The suffering people finally saw the arrival of the new king and a glimmer of hope to restore the tranquility and peace of the past.

"Everything is like a dream, like dew and lightning. Will all these lies eventually become a reality? Haha...ah, I discovered something interesting!"

Forcibly suppressing the excitement in his heart, Yan raised the corners of his mouth and stretched out his hand to grab something in the distance that appeared in his eyes.

A golden, shining illusory Rubik's Cube suddenly appeared in his hand, glowing with thunderous light that shone like the sun.

Flower Plaza——

On the day when Hitti ascended the throne, Yan came specially and took a look from a distance. The second time he came to this place, he discovered something extraordinary.

The will of the people is entirely tied to the king.

In the past, there were kings who were hailed as the sons chosen by the gods, as gifts from heaven, as the incarnations of the gods, and there were various complicated legends.

There is also a saying in Atlanta -

Every king is the incarnation of the sun god on earth.

When the traces of the gods disappear, the will of the gods will eventually revive in the king.

"The so-called will of the gods will eventually revive in the king. Is this what it means?"

Looking at the golden Rubik's Cube in his hand, a penetrating wisdom flashed in his eyes, as if he wanted to see everything through.

The omniscient and omnipotent mode is activated——

It assists in simulating the Star Creation Chart and analyzing its components at high speed.

"Godhead... No, it's not Godhead - it's actually Spiritual Head...?!" Yan said in surprise.

Different from the general godhead, the spiritual personality is more like a kind of personality.

Different from the gods themselves, it is more like the achievements and legends of the gods themselves, and the manifestation of the concept after reaching a certain level.

People who hold a spiritual personality can become new gods as well as people who hold a divine personality. However, once they lose their spiritual personality, they will still become human beings.

From the essence of life, it will not cause the holder's body to change.

A god who has lost his godhead is still a god even though he no longer has a priesthood.

It seems that compared to the divine personality, the spiritual personality is less effective.

In fact, this is a rare item that far exceeds godhood, and cannot be owned by any third-rate or bastard god.

When Hitti completed the ceremony of enthroning the throne in front of numerous representatives from countless countries and cities, and in front of countless citizens, it was as if a certain cause and effect was established and the conditions were fulfilled.

Homura notices it and suddenly appears, trying to get into the golden Rubik's Cube inside the girl.


Feeling the breath of God, the breath of the sun, and the breath of more strange powers, Homura just took action.

After analyzing the essence of the Rubik's Cube in his hand, Homura became happy.

That's why he said everything was a lie!

"It is not simply the power of the sun. The so-called sun god should be called the god of fraud, right?"

To be precise, it should be the [God of Games and Deception].

Yan instantly thought of countless ways to use this spiritual power in his mind.

Hidden within the golden Rubik's Cube is a blazing sun like an oven, but at the deepest level, it is a strange power that is like two powers rubbing together.

Call him the god of games and deceit, but these two words can better define the power of this rule.

He is obviously the god of games and deceit...

How did he become the powerful sun god with one of the best fighting abilities among the gods?

A scene immediately formed in Homura's mind.

‘—Have you used this authority to deceive all gods, humans, and all creation, including other gods?

If you tell lies too many times and keep pretending for a long time, they will naturally become the truth! ’

The ability to become stronger just by deceiving others can turn lies into truth.

Could this former Sun God be the so-called protagonist of this world?

Even because he successfully deceived the gods and even the world, and was not found to be false until his death, his own merits have reached the point where he can form a spiritual personality!

Although there are some differences between the spiritual structure of Hakoden and the world of Godslayers that Homura knows.

However, Yan Neng was sure that what he held in his hand was not simply a godhead, but a spiritual power.

This is interesting——!

A free spirit!

If it hadn't been for a sudden impulse today, I would have seen the scene just now.

If it weren't for Hitti's ascension to the throne, initial recognition by the people, and acceptance by the world, certain conditions would be triggered.

The spirit will not appear either.

This kind of thing that is more invisible and intangible than the godhead is just like the simulated star creation chart. You can't find it just by looking for it.

My luck is really good today!

"The gods will not really die...the sun god, no...that deceitful god wants to rely on the legend of the incarnation of god to complete a new deception.

Change the cause and effect of death and resurrect in this world! "Yan murmured.

There was a rare trace of solemnity in his eyes.

Fortunately, it was discovered early. If it had been later, it would have been a matter of doubt whether Hidi was Hidi or not.


