There are really terrifying poisons in the world that can easily poison an entire army.

Unfortunately, it seemed a little late when they understood this truth.

Chapter 585: Brainwashing, Heaven on Earth! This is a master of the Assassination Order!

‘Are you coming over? ! ... Immediately, he will be killed. ’

Looking at the approaching black figure and the skull mask——

The despair and tension in my heart have reached its peak.

Among the figures still standing on the battlefield, there was a group of figures dressed completely differently from other crusaders.

Although also in the Crusaders' troops.

But they were not wearing any armor, and they were still holding chains on their wrists and ankles.

"Slave...?" A male clone of Bai Mian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the group of people.

How could there be slaves among those Crusaders?

No, if not a slave——

Cannon fodder? !

It seemed that he understood something, but Bai Mang's heart was not moved at all. The assassin did not need boring sympathy.

After dealing with the remaining soldiers, we will understand these cannon fodder together.

End their painful lives as soon as possible.

And on the other side——

I don’t know what Bai Mang is thinking, but I know that there is a high probability that I will not be let go.

Among this group of cannon fodder, a certain brown-skinned girl clenched her fists tightly. Under the threat of death, she felt a little desperate and a little relieved.

He recalled the trials he had been sent to the towering snow-capped mountains by the Theocracy.

That is the solitary peak at the top of the sky.

In the most distant memory, I vaguely remember the burning sensation on my back and the indistinguishable cry of my master.

From the moment of birth, it has been marked with a special magic mark.

A mark of slavery that cannot be washed away in a lifetime.

Then accept the transformation——

Most of them had learned how to kill monsters before they learned how to speak.

When he became sensible, his potential abilities were released, and he was placed next to the monster cubs to receive the initial baptism.

——That is, to survive.

In fact, what she held when she was just sensible was not her mother's hand, but a sword that was almost as tall as herself.

I haven’t seen my relatives, and I haven’t heard their voices.

I don’t care about my relatives, but when I saw my sister, I immediately understood...

That is his unique relative.

"I am the elder sister and you are the younger sister."


What this sentence tells is nothing more than a mark that distinguishes the young twins, but it becomes proof of the bond between the two.

And in that monster-like concentration place.

The only thing to follow is strength...

Strength is justice, strength is truth.

The strong receive praise and gain status and reputation, while the weak are at the mercy of the church and the strong and are nothing more than cheap labor and cannon fodder.

With special chains on their hands and feet, they couldn't even escape. They could only be driven to the front of the battlefield, consuming the enemy's combat power.

However, no other country or church has ever felt that something was wrong with such a twisted concept.

It's ridiculous!

As a result, these people themselves gradually became numb and indifferent, and began to get used to it.

In other words, I can't even understand how unfortunate what happened to me is.

In their common sense, they have never been told that it is unfortunate such a thing.

But she is different from others. Because of some accidents, she has learned about the outside world——

A more exciting world.

That's why I understand how unfortunate this is.

But even so...

You can also feel pain.

after all--

Killing is no longer a difficult thing, because it is a daily routine engraved in the bones.

She and everyone else thought so at first!

… Learned to adapt, learned to fight.

If you don't learn to fight monsters and how to kill the monsters born in the abyss, you will be the one who loses your life.

It is not for the lofty ideals of protecting the people, promoting the glory and glory of the church. It's so simple, completely instinctive.

The hot blood of the battle flows on these humanoid monsters.

She has long understood that she can no longer be called a human being.

During the fight with the monster, he gradually regarded himself as a monster.


The opportunity for this daily killing and the crack in this idea was the first fight with a compatriot girl.

She was stunned for a while before she realized that the target of the fight had changed from a monster to a human.

They are similar in age and height, and they were also in a tough fight at first, but they still managed to kill each other with a knife in hand.

After that, he was appreciated and began to accept higher levels of flesh and blood transformation.


But, the first scream of a compatriot, that extremely childish sound, was different from the sound of the monster's blood.

Full of vitality that monsters cannot possess.

It should have been full of vitality, the unique vitality of a child.

Seeing her eyes lose their luster as they were masked during the ceremony to celebrate victory, she felt heartbroken.

When I returned to the simple stone house, I saw that my sister's body was also stained with the blood of her compatriots.

This shocked her again, and that night, she subconsciously washed her body with ice water countless times.

day to day--

Then behead with weapons, kill with hands, strangle with limbs.

I didn't know what tiredness was until I killed a companion who lived in the same place and treated me like a brother.

That was the worst dream...

There are many companions like her who have similar experiences.

This is why they can't work hard for the Theocracy no matter what!

It's normal to be chained and guarded.

Those people never wanted to receive their loyalty.

Because they have been causing us pain.

"I'm so unwilling..." murmured softly.

Just die here.

The pain continued to the end, and I didn't see happiness, but death!

When a Hundred Faces walked in front of a "slave" and raised the knife to take his life.

All the slaves widened their eyes and stared at the Hassan clone fiercely, wanting to fight...

But they couldn't muster any strength.

Their nerves have been paralyzed by the toxin, and it is extremely difficult to even move their fingers.

"Wait... Hundred Faces."

Just when the bright white knife light was about to fall, the Curse Wrist suddenly appeared on the battlefield.


"There is no aura of faith on them. That outfit doesn't look like an enemy.

Leave them alive! Maybe they can be recruited into a good fighting force."

The assassination cult has just started, and most of the new assassins in training are selected from refugee children and orphans.

It is not realistic to want to form a fighting force quickly.

And the cult is now lacking mid-level fighting force.

Bai Mao looked at Zhuwan for a while, and finally put away the blade.

For his predecessor, he unexpectedly seemed like a kind person.

Just when he had such an idea, Bai Mao deleted it from his mind.


What a stupid idea, how can a man who can become Hassan have boring good thoughts.

Or did he see himself in these guys?

Bai Mao also knew some stories about his predecessor, Zhuwan, in his time.

He had no talent but worked harder and crazier than anyone else to train his skills, and finally made a deal with the demon god and gained unparalleled power.

Speaking of which——

These slaves are just half-grown children...

Bai Mao looked at the boy who was almost killed by him just now, but he didn't show any fear, but his eyes were a little numb and confused.

With just one glance, he could see from the boy's body and muscles that he had a strong body that he definitely shouldn't have at this age.


It's really a good material for training to be an assassin!

Since there is no faith, it is not a heretic that must be killed.

It can weaken the enemy's strength and increase the power of the cult. The first generation will also approve of this behavior!

And then——

Whether it is Curse Arm, Bai Mao, or Jingmi, there is no worry at all whether the cult can swallow such a large number of people.

After all——

From the beginning, the assassination cult has been good at brainwashing people!

Not to mention a group of humanoid weapons without faith!

Even if they are pagans...

No, the pagans should be killed!

Except the 18 leaders, there are more fanatics among the lower-level personnel of the assassination cult.

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