But having said that, it cannot be concluded that all of her actions were innocent crimes.

Even if all kinds of torture devices and sadistic dramas are just legends, the circumstantial evidence that she likes to kill is also confirmed. ’

"So, the reason why this woman killed people was because she had a headache and fell in love with torturing others? Only through blood can she find relief... Sad monster." Hermitos frowned and spoke at this point.

Judging from the words of the impaler, this woman's final outcome seems to be that she was sent to the end by those who escaped from her hands -? !

Just thinking about this, Hermitos sighed a little, and suddenly saw... such words~!

'For Elizabeth, killing civilians was an "ordinary" daily life.

For her, if there was anything that could be called unfortunate, it was that no one could blame her for her abnormality and tell her that it was a cruel act.

The crazy blood extraction began for several years. Elizabeth's cruelty even affected noble girls.

So, she finally accepted the accusation that was legitimate as a human being.

She was found guilty in a trial in the absence of the parties concerned and was imprisoned in a room in Chakdis Castle.

In this way, people completely sealed her, who was already feared as a demon.

People (they) whispered.

His posture is terrifying to look at.

Hearing his voice made me shudder.

The memory of losing my daughter, the memory of handing her over with my own hands, just thinking about it makes me tremble with fear——

The father who handed over his daughter. Relatives of Elizabeth.

The compatriots of the aristocratic society, as if to hide their guilt, covered her prison with stones.

Elizabeth's room...the castle's underground prison was eventually reduced to a small hole through which food was fed.

In that room where there were no exits or windows and the outside was blocked by mud, she kept asking "Why?" until her death came.

"Why? Why?"

"I've obviously never done anything bad."

Although the sound could be heard through the stone prison, it is said that it was no longer heard after the soldiers got bored and blocked the skylight.

After that, no one saw her alive again.

One day, the soldiers noticed a putrid smell and confirmed her death.

Since then, she has become a legend as the Blood Countess. ’

With this last paragraph, the description of the monster named 'Elizabeth Bathory'...or the monster Camilla at this moment came to an end.

People's consciousness is still a little absent-minded, and their minds are filled with the ironic last scene——

The desperate end of a woman named Elizabeth!

'If there is anything that can be called unfortunate, it is that no one blamed her for her abnormality and told her that it was a cruel act. ’

When they think of a sentence, many people's minds roar and become blank.

Their three views had a huge impact.

‘If you can’t even understand what evil is.

So, can people who do evil really be considered evil? ’

‘Do evil without any malice—

So is this evil? ’ Thinking about this question.

If you think about it carefully, what caused Elizabeth to become like that was the inaction of that sinful country and system!

In the end, he regarded such a woman as the source of all misfortunes...

What an ironic scene!

But people couldn't laugh.

Their limited horizons trapped them in an endless cycle of silence and entanglement.

"Vampire... Bloody Countess..." Claire muttered.

Then I thought of the Grand Duke...

The mood is a bit complicated.

These Servants, who were known as 'monsters' during their lifetime and were even more feared after their death, seemed to have been very miserable throughout their lives...

Even - pitiful?

——What Claire and the others did not realize at this moment was...

People who bear the name of monsters, although miserable, are often unwilling to admit that they are existences that need to be pitied.

That kind of compassion -

It is no doubt the same as giving them alms and humiliating them!

Chapter 547: Magic, Magic☆Merry’s Wisdom Encyclopedia!

‘Camilla: “…It’s really hard to understand the charm. That’s why I don’t like people who have the spirit of chivalry in their bones. They have degenerated into vampires, but they still hold on to their noble spirit and don’t let go.”

Impaler: "——Are you saying that I haven't given up my faith yet?"

Both of them gradually became dissatisfied, and the smell of gunpowder began to fill the air. ’

Afterwards, Black Joan became angry, stopped the quarrel between the two, and asked them to quickly deal with the village girl and the Chaldean group in front of them.

Camilla gave in and claimed that she actually admired him for becoming the king of vampires before she did.

However, the Impaler mercilessly exposed her thoughts.

By 'admiration', do you mean the kind that you want to assassinate at any time?

Even if they are from the same camp, they are definitely friendly without seeing each other.

The forces on Black Joan's side are far less united than people imagine.

This performance made the readers who were worried about everyone in Chaldea feel relieved.

It’s better not to pay attention to it——

Internal strife is the way to go.

In this case, Jeanne and Mashu's chances of survival will probably be higher.


Camilla took the initiative to take down Jeanne and her group.

But she did not succeed again.

On the contrary -

'Camilla: "There is a strange sense of disharmony.

Is this why the Vlad Guild showed mercy?

At such a young age, you have such sophisticated fighting skills. This is too contradictory. Who are you?"'

Camilla's sudden remarks stunned everyone.

The real reason why the Archduke let them go? Wait... what does that mean?

No... is it that the Archduke does not want to take action against Mashu and the others?

Then Black Jeanne seemed to see something and suddenly spoke.

Pointed out the identity of Mashu's servant.

That's right -

Camilla's previous words were referring to Mashu.

Jeanne Alter: "... This is my mistake. Although you are more cruel than the others. But because of this, you played a little too much."

Then Black Jeanne wanted to give the right to take action to the other three servants.

The Archduke raised an objection!

But he was scolded by Black Jeanne and scolded back!

She claimed that the Impaler was so eager for the precious blood of the Saint and Mashu that he subconsciously controlled his strength and had no overall view.

She didn't like such a selfish character.


On the other side -

Seeing the description of the real reason why Black Jeanne let the Impaler go in the article.

People exploded...


...? ? ?

...! !

How, how is it possible? !

No, I don't believe it! How could it be such a reason? !

Claire, the little princess and the others widened their eyes.

A basin of cold water was suddenly poured on their hearts, like a bolt from the blue.

It was not a kind intention at all, but an idea to keep the food as fresh as possible.

What a crazy and cruel idea -

People were greatly shocked for a while.

And the people who had not yet woken up from Black Jeanne's "inference" that they didn't know whether it was true or false.

Then, they were at a loss, their emotions surging, when they saw Roman's panicked speech.

'Roman: "Ah wow, is she going to send out the three behind this time!?

What...what should I do, is there no solution?"

Mashu: "Doctor, calm down. You are making us panic like this...!"

Roman: "But...but this situation is at the end of the road!

Ah wow, send an email, send an email, now we have to rely on the power of the Internet!"'

"Internet...?" Everyone was stunned for a moment.

They knew what email was.

Isn't it just a letter?

But what is the "power of the Internet"?

Is it Chaldea's secret weapon? !

Looking at the doctor's words, everyone had a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

Then they saw such illustrations and brief notes about the illustrations.

-It was a product that projected text on the screen, which they had never seen before.

...Then people roughly understood why the Internet was.

It seemed to be a special communication method developed by future humans towards technological civilization.

It is used in the same way as some magic projection crystals, but it can realize the product of projection dialogue.

God of Alchemy ‘!!!’

He suddenly opened his eyes a little wide, and a fanatical light emanated from his eyes.

“Hmm…?! Through ‘alchemy’, the projection magic stone can be turned into a prop that can communicate and exchange remotely? Such an interesting idea, I have never thought of it at all.”

Whether the thing in front of him contains alchemy technology is no longer important to Hermitos.

What’s important is that he thinks this can be made by alchemy! That is the product of alchemy!

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