This kind of thing...!

The elf girl's heart was shaken violently, and she became mentally disturbed.

It's simply dumbfounding.

She didn't know whether to be more angry or helpless. It was a rather complicated, unspeakable and sour emotion.

‘Damn it…ah! ’

She suddenly felt envious of those human species.

Although he is 'weak', at long as he is willing to give up his power, he does not have to suffer the pain of leaving his hometown.

Whenever they imagine that they will have to leave the world they have lived in for a long time, the elf girls will become a little panicked.

What frightened her even more was that the epic did not mention the whereabouts of each race in detail.


Have the elves found a new place suitable for them to live in the future?

This made the elf girl couldn't help but read the content behind the epic poem carefully, hoping to find clues.

But she is destined to be disappointed——

What follows is an epic story about humanity!

With the decline of the Age of Gods, the mystery no longer exists, and the remaining mystery does not have much power for human use.

In order to prevent the mystery from disappearing completely, human magicians consciously hide their powers from others.

And the mainstream of mankind has gradually begun to evolve into the ascent of technological civilization.

A series of novel technological settings appeared in people's eyes, although they were only briefly touched upon and not written in detail.

But there are still many things that are familiar to people in Ceylon.

Those pictures (illustrations) of the future world, as well as text descriptions——

Huh? ! Why are some of them so similar to what our city lord is advocating for us to use!

Are the things we use now the prototype of those inventions? !

In the Ceylon City Bookstore, countless humans who were reading the epic became a little itchy after realizing this.

Their hearts beat faster, they are a little excited, and their blood boils.

If it is really because of their Ceylon City that it has become the leader of the next era——

The ‘guidance’ for the prosperity and prosperity of human civilization.

What a great “privilege” this is!

Just thinking about that possibility makes the people of Ceylon feel proud and confident.

A strong sense of pride arose spontaneously.

The people far away in the royal capital do not have that awareness.

They just felt that the trains, planes, and circuits described in the book were all very novel, and they were dumbfounded by those seemingly unconstrained fantasies.

At the same time, when Hermitus saw this, he also paid a little attention.

I actually had some realization - my mind was quickly attracted.

It was a novel setting that he had never seen before.

He was so focused for a moment that he forgot everything...

He even wanted to use alchemy to create electric lights and circuits.

And quickly thought of a "seemingly feasible" plan.

Long time no see——

Hermitus also found his own profession and hobbies in the epic.

Together with this, this concentration made him feel less cold and fearful when he saw the settings of Yu Xing Jianbing.

His heart was shocked, 'This is - the path that human civilization will take in the future? ! ’

Chapter 525: The soul of the burning planet and the setting of the sub-server!

'Humanity - an incredible race. ’

No matter what kind of environment they are in, they can always find a path suitable for their survival;

At this time, everyone couldn't help but think of the words that the God of Games Tetu gave to human beings - the name of the human species at the end of the previous war...'Mythical Epic'.

‘Not created by anyone, not expected by anyone, not prayed for by anyone. Just relying on their own will, they evolved from beasts to standing on two feet, and were the only race to gain intelligence - the nameless race - human beings. ’

Only they succeeded in putting an end to meaningless, ineffective, and boring wars.

"So, as the only god, I will give you the name - human species... [immunity]"

Keep learning, gain patience, never stop resisting, and never give up even to the last person. Finally, like the immune function of the planet itself, it stops people with stupid diseases.

The concept of evolution is a very suitable name for a race that hides infinite possibilities in one body.

And as the only human being who has adapted to the fading of 'mystery' and lit up the path called scientific and technological civilization...

Is this the unfolding of infinite possibilities, that evolution?

People all think proudly.

Hermitus was also a little moved.


"If a wandering star comes next time, how will mankind resist?" At this time, Hermitus couldn't help but think.

Although the tenacity of human beings is indeed shocking, without the gods, and even other races are hidden in the inner layers of the world, can human beings and the power called technology really be able to repel foreign invaders? !

"Twilight of the Gods"——

Connect that prophecy with what happened to Yusei and the fall of the Age of Gods.

To the gods——

Everything seems to make sense.

And it’s hard to imagine how humans in the future will respond to this wave that even the gods cannot resist!

‘The stage where all races leave the world. The earth was gradually divided into forces established by various human kingdoms.

