After saying that, he subconsciously wanted to take on this battle mission alone.

It was just right that he could show off his strength in front of the predecessors of the past leaders...

Prove that he was not just a scout, but also a useful assassination expert.


Bai Mao suddenly thought of the number of the enemy, and those Crusaders who were not weak.

He weighed his own strength in his heart... His body stiffened, and after reacting, he stopped talking in time.

Although he had rich achievements, superb assassination skills, and was proficient in hundreds of different personality disguises.

But Bai Mao's real strength was several times weaker than the self-proclaimed weakest "Cursed Arm".

If it was Jing Si, who was also Hassan, he would just release the treasure and wait for the enemies to die directly.

No matter how many came, he could be poisoned to death...The air transmission method was much faster than Bai Mao's killing speed.

However, when the number of people reached a certain level.

Even the so-called Crusader elites were just a group of scum with a combat power of just over 5 to the leaders.

But it is possible to kill a group of Hassans who are no better than 10 in combat power.

But Kuang Xinzi on the side did not understand this.

After hearing the words of Bai Mao, she was surprised and even had a little respect.

He is the same generation as me, but he has become the leader!

No wonder I can't become the assassination leader. I am far inferior to him in terms of courage.

It seems that my training is not good enough!

Kuang Xinzi cheered herself up in her heart.

She must become the 19th Hassan and get the recognition of the leaders!

At the same time,

Just when the Hassans took action, Yan also took action on the other side.

Chapter 580 The chaotic European royal family; wanting to achieve the highest alchemy!

When Yan went to the capital of Atlan before, he found some interesting coincidences in the palace.

It's not that the king was made into a puppet.

He met the queen of Atlan.

That was a familiar yet strange noblewoman...

She looked 70% similar to Hitti, and then Yan investigated.

It was discovered that Atlan and the predecessor of the Theocracy had always had political marriage exchanges.

The royal family members of both sides were almost all cousins.

The princes and princesses of the two countries might be cousins.

This reminded Yan of Europe.

Compared with the Middle Ages and modern times, the relationship between the monarchs of European countries before World War I was surprisingly close: Edward VII, the King of England and India, was the uncle of Emperor William II of the Germans, and also the uncle of Nicholas II, the absolute monarch of Russia.

Queen Victoria was known as the grandmother of Europe, but in fact, in addition to this grandmother, there was also an old father-in-law in Europe-King Christian IX of Denmark.

He had three daughters, one married to Queen Victoria's son, Edward VII, the King of England and India, and one married to Alexander III, the absolute monarch of Russia. These two marriages created the cousins ​​George V and Nicholas II.

There are many such confusing relationships.

In the past, when two countries went to war, one side might lose.

The two people who had never met before, the losing king began to try to be distant relatives. As long as he called him good brother and admitted his mistakes, he could avoid the fate of extinction.

It is better to lose face than to lose life.

European countries fought each other, and those ancient countries have never been truly extinct, which can be seen from this.

It is just a group of cousins ​​fighting among themselves.

Even during the Hundred Years' War between England and France, if it were not for the appearance and support of Joan of Arc, the King of France could not even ascend the throne.

In name, the King of England will be the King of both countries at the same time.

This kind of thing is not an exception.

I think Henry VIII also served as the King of England and Ireland.

This kind of chaotic relationship can only be seen in Europe.

Yan did not expect that the two parties who became invaders and rebels at this time originally had such a relationship.

However, considering the current theocracy, can it still be considered the original country...

The country that had maintained a marriage relationship with Atlan for a hundred years had already been destroyed when the Pope ascended the throne.

The remaining royal princesses——

Hiti and Lily.

Speaking of which, their experience is not much better than that of Yuzuha, the orc princess of the fallen country.

"The king of Atlan is dead... He only married one queen in his life.

... That queen was Hiti and their aunt.

The two did not leave any offspring.

Now, whether it is the theocracy or the nobles in the capital of Atlan, they are searching for the royal bloodline everywhere, trying to support their own people to take the throne." Yan muttered to himself while controlling the magic feather pen to draw some names and forces on the paper.

