
If only I could get a little favor from those beautiful beings in the epic. They must have laughed out loud in their dreams.


People don’t realize how “different” and “unique taste” this ‘new wife’ is.

‘Roman: “As you can see, his character is not ordinary.

Of course, they are not ordinary humans either. I don't want to explain this. "

"If you want to ask why——"'

Roman's words made everyone feel stunned and stunned.

What's the meaning?

That 'female' she——

Before Roman could say anything more.

Mashu was the first to reveal his special features in surprise.

‘Ma Xiu: “…It’s a Servant. Senior, this is incredible. This is a Servant!”

The woman named Da Vinci responded with a smile: "Yes, that's the right answer~!?

I am the special honorary advisor to the Chaldea Technology Bureau, and Leonardo is just my temporary name.

It was during the Renaissance that I enjoyed my greatest fame...

The universal inventor Leonardo da Vinci himself! "

...Leonardo da Vinci.

That is a name that people are completely unaware of and unfamiliar to.

Even the Renaissance it mentioned did not impress people at all.

"Is this lost history again...?" Hermitos frowned and thought helplessly.

At this moment, people do not realize what the name "Leonardo da Vinci" actually represents.

Precisely because I don’t understand its history, I can still look at the epic poem calmly.


‘Da Vinci: “Well, please don’t be polite, just call me Da Vinci.”

It’s rare to see a big sister as beautiful as me, right? ”’

See here...

"Da Vinci kisses QAQ!!" The little princess and the noble young master couldn't help shouting out.

Bewitched by this gentle appearance, they felt a lot of good feelings in their hearts.

This big sister seems to have a good personality! She is also a member of Chaldea!

Are there so many people in Chaldea? Before, they thought there were only three people: the doctor, the master, and Mashu.


Unlike many people from other worlds who responded well...

The Chaldeans who heard that ‘name’ and how it was called——

'Master (gudda): "Hey... big sister...?"

Matthew: "This is so strange. It's an anomaly! It's a disorder!

Because Leonardo da Vinci is a male——”’

With the reactions of the Master and Mash, especially Mash's sudden words.

Everyone who is reading this part of the epic is collectively confused.

The aristocratic young masters and young people who were full of favorability just a moment ago...

First reaction: ...Ma Xiu’s reaction was so intense!

Abnormal, disordered?

Oh...it turns out that Leonardo da Vinci is male! Suddenly!

Second reaction:? ? ?

! ! !

What a ghost! "--"male"?!!!"



boom! At this moment, people seem to have opened the door to a new world.

Facing this is no less than another kind of ‘creation of the world’.

They collectively took a deep breath as the storm destroyed their outlook on life.

Take a look at the beautiful big sister in the illustration, and then take a look at the vast heart that is enough to warm all male compatriots.

"No...I don't believe it!"

"Are you... kidding?! This isn't funny at all!"

From time to time, in bookstores in major cities, the sour howls of men, as if they had eaten something flying, could be heard.

There are many people who don’t know the Renaissance, don’t know Leonardo, and have never even heard of Leonardo da Vinci.

Now I finally understand——

Why do doctors want to speak but stop talking, stop talking but want to.

Why did Mash and the protagonist (Master) in the book react so violently! ! I...I...I, I, I, woo, woo, woo!

Chapter 536: If civilization develops and matures, anything is possible.

The little princess fell into a daze.

Claire and the noble young masters also fell into collective confusion.

Countless teenagers are so stupid that their minds go blank and their brains are in a state of panic.

These sudden 'shocky' words had a huge impact on more than one person!

Leonardo da Vinci...is a "male"!

"male"--! "Male"! These two words must be emphasized! It’s a test!

And the young guys in adolescence who had just a little fondness and admiration for him.

Now he suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

"This - how is it possible?!" People looked at the beautiful woman in the book who couldn't see any male characteristics at all.

I can only feel an incredible and amazing beauty!

You call such a beautiful woman a man...?

The humans of that era were all blind! !

At this moment, no one even cared about Da Vinci's identity as a "Servant".

Compared to him...? she……? it……! !

Is he the hero after death, the incarnation of the heroic spirit...!

None of this matters anymore! !

For those who are reading the epic now, there are already more important things to deal with than a sense of immersion.

What they have to figure out today...!

Everyone is in a state of pain and confusion.

——If you read the chapter about the longed-for hero...

It should be normal to have "admiration" for the beautiful things in books! Bar? Bar!

It’s normal! It’s normal! Absolutely, absolutely normal! At least for men, this is exactly the case!

——The voices of countless young people from other worlds!

Even girls have experienced the drama of a hero saving a beauty and being saved by a prince in a fairy tale!

Human beings have the same pursuit of beauty!


Would you be in love with a creature of unknown gender? !

Just think of this...

At this moment, countless people felt a frightening chill and cold sweat behind their backs.

If they don't figure out the 'truth', they feel that they may not be able to sleep tonight.

It was a maddening feeling of anxiety.

(Homura: "Huh...? The reason for not changing Da Vinci's transformed image?"

...Isn't it nice of Leonardo da Vinci who is willing to become a beautiful big sister? I am benefiting the vast number of human beings in other worlds! What else do you have to complain about!

As long as it is a beautiful thing, some small problems are no longer important! ")

In the epic——

‘Da Vinci continued: “You should always be suspicious of established facts~.

But then again, is gender so important? "

(Everyone’s eyes twitched when they saw this, and they almost couldn’t help shouting: “Isn’t it important?!”)

Leonardo da Vinci continued to attack forcefully: "The question of whether I am a boy or a girl——

Who brought it up first? It’s true. ”’

She slightly opened her blue eyes.

Those moving eyes, combined with the new vertical painting, actually give people the illusion that they are gazing at themselves (people) tenderly.

People couldn't help but trembled.

‘Leonardo Da Vinci: “I have been pursuing beauty all my life. It is the same for inventions and art.

To express all ideals - to express all beauty, that is who I am. ”’

Everyone, who originally had some strange and complicated hearts, saw Leonardo da Vinci's sincere and serious speech and looked at the illustration, his eyes widened slightly as if he could speak, and he was looking into their eyes.

(Yan: My painting skills have improved!")

People seem to understand at this moment, the inner belief of this unknown and mysterious servant named Leonardo da Vinci.

If it is said that every hero has an idea and belief in his heart that he will never abandon.

King Arthur protects the happiness of the people, the Impaler protects his country, and Giles protects Joan of Arc.

The individual named Leonardo da Vinci...

He also has the pursuit of pursuing beautiful things throughout his life! ?

Be attracted by the dazzling and beautiful spirit revealed. At this moment, many people suddenly felt a strange sense of identity.

Who doesn’t like a beautiful existence…

If you spend your whole life pursuing beautiful things, it must be a very happy thing!

People thought absentmindedly.


‘Leonardo Da Vinci: “The ideal beauty for me is the Mona Lisa.

In that case——my current appearance is also a reasonable result, right? "

(Everyone suddenly stiffened.

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