Dion was silent for a while, and then said: "...I will obey the Master.

If she wants to end the world, I will do it.

Moreover, I was also given the attribute of madness. Better not mess with me. "

Grand Duke: "——Oh?...That's really rude."

Dion: "..."

In silence, the swordsman did not look at his teammates, but took the first step to leave the ruins where there was no more fighting.

Camilla: “Thinking about it this way, she is really pitiful.

She actually became an enemy of the queen who gave her the dress and whom she loved.

However, this is the fate of a servant.

Such is the case with the Holy Grail War. ”’


The true name of the mad swordsman was also revealed;

Knight - Dion!

Although Joan of Arc, Chaldea and the others who had left on the other side did not hear it.

But Claire and the other ‘gods’ outside the book saw it clearly!

'Give her the gown, the queen she loves? ’

‘Dion and Mary actually have this kind of relationship? ’ People were also slightly surprised.

Think about it carefully——

Most of these followers are related to the country France.

As for Knight Dion and Queen Marie Antoinette, it can now be judged that they belong to the same era.

Although many mysteries have been solved, there are still many fogs that people don't know, blocking their eyes.

This process is like decryption, peeling off the mysterious veil layer by layer, making people feel itchy and unbearable.

The noble knight Dion and Queen Marie, the flower of Versailles.

What kind of story is there behind them?

For some reason, saving humanity is more important...

It just so happens that people are now very interested in the stories behind these servants...

'Probably that is the heroic chapter - the charm of the epic...' Hermitus.

Chapter 552: Envy and jealousy... Uh, sorry, I made a mistake!

‘Marie Antoinette: “—Phew.

Okay, it should be okay to escape here, right? "

Matthew: "Doctor?"

Roman: "Well, I can no longer sense any hostile reaction.

By the way, the reaction of spiritual veins was found in the forest not far from you. "

Matthew: "I understand. Miss Joan of Arc, and...Miss Mary?"

Marie Antoinette: "You actually called me Miss Marie!"

Matthew: "I'm... I'm sorry. That——"

A happy smile suddenly appeared on Marie Antoinette's face: "It's not rude at all, I'm so happy!

The name you just called is so cute that it makes people’s hearts flutter! "

“Please, lovely foreign lady!

Can you please call me like this from now on...! "

Matthew blushed and said: "Uh... um...

What about Queen Mary, or Lady Mary... or something like that? "

Marie Antoinette: “No, absolutely not.

It’s still Miss Mary! Like a little sheep! "

Master: "Shouldn't that be called Miss Meili..."

Marie Antoinette: “Yes! I am, I am, I am!

First time meeting, I am Miss Mary! ”’

"So cute! Ah, although the majesty of being a queen is a bit, but such a queen seems to be quite good!"

"What a kind queen. Miss Mary, Miss Meili... hahaha!"

People couldn't help but smile when they looked at the interesting dialogues in the book.

The mood that was previously suppressed due to various exciting and tense plots has relaxed a lot.

Everyone reads very quickly.

The plot has spanned several battles.

In order to find a stable spiritual vein as a base to build a magic circle and maintain contact with Chaldea.

After discussion, they successfully set up the spell after repelling some monsters.

Afterwards, Marie Antoinette and the others proposed a formal introduction.

After revealing each other’s real names and related information...

People also learned that there was only one remaining servant, a musician.

...Well, I heard that he was a famous musician of that era...?

Wait, there's still something wrong with this!

Musicians are not fighting heroes, right?

In the end, they successfully rescued Mashu and the others from being surrounded by numerous Servants?

This kind of strength——

For ordinary musicians, is it a bit too strong?

At this time people think of Leonardo da Vinci, another self-proclaimed artist.

The servant who turned himself into Mona Lisa because he liked it.

Musicians are also considered artists...


The talents of these artists are quite abnormal!

People continued to look behind them, and it was time for Mashu to introduce his Master.

Guda suddenly made a strange greeting sound, "Ah~ho~"

The air seemed to be silent for a moment.


...? ?

Claire slowly closed the book, then opened the page she just memorized and read it again.

Still that weird way of saying hello.

Not an illusion? !

"Yeah~...Yeah~..." She subconsciously wanted to call out and restore that strange way of calling her, but the sound came to her lips. The girl felt inexplicably ashamed.

I can't pronounce the second word.

‘This—this! What a strange sound! ’ Claire and the little princess thought at the same time.

‘Marie Antoinette: “Gee, what a fun way to say hello.

Ah...ah~ho! Please take care of me! "

(Hiss~! The girls who couldn’t pronounce the shameful greeting at this time were extremely shocked when they saw Mary in the book, like a weak person looking up to a strong person!

How on earth could I pronounce those two words so naturally the first time I came into contact with them?

Should I say... no, no, he is someone who can become a heroic spirit?

The girls thought with reverence and admiration. )

Marie Antoinette: "Hmm. I always feel that this tone is fundamentally different from yours...

Isn’t it possible to describe that feeling without expressing the feelings of a common people..."

Matthew: "Senior... don't teach her that weird way of greeting."

Marie Antoinette: "Ah, I understand! It needs to be more coquettish, right?

Come, Amadeus. Ah~ho~! ”’

——! ! !

Oh oh oh oh!

The young men who were reading were excited.

Although I couldn’t hear the sound, but——

! ? Why do they seem to be able to imagine the sweet and shy voice of Queen Mary, the girl, and Miss Mary when she acts coquettishly?

If you think about it this way——

This word is not so useless anymore!

At this time, people, just like the Chaldean group and the followers who were still in a playful mood in the book, have temporarily forgotten that the world is still facing the crisis of no future at any time.

Such a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere——

Even the people who are 'bystanders' have ignored that this group of people is actually on the run!

'Amadeus also had a smile on his face and said gently and cooperatively: "Ah~ho~! Great, Maria, please continue to maintain this tone in the future!"

Even those who have been in love for hundreds of years will be completely shaken by this move! "

Marie Antoinette blushed: "...Hmm."

(Everyone "..." The last sentence doesn't sound like a good review at all! 'Heart-breaking'?)'

In the end, Mary apologized and said she was sorry.

Although that way of calling her was irritating, she decided to hold back her tears and seal it away.

People have heads full of "???"

Especially the men were stunned, and then——

! ! !

Why should we change it?

That coquettish tone sounds so nice, what should I change? ?

Um? Is it because of that Amadeus comment?

Damn it, what kind of relationship does this musician have with Mary?

Miss Mary (Queen), do you care about his feelings that much?

Just when the noble young men and countless male compatriots were feeling envious, jealous and hateful.

What they never expected was——

"Marie Antoinette" - yes, although she was ready to seal this method of address because of the man's words.

But the real main reason is something else!

‘Marie Antoinette: “The fact that Amadeus is so happy shows that these words are not the words a girl should use.

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