She is preparing to work hard to make the taste that His Highness likes!

And Yan was looking forward to it a little bit...

After all, to a certain extent, it is the same as Leonardo da Vinci...

Even in this world, it can be called the love song of the Almighty.

As long as you think about it, you can actually make it even if you can't say it.

Although the world is different, even the delicacies in Yaowang and Xiaodangjia can imitate one or two charms.

Not to mention anything else...

Just in terms of taste, the food made by Aige is definitely not bad.

In the book, Matthew couldn't bear Roman's behavior at all.

Mashu: ‘...Master, when you return to Chaldea, please reserve enough resources for one battle.

Because I registered another enemy that I wanted to hit with a shield. ’

At this time, everyone had automatically imagined the image of Mashu slapping the doctor on the face with the huge shield as big as a city gate after returning to Chaldea.

The scene was so beautiful that they couldn't bear to look directly at it.

'Soldier: No, you are - no... you are! Run away! The witch appears!

Matthew: Huh? Witch?

While Mashu and the others were talking, the soldiers watching Joan of Arc on the other side finally reacted belatedly.

Joan of Arc: "..."

After just a moment, the soldiers disappeared.

Joan of Arc did not catch up, but stepped forward to thank Mashu and the others: "Well... thank you very much."

Matthew: “You’re welcome, that’s as it should be.

By the way, you are——

Joan of Arc: “The Adjudicator.

My Servant job title is Judge. Real name is Joan of Arc. "

Matthew: "Joan of Arc...!?"'

"Joan of Arc...!?" The people who were reading suddenly became excited, and they spoke in unison as if they were like Matthew in the book.

It’s really Joan of Arc! !

A huge mystery wraps everyone up, and things gradually begin to deviate from their original understanding and knowledge.

The images of the saint and the witch began to get confused at this moment!

Chapter 540: Same era, same people! Double emotions!

"Didn't you say that you have become a witch..."

Facing this sudden appearance of Joan of Arc.

No matter the image or personality, it seems to be completely different from the black one before.

The doubts in everyone's minds can simply reach the sky;

At this time, Joan of Arc in the book——

‘Joan of Arc: “If you have any questions, we’ll talk about it later.

...These words are not suitable to be said in front of them.

plz follow me.

Please. ”’

Faced with Joan's kindness, everyone in Chaldea chose to believe her words and left with her.

People can't help but feel a little bit of anticipation, wanting to see what this Joan of Arc is all about.

Everyone in the middle encountered another monster on the road, but Joan of Arc and them teamed up to repel it.

Introducing myself…

Jeanne, who understood the situation of everyone in Chaldea, expressed surprise that Chaldea had a "Master".

And put forward the related concept of 'Holy Grail War'.

Annotations and popular science are also given in the book.

At the same time, the differences between the seven job agencies are explained in detail.

And Joan of Arc’s special ‘ruler’ job agency.


As the judge, Jeanne suddenly showed that she was not clear about Mashu's role as a 'sub-server'.

Through conversations and exchanges between several people...

Claire and the others quickly understood the ‘special thing’ about this Joan of Arc.

‘Joan of Arc: “I am indeed a Servant.

The employment agency is the arbiter, I still have the awareness of this.

But...most of the knowledge about the Holy Grail War that was supposed to be given to me no longer exists.

No, it’s not just knowledge.

Even the level of ability has been reduced. "

Jeanne d'Arc: "Not to mention the command spells used against the servants during the battle, I can't even see through the opponent's true name."

“Fortunately, this is my hometown where I was born and raised.

At least the language is still the same. ”’

? !

miserable! This is too miserable!

Is there such a weak judge?

After all, it is a special job agency that is different from the seven major job agencies!

This Joan of Arc——! In the end she...

When people's doubts were not solved, but with Joan's introduction, the strange feeling became stronger and stronger.

Regarding Jeanne's weakness, and the aura-filled image of Heizhen in their impression...

Now it can be said that it is completely irrelevant.

But this shouldn't be...

How could Joan of Arc, who possesses the "Holy Grail", controls the other six knights, and also serves as the master, show such a weak side?

And her hair color and skin color are also...

Why did it suddenly change back?


People's eyes turned to the flag in the standing painting, which changed into the iris heraldry again.

Didn't Joan of Arc personally say before that she wanted to change her pattern into a dragon?


... Various questions and doubts are plaguing people's minds, becoming increasingly confusing.


Matthew asked "Jane" if she was the dragon witch;

The explanation given by Joan of Arc made people freeze.

——She said that she had just arrived in this era less than a few hours ago and had no idea about the situation of the "Dragon Witch".

boom! !

It’s fried! Suddenly it exploded!

In the bookstore, many people who saw this part of the plot immediately pulled their friends around to discuss it.

The noble young masters also stood up suddenly.

This Joan of Arc is not Joan of Arc?

Bah, no... She is Joan of Arc. Then... Who is that Joan of Arc?

I was stunned!!

... Suspicious!! Everyone was hesitant to speak, and even a little frightened in the end.

Huh? What is going on?

‘Joan of Arc: “It seems that there is another Joan of Arc in this world.

A Joan of Arc who killed King Charles VII of France and carried out the massacre in Orleans...”’

Without considering herself, Joan of Arc directly pointed out the ‘truth’ of the matter. ’

There is another Joan of Arc?


The book introduces the possibility that two identical ‘servants’ are summoned in the same era through Mashu and Roman.

Because the time periods are different, the personalities may also be very different.

“Summoning the same ‘self’ in the same era?”

That’s... too weird!

The little princess looked at this explanation and couldn't help but open her mouth slightly, but she didn't say anything.

Just imagine that scene -

Two identical people, summoned in the same era.

Uh, her mood is a little subtle now! (Double happiness!)

And at this time...

Roman in the book also explained the importance of this era to mankind and began to analyze the main reasons for the singularity.

The matter of the Dragon Witch alone is enough to affect many, many places.

'Roman: "Historically, France was the first country to advocate human freedom and equality.

Many countries followed suit.

But if this right it has is delayed for a hundred years.

Civilization will stagnate. If this right is not recognized, we may still be repeating the same life as last century."'

Obviously -

Because of the existence of the Dragon Witch, France is even about to become extinct.

Naturally, there will be no "advocacy" of freedom and equality!

"Freedom... equality...?" Many people were slightly startled when they saw this.

But they didn't care much...

For their era, which still possessed various mysterious powers such as magic.

It was difficult for people to understand the feeling of true freedom and equality.

At most, they were curious and imagined what the future world would be like.

I'm afraid it was because the Age of Gods was lost and the mystery faded...

that the process of human evolution appeared!

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