"If the assassination cult wants to develop further, it would be great to become the state religion of this country."

Hassan obeyed him.

Developing the assassination cult is also developing his own power, and Yan is naturally happy to see it happen.

Since the Church and the local noble forces all want to support their own king.

The Assassination Cult can also be -

Speaking of which, doesn't he have royal blood here?

And there are two of them.

Yan's eyes suddenly turned to the room, where Hitti was playing with Lily.

If possible, it would be nice to let the Theocracy return to the embrace of its original owner.

Although being the king of two countries at the same time has never happened in this world.

But think about Henry VIII in European history.

Yan thinks it is not impossible to try hard!

After all, it is the royal blood of two countries, and I don’t know how many generations of blood have been mixed.

Yan, who became interested, suddenly asked someone about his own wishes:

"Hiti... um, do you want to be a king?"


After a short daze, the girl reacted.

"Huh?!!" Hiti, who was accompanying her sister with great interest, was confused by Yan's sudden question.

After a long time, she suddenly made an unbelievable voice: "King... Me?"

"Don't you like it? A female emperor is also fine.

Dictator, wise king, tyrant, which one do you like?"

Yan's eyes flickered, and at this time he had an unpredictable smile on his face, and the tone with a bad taste was like asking her "choose one".

This made Hittie, who was still holding the building blocks in one hand, fall into a state of stupor.


Hittie's mind seemed to explode into a blank.

! !

! ! ! !

What...what does it mean? He suddenly asked me this?

...Just when Hittie was in a state of confusion.

Lily on the side stared at the two people with innocent and ignorant eyes...

To be precise, she was looking at the "playmate" who seemed to have turned into a fool in an instant.

Looking at Hittie who was reluctant to put the building blocks together, Lily seemed to have a string of question marks behind her head?

Yan said--

Cultivating a female archduchess is cultivation.

Cultivating a female emperor is also cultivation, why not raise them together.

Princesses, princesses, grand dukes, if you count Aige, who is the root princess, Yan suddenly found that there are too many princesses around him!

But they are not ambitious people. Even if they all become kings of a country, Yan can guarantee that they will not be hostile to each other.

Otherwise, considering that Rhine is still the Grand Duke of Ceylon City, if this decision will cause the girls to be hostile in the future, even if it is an interesting idea, it can only be abandoned.

'The process of changing the world in Ceylon City, which is only under the control of Rhine, is still a bit slow.

Not only the development of the assassination cult, Atlan may become the second base for the rise of technological civilization! 'Yan thought with great interest.

At this time, he seemed to have returned to the passion when he played strategic development games in front of the computer in the past!

Speaking of which...

He was very curious about what strange changes would happen to the people of this world after reading the settings of Chaldea and the description of technological civilization!

Even if he did nothing, he already had a guiding direction and goal, and the autonomous rise of civilization was possible!

And Yan didn't know that -

At this time, a certain god of alchemy had already embarked on the road of technological alchemy!

And Hermitos' first idea was to create the celestial network.

After reading the epic, he was a little crazy!

After reading it several times, Hermitos finally confirmed that the products of technological civilization were the key points that caused his power to change.

This made Hermitos pay more attention to it for a while.

And that Dr. Roman could contact the flower magician on the Internet! !

This made Hermitos couldn't help but think, if the network was built in advance-

whether the flower magician would appear!

When he thought that he might be able to lead out Meili, coupled with the attraction of technological civilization itself to him, the God of Alchemy couldn't help it!


The fire of civilization and the leap of the times should be today!!

He, the God of Alchemy, Hermitos, also relies on alchemy to achieve the highest!

Chapter 581: Hitti, who is ready to convince people with reason!

When a country loses its royal heir with pure blood.

It has also happened in history that civilians in other countries have become kings in one step because they were found to have royal blood left over from the previous generation!

This is not uncommon in Europe.

It's not a strange thing in another world.

Compared with those intergenerational bloodlines, the royal blood flowing in Hitti and Lily is undoubtedly much purer.


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