‘Limited by the times and the world, even a god who has formed a spiritual personality on his own. This god's vision is still not far-sighted enough. I didn't see the true potential of this power at all. ’

Now that it has reached the level of spiritual power, the corresponding power has already exceeded the limit, not to mention reaching the double digits of [Full Power Domain].

The three-digit omnipotence paradox, the sun god obviously did not reach it.

【God of Games and Deception】——

There is a reason why Homura named the game first.

With natural environmental bonuses, wouldn't it be better to achieve fraud?

That god——

Focusing entirely on the power of fraud, completely ignoring the power that games can bring...

After less than three seconds, the Rubik's Cube in Yan's hand had disappeared.

Instead -

In the simulated star creation diagram in the body, another starry sky in the universe was lit up.

Homura used that spirit as a carrier to transform it into a representative game concept, a world between fantasy and reality.

And to achieve the stability between illusion and reality, the power of deception is also used.

He looked at the second world inside his body with great interest...

Then he looked at the first world, which represented the source of the disaster, and found that this second world was completely incomparable to it.

If it weren't for its own particularity, coupled with its spiritual power, and even the unique rules of this world, Yan wouldn't choose to use it to create a new world.


"It's also interesting to slowly carve them into a real world..." Flame.

Homura was originally taking a break from writing The Hundred Years' War of Evil Dragons...

The original plan in his mind was deleted and remade.

The next epic——

“Maybe we can break away from the literal description and come up with something a little more exciting.

Vision alone is not enough.

Start with the five senses and let your fantasy become a reality..." I think of the many real worlds I have discovered through the Simulation Star Diagram that I have been observing except Xingyue.

There are also those observed battles... some are tragic and tragic... or they are magnificent, magnificent and ground-breaking scenes.

Flame was silent, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Chapter 588 The worst fraud! Memory of the King - an epic story from 30 million years ago!

Logically speaking——

It is feasible to use games to create a special world that is between fantasy and reality.

Even if there is no simulated star creation diagram, if Yan is given some time, he can do this by himself.

Now we just shorten that process infinitely.

He did not choose to accept that spiritual personality, but chose to assimilate it and become his own possession (the new universe).

Homura's essence as a human has not changed.

But at this moment, he is able to exercise the authority of the gods.

If there was a list of achievements achieved after traveling to another world, he must have achieved the achievement of "seizing the power of gods as a human being" by now!

"It seems that I accidentally killed the god as well..." Homura felt the area that transformed from the Rubik's Cube into the game world.

The aura of a certain god above has completely disappeared.

Now, it is completely impossible for the "Sun God" to be resurrected.

The most important spiritual energy was transformed into other things by him.

It can be said that the moment his achievements were consumed, the timeline of the Sun God was completely closed and disappeared from this world.

Yan accidentally lost his predecessor's spirit, and Yan felt helpless and sad...

Compared with the gods he knows now, this Sun God, who has even cultivated his soul, can be regarded as a red rare SP level.

This is a rare breed...

It would be a pity to die.

Although there is no hostility towards the god itself.

But his spiritual power is so fragrant that if he gives up, he will be punished by heaven.

If someone else obtains this spiritual power, even if it is the seventh step or even a god who has reached the eighth step, if he is not careful, he will be devoured by it and resurrected in the future!


That god would never have thought in his wildest dreams that a human being who has mastered his own spirituality after death would be a messed up existence.

Homura, who had nothing to do at first——

Immediately returned to the library.

Now he had something he wanted to verify even more, and he was extremely excited!

Take out the semi-finished product of Black Soul that you once made...

Recalling that when he first came to this world, he had the idea of ​​​​creating a game world out of interest.

However, due to lack of ability, we could only make an online version for a few people at that time, and let Hidi, Yuba and others test it.

But now he has a better plan.

But it’s not used for games——

Until then, he had more important things to do.

"No longer with words, if it is with pictures or even in person, the authenticity of the epic can be greatly enhanced!

Facts have proved that words can be made up randomly, but sounds and images cannot deceive people! "Muttering seriously, with a bad smile on his face that looked like a prank, Yan began to modify and strengthen the crystal ball that originally held the black soul in his hand.

‘That’s right——

Eyes and ears will never deceive you! ’

Using the crystal ball as a carrier and bridge to connect to the game world in his body.

The world transformed by the spirit grid serves as the host server.

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