The story of the gods has completely become a legend.

And Chaldea——a magic workshop built as a place that is not interfered with by any country and can keep secrets.

It is said that it is not an observatory to look up at the stars in the universe from the earth, but an observatory built to overlook everything on the earth from the void.

Its existence is to enable human history to continue long and tenaciously. It gathers researchers from various fields, regardless of magic or science.

Observe this world that cannot be seen in full by magic alone, and cannot be measured by science alone.

This is a secret agency jointly established by various countries to prevent human extinction (Bad End). But——

As mentioned before... one day, humans can no longer observe the [future]...’

Bang! It was like a hammer suddenly hit people's foreheads hard.


"Humans... can no longer observe the future!!"

"... Gulp..." The saliva slid in their throats, and the nobles stared with their eyes wide open, their hearts trembling and palpitations.

What does it mean! ?

An inexplicable sense of panic made their hearts skip a beat, and then they were stunned.

Fear will spread -

Sometimes humans will even scare themselves to the point of despair because of excessive associations and see a world that is too pessimistic.

And the straightforward words in the epic -

are no longer words that can be deceived by simply comforting oneself. Various speculations can't be stopped from constantly popping up.

The sentence "Humanity has no future! Humanity can no longer observe the future!" has exploded the voices of countless people.

Whether it is the fools or the wise -

Facing such shocking news, it is absolutely false to say that there is no touch in the heart. Even if you don't believe it completely, at least you will doubt the possibility!

"Has the wandering star come again? Has humanity become extinct because of this!?"

"Ah! Didn't the Holy Swordsman defeat the wandering star vanguard? If it's a hero holding a holy sword, he should be able to defeat the wandering star again! My king Arthur - where have you been?!"

"If a new Holy Swordsman can be found... No, even if a Holy Swordsman appears, can he really exert the same powerful power as in the Age of Gods in a world without "mystery"? "

People couldn't help but murmur.

For a moment, they were all panicked and uneasy.

At this time, the little princess noticed such words in the epic.

'As the literal meaning, humans have no future.

Assuming that the planet also has a "soul", and copying its soul, it is "the data of another planet" that is virtually operated in the state of a hundred years later.

After the activation of Malisbili Animusphia, Chaldea observed this planet model to ensure the so-called "the future where civilization will continue a hundred years later"

However, one day later, a special explosion occurred in Chaldea, and all 47 first-class magicians in the institute were in critical condition and frozen. Only one person remained...

He was considered to have the talent of an ordinary person, but he was ordered to sign a contract with the sub-servant and became the master.

And after that accident...

The near-future observation data on Sheba was also rewritten. The originally predetermined fate... the future of mankind that could still be seen clearly, completely disappeared.

The blue sphere representing the planet model suddenly turned into a fiery red like the abyss purgatory, and turned into a burning fireball. '

"Is this the reason why the book says that humans cannot observe the future?"

Although the specific scene at that time was not described in detail.

People still had a bad feeling in their hearts.

It means that humans originally had a future.

But it suddenly changed?

It sounds like it's not because of the problem of the wandering planet, and people were a little confused for a while.

At this time, Claire noticed the only remaining master and "sub-servant" mentioned in the book.

Because when it was suspected that "Jeanne" summoned "Giles" and others, the book had already explained the relationship between the master and the servant.

People can understand what the Master means.

But they don't understand what a sub-servant is.

Are there sub-servants among servants?

Until they saw the note about sub-servants at the bottom of this page in the epic.

It was an attempt to fuse a Heroic Spirit with a human being, and it was the sixth experiment of Chaldea.

Shielder——that was the posture of Mashu Kyrielight and the fusion of the Servant. It was called "sub-servant".

The book briefly mentioned the setting of sub-servants and the existence of the girl Mashu.

But it did not mention the real name of the Heroic Spirit that merged with it.

After reading this note, Claire opened her mouth in shock.

The dead heroes——the dead Heroic Spirits... could actually fuse with the living humans? !

Humans merged with the spirit base of the Heroic Spirit and finally mastered the power of the Heroic Spirit!

Chapter 526 Unable to discover, unconfirmed, and unguaranteed!


In an instant, countless uproars rang out, and people looked at the words in the epic with unbelievable fiery eyes.

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