Wouldn't it be simple and reliable to directly defeat them physically? "

Joan of Arc shouted in disbelief: "——What a stupid act!"

Jeanne Alter: "Stupid behavior?

We are the ones who are stupid, Joan of Arc.

Why do you want to save this country?

Why do you want to save these stupid people?

Knowing that they are betraying you and spurning your existence! ”’

An illustration of an angry Kurosada looking coldly appeared in people's eyes.

The big mouth seemed to be questioning something loudly and angrily.

People were shocked in their hearts, accompanied by Hei Zhen's heart-touching speech.

They recalled the tragic ending of Joan of Arc.

Looking at Black Joan of Arc at this time, they opened their mouths slightly, and finally fell into silence.

After all, France is indeed sorry for their saint who saved the country! Although Black Joan has changed too much and has too many targets for revenge...

It is different from the Joan of Arc in people's impression.

But no matter what the discrepancy is, in such a desperate ending——

Unable to get a response from the gods he believed in, he was burned alive...

Any kind of hatred is understandable! ?

At this time, Hermitus frowned with a puzzled expression...

Looking at it like this, is this Joan of Arc also ‘real’? Is it really not someone else pretending to be...but another Joan of Arc?

'In response to Black Joan's words, White Joan subconsciously wanted to say something anxiously: "——That's because..."

Joan of Arc Alter interrupted her: "I will no longer be deceived, nor will I allow betrayal.

Besides, I couldn’t hear the Lord’s voice at all. "

“If you can’t hear the voice of the Lord, it means that the Lord has given up hope on this country.”

"Therefore I will destroy it. The lamentation of the Lord will be carried out by me.

I will uproot all the seeds of sin. "

"As long as the human race continues to multiply, this hatred will not stop. I will transform this France into a country of the silent dead."

"This is who I am. This is how I face death, grow, and become a new person—Joan of Arc's way of saving the country."'

He talked about the "way to save the country" that made everyone feel terrible.

Those extreme and irrational speeches made people realize that the Joan of Arc in front of them was really filled with the consciousness of revenge from the inside out!

That twisted thought——

Everyone clenched their fists subconsciously.

No matter what, I don't want to see that scene of corpses strewn across the field.

‘Joan of Arc Alter: “But you can’t understand it.

Always put on a saintly face.

It is impossible to understand a pure saint who always pretends not to see hatred and joy, and who has not grown up at all in terms of humanity! "

Joan of Arc: "What..."

Bai Zhen blushed slightly and did not dare to look directly into Hei Zhen's eyes.

It seemed that Hei Zhen said something that made her very speechless. ’

Everyone stared blankly at the beautiful and blushing Joan of Arc in the illustration.

Suddenly I feel——

‘A pure saint who has not grown up is so great! So beautiful! ’

But is this really inhumane?

It is really difficult for people to agree with Hei Zhen's words in their hearts.


That black Joan of Arc must have been broken.

‘Roman: “No, how can a servant have the so-called human growth?

It should be called a comparison of the improvement of heroic spirits..."

Jeanne Alter: "——There is an annoying fly.

If you continue to be annoying like this, I'll kill you, okay? ”’

After that, Roman screamed and jumped up and down in panic.

Claiming that this servant could emit laser light with just the sight of his eyes, he actually set Chaldea's console on fire directly through the world's communications.

Everyone was ashamed, and once again realized how terrifying and powerful the black Joan of Arc was with the Holy Grail.

My heart became worried.

Not to mention——

The presence of the Grand Duke was still in people's minds.

If this one takes action, even if the current Mashu and Jeanne combined, they will not be opponents!

That was the impaling male who actually fought out of the rainforest where corpses were piled up!

On force——

Let alone a half-baked Servant, even a truly full-strength Joan of Arc, with the help of Mashu...

Can you really defeat such a powerful enemy?

Judging from the description in the epic, Joan of Arc's own combat ability is more reflected in inspiring people's morale!

Everyone still thinks that the Archduke is stronger.

With that kind of worry——

Then people saw Black Joan continuing a series of taunts to Bai Zhen.

The justice that claims it is ugly is not that it is incomprehensible, but that it is unwilling to understand the 'anger'.

The white 'saint' named Joan of Arc is nothing but the dregs she has abandoned.

It has no value -

They are just undead souls who want to recreate history in order to repeat the mistakes they have made.

‘Joan of Arc Alter: “Become a mad spearman and a mad assassin. Get rid of that village girl.”’

! ! !

Following Black Joan's order, people actually saw the Impaler and a white-haired female servant standing up.

"Ahem! Village... village girl?!"

Poof~! ~!

Everyone really didn't expect that Black Joan would be so ruthless to her other self.

For a moment, because of those two words, the picture became full of meaning.


Although Joan of Arc was born in a small village, she can't be considered a village girl!

Speaking of village girls...

Isn’t this black Joan of Arc the same?

But the key issues now are not these.

But is the Grand Duke going to take action against Joan of Arc and the Chaldeans?

What people were worried about is finally happening!

Crazy spearmen, crazy assassins——

People looked at the spear held in the Grand Duke's arms and understood his job description.

‘Joan of Arc Alter: “Aren’t you tired of dealing with soldiers all the time?

Just enjoy the joy this time, they are strong.

Among the servants I summoned, you are the monsters most thirsty for blood.

To eradicate the brave is the meaning of your existence. Just kill as much as you want. ”’

——Monster thirsting for blood!

Isn't that just——

"Vampire"? !

Such words come directly from people's minds.

Hermitus looked up sharply.

I see! He seemed to finally understand why a man like the Impaler, who looked like a villain but was actually full of heroic spirit, was summoned by Black Joan.

The attributes of madness, combined with the attributes of monsters——!

The man who was summoned not as the Grand Duke of Dragons, but as a blasphemous 'monster' who rebelled against the gods!

Speaking of which...

Like Black Joan, he is a person who has been abandoned by the gods!

Hermitus sighed inwardly.

Is that unwillingness and hatred the reason why you responded to Joan of Arc's call?

Chapter 545: Revealing each other’s real names—the Grand Duke who released the sea?

‘Mr. Impaler: “——Very good. Then, the blood will remain.”

The mysterious mad assassin? ? ? : “This is not okay, Your Majesty.

I also want to get her body, her blood, and her internal organs. ”’

It is indeed the ‘Piercing Man’! people thought excitedly.

Being called "Your Majesty"? Grand Duke, he...

There should still be the glory of being a king, right?

Everyone's hearts were in turmoil, and they couldn't calm down.

Seeing the heroes and kings of the past siding with the evil forces.

That kind of feeling is really something that makes people love and hate at the same time, it's so subtly tight!

‘Mr. Impaler: “You are really greedy. What about the soul? Whose soul belongs to it?”

? ? ? : "The soul is of no use to me. Can fame and dignity maintain my beauty?"

Impaler: "Okay. Then her soul will be restored. How ironic.

Only after degenerating into a bloodthirsty demon did he finally understand her beauty. "

???: "Yeah. That's why I couldn't suppress the emotion in my heart.

I will not allow anything more beautiful than me to exist in the world.

No, more importantly -

How beautiful can the blood of a creature more beautiful than me make me?

Ahhh. It’s so fun to crush fresh fruit.

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