andersen' would not say anything casually, and there must be something else that he had not thought clearly about.

On the other side——

In the Elf Kingdom, the girl from the Nirvalian family looked at such words with some displeasure.

"Humanity has become the most prosperous race on earth?" the girl asked in a dissatisfied tone to herself.

Although their elves are few in number, their civilization and prosperity are definitely not inferior to humans!

How come humans have become the most prosperous race on earth! Such ‘untrue’ remarks can actually appear in the epic!

This preface——

Um! It was also written by the human troubadour Andersen!

Could it be that he has never been to the place where our elves live before he has the arrogant idea of ​​the most prosperous human beings?

What an arrogant clown!

The elf girl from the Nirvalen family, who had a strong sense of racial pride, snorted in displeasure.

However, he did not put down the book in his hand and continued to look behind him.

She was mentally prepared...

I can't completely believe everything recorded in the book.

At least the human being named Andersen wrote something untrue in the preface. Such an arrogant person...

The epic records written in the pen are probably biased towards beautifying their human race.

After all, it is an ‘epic’ and it doesn’t look like a made-up story.

As long as you skip the 'beautification' part, the authenticity of the remaining message should be greatly enhanced.

Thinking about this...

The elf girl praised her own mechanism in her heart.

But she completely forgot that her first mission was to explore another mythical epic "Game Life Zero"!

At this moment, a lot of time and energy are spent on identifying the authenticity of this epic.

The elf girl has unknowingly become addicted to the national salvation epic of Joan of Arc and the French Marshal.

Just when many people were falling into all kinds of bizarre speculations because of the weird preface.

As they continued to look behind.

‘The name is Phoenix Chaldea. It is an organization established on a snow-capped mountain above an altitude of 6,000 meters and managed by the Animusfia family, a famous magician family. After observing the fact that humanity will perish in the next 16 years, in order to correct the future... Chaldea began to take action. ’

"Chaldea!?" Everyone said in shock.

Look at this new concept emerging.

Before they could digest it slowly, a new storm came!

Like a violent storm, shocking news began to bombard people.

Then, in the form of a narration, the book begins to describe in detail what Chaldea is, and mentions that it will be the name that humans will use to call a certain organization in the future.

That's right——


In other words, what they see now is not what happened in the past.

It is something that will appear and be born in the future!

"How is that possible!!"

"There is such a thing!"

"The future!! Can the legendary bard actually see such a distant future?! It's still so clear!" People's outlook suddenly collapsed, and they felt shocked and unbelievable.

Originally, because of "Dark Souls" and the Overlord Warnir incident, everyone speculated that Andersen had a certain degree of future vision.

However, this is no longer a simple prediction of the near future!

In the scene described in the new epic extra chapter, human beings have become the most prosperous race on the earth, and have even established a "humanity" protection agency - Chaldea.

And words like ‘human principles’ began to appear clearly in people’s minds.

The future of mankind has become the future of the planet!

The history of mankind has become the history of the planet, and is completely engraved on the planet's inscription!

Chaldea is an institution that continuously observes and simulates the stable development of the planetary world in order to continue the future of mankind.

Crazy! Really crazy!

This kind of news is really amazing! So crazy!

Claire's mouth opened up and she couldn't close it for a long time.

As those paragraphs of descriptions slowly and gradually...

After a lot of time to digest, they finally began to understand the meaning of the preface at the beginning.

An extremely large "human security agency" in the future began to be mapped in their minds.

The noble young men jumped up from their seats in shock, their eyes bulging out as they stared at the words in disbelief.

The god of alchemy, Hermitus, was also confused at this moment...

Human beings - in the future, can they actually achieve such incredible miracles!

In a complex world with many powerful races, including orcs, elves, dragons, vampires, goblins, etc., we have achieved that step.

It seems that he has become the protagonist of this planet.

Even started to care about and keep the whole world running.

Incredible! It’s incredible! They actually did something that even the gods couldn't do!

And on the other side——

Before, I thought that I couldn't completely believe the elf girl of the Nirvalen family recorded in the epic. Now I was confused when I looked at the description in the paragraph.

Then she showed a somewhat dazed look——

Her mind was so blank that she didn't know how to think.

‘Are you... joking...? Such a thing...! What about the future...what other human security agencies are there to observe the future? "

Chapter 523: The Decline of the Age of Gods? Star warriors!

‘Will humans become the center of the world and the ruler of the planet in the future? ! ’

At this moment, I don't know whether I am more excited or panicked.

Even the people who are reading the epic find it hard to believe.

How on earth did they do that——

Not to mention the other 'races' who were reading the epic at this time.

Their minds were greatly shocked and shocked...

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