If possible, they would have wanted to limit the scope of intelligence collection in cities or villages to the smallest possible...

But now it seems that their location may have been exposed and they may be ready to be attacked at any time.

Then they needed to move quickly, so they had no choice but to head straight to the nearest city!

Before that, considering that Guda, as a human, did not have as much physical strength as a heroic spirit and needed a good rest, they stayed overnight in the wild.

In the evening, during the communication with Matthew, Jeanne gradually opened her heart and confessed to him that she felt like a 'novice servant'.

Perhaps because he had only died a few days ago, the summoning ceremony was incomplete.

As a result, she has no idea what kind of power she has, and she is an unqualified servant.

And Mashu also claimed that he was just a 'sub-server'.

If you call her a newbie...she can be considered one!

But the seniors still gave her full trust!

You don't fight just because you are "strong".

This is the senior in her eyes——

My own master!

And the heroic spirit in her body also told her "it doesn't matter"!

"Heroic Spirit?!"

"Is there still a heroic spirit in Mashu's body?"

People were stunned when they saw this, and then they remembered the unknown mysterious hero who was attached to Matthew.


People were extremely curious about the true name of that heroic spirit!

Chapter 542: Joan of Arc.alter, the frightening reappearance of the Impaler!

People originally knew the legend of Galahad from the stories of King Arthur.

I even saw his portrait.

But Galahad in Arthurian legend is male.

No matter what, people don't associate Matthew with him.

Even if the images are similar, people will only be slightly surprised. Not thinking too much about anything——

Not to mention…

Compared with that giant shield, the knight named Galahad is more famous for the magic sword he holds in his hand - the red-handled sword.

Although Galahad also uses a shield, he does not only use the shield as a weapon.

With the heroic spirit existing in Mashu's body, people naturally doubted the heroic spirit fused with her.

As for the other person who encouraged Matthew——

"You don't fight 'because you are strong'."

This is Mashu’s view of her senior and Master——

This sentence made many people slightly stunned...

Hermitos has begun to realize that they may have underestimated this Master who was rated as an ordinary person.

Is this the reason why this 48th man can move forward so firmly even in the face of huge pressure and responsibility to save all mankind?

Although he has not become a hero yet, he already has the qualities of a hero.

Just from the experience of this first singularity, some shining things can already be seen in advance.

‘Early on the next morning, Joan of Arc led everyone straight to Orleans.

But even if they knew the current situation was urgent, their location might have been exposed.

Joan of Arc didn't show any anxiety.

It was impossible to sneak into Orleans directly, as that would be too dangerous and likely to be exposed.

They decided to search for information in the cities around Orleans.

And soon, they will arrive at Lasalitai.

Facing Joan's series of calm actions and commands, Matthew and the others couldn't help but praise her calmness and prudence. ’

She is worthy of being the saint who saved the country——


Just when everyone was praising her inwardly, they saw Jeanne look a little worried and say those words.

‘Joan of Arc: “…No, to be honest, I’m very anxious.

No matter how you look at it, the other ‘I’ is not normal.

One can only imagine what she would do if she allowed that kind of monster to dominate humans. "

"No matter how noble a human being is, he will collapse in the face of overwhelming power and hatred."'

It was as if the reassuring smile she had kept on her face before was just to ease everyone's atmosphere.

On the next page, an illustration appeared.

In the illustration, the saint who saved the country has uneasiness and worry between her eyebrows.

It's impossible to fake that look of genuine concern for people's safety. People looked startled!

... Joan of Arc's words once again made them doubt the existence of another 'Black Joan of Arc'.

[No matter how you look at it, the other ‘I’ is not normal. 】

"Does even Jeanne herself think that the other her is abnormal now?"

Everyone is willing to believe that this Joan of Arc is the real Joan of Arc.

And the black one obviously had the same experience...but he did something that wanted to destroy the entire France.

It is not difficult to know from the words of this Joan of Arc that she has also "died".

She had the same experience, but she never thought of taking revenge on France.

…Then Black Joan’s behavior is a bit intriguing.

There was too little information and intelligence at the moment, and even though they thought crazily, they still couldn't come up with a perfect answer. We can only give up temporarily.

They continued to read to the back of the epic poem.

Just when everyone thought that Chaldea's group and Joan of Arc were going to get the information they wanted in the next city.

But there is a change in the book.

——What appeared in front of Jeanne and the others was not a prosperous town, but ruins burned by fire.

The doctor seemed to have detected the reaction of the new servant, and was moving at high speed, leaving the city.

Jeanne, Mash and others immediately rushed to the city, but could not find any signs of life. It seemed that all the humans in the city had been killed;

In the ruins of the blazing fire, they were attacked by zombies in the city.

... After defeating these zombies, they encountered the wyverns again.

These dragons seemed to have received some orders to feed on the corpses of those humans.

Even if they were just corpses, the people who were angry about the cannibalism of the wyverns chose to continue fighting.

Until all the enemies were completely eliminated.

Everyone was able to rest, and Jeanne showed a somewhat uneasy and sad expression.

She blamed all this on "herself", which must be another sin committed by her.

The previous servant's reaction might be another "herself".

This hellish scene in front of me can't be deceived!

Is this really what she did? This made Jeanne suffer in her heart.

However, the only thing she couldn't understand was——

Joan of Arc: "How much do you have to hate humans to commit such a crime?"

"There is only one thing I can't find the answer to."

When everyone saw Joan of Arc's words, they fell into silence, their hearts were a little complicated, and they became more confused.


Although it is a tragedy that Joan of Arc was burned at the stake as a witch.


Does Joan of Arc really hate humans so much?

As people initially speculated, Joan of Arc would only take revenge on the church members and Bishop Pierre who caused her death.

At worst, there would be a vendetta list of kings and soldiers who betrayed her.

But the target of revenge would never extend to those innocent people.

Is this really Joan of Arc's "hatred"?

And it is really difficult for people to connect the evil deeds committed by Joan of Arc with the saint in front of them.

They have realized the difference between the two Joans of Arc.

In the depths of their hearts, they instinctively...deeply reject and blame these sins on Joan of Arc.

Obviously, this Joan of Arc has only been in this era for a few days. Obviously, she has done nothing and is still trying to help the people who are being hunted by the Dragon Witch.

But, except for the people in Chaldea, why can't she get everyone's trust!

People are not fools. They have already seen that there is something wrong with Black Joan of Arc.

But no matter what, they will never think that the so-called Black Joan of Arc... is actually not "Joan of Arc" at all.

Or, there are guesses, but there is no reasonable explanation at all.

If the black Joan of Arc is not Joan of Arc.

Why do you want to take such hateful revenge on France!


After that-the plot advances rapidly.

Just when Mashu and Joan of Arc were communicating.

The doctor suddenly reminded them anxiously to leave the place quickly.

The servants who left responded and came back.

They were still rushing to their location at a very fast speed. They should have been discovered!

And in Roman's detection, at least five servants responded...

Such an obvious disparity in strength cannot be defeated by half-baked sub-servants and novice rulers! Roman suggested that Mashu and the others flee immediately.


Joan of Arc, who was always calm, was surprisingly firm and persistent in her decision this time.

Even if the idea sounded a little stupid, she had her reasons for doing it!

Joan of Arc refused the request to flee together: "...I won't run away. At least, I have to ask their real intentions...!"

Mashu: "But...!"

Roman: "No, it's too late!

Mashu, anyway, consider escaping first. Do you understand!?"


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