This made Hermitus a little confused, and some couldn't tell the specific time period.

He was silent, quietly watching the conversations of these people, trying to get more useful information.

“Beyond that is the realm of the dead.

As the sky darkens, darkness consumes everything. Even the souls of living people are swallowed up. "

While Hermitos was thinking about this for a while, two men wearing Egyptian-style thieves' costumes had a conversation with the old man, confirming that it was not too late for him to turn around at this time.

But the old man insisted on moving on.

But at this time, Hermitos and the others discovered that they could suddenly hear the voice of the old man who was the leader.

‘The Valley of the Wang Family…

This is the burial place of ancient Egypt and its pharaohs.

Now I am here in pursuit of the ultimate dark game. ’

"The ultimate darkness... game!" The same consciousness also came to such a space. After listening to the old man's voice, Claire and the others held their breath!

I was so nervous that my heart jumped into my throat!

This is the second time I heard that word, what on earth is it!

Then, as the leader of the two thieves suddenly spoke, people learned.

Over sixty large tombs have been discovered in the valley in front of us, but the king's tomb in the deepest part has still not been excavated.

It is said that an excavation team visited here before the world war. He left one sentence and died.

That sentence is ‘Dark Game’!

"Dark... game!"...Gudong...

Swallowing saliva——

The little princess and the others began to think wildly and became a little flustered.

They know the game...

I used to think it was just something for children to play with.


Wait, it doesn't mean the same tragic and cruel life game as "Game Life Zero", right? !

Even if they think with their toes, they know...

This "ultimate dark game" is definitely not a good thing at this point.

And at this moment——

"Interesting..." Hermitos saw the leader of the old man suddenly raised his head, his eyes revealing strong fighting spirit and confidence.

Can you see through a person's soul through your eyes——

Even Hermitus, who now only has the perception of a mortal, can still give a positive answer.

At this time, he saw a powerful warrior from those eyes.

The God of Alchemy seems to have seen the shining souls of players like Riku and others.

"Oh...even if you know the dangers of the dark game, are you still looking forward to the challenge? This adventurous spirit-hehe..." Hermitus.

And looking at the old man's blond hair style with bangs that looked familiar but couldn't remember where exactly it looked familiar, the God of Alchemy frowned slightly.


Where have you seen it?

It would be great if I could communicate with my body outside.

His five senses and memory abilities have been severely weakened in this image world, and now they are almost the same as ordinary people.

If he were in the outside world and could quickly browse his brain at any time, he must have found the source of that strange feeling by now.

...the other side.

As the conversation between several people progressed, the scene flashed to night, in front of a bonfire.

Everyone learned that the old man in front of them, named Muto, had reached a cooperative relationship with the two thieves.

The purpose of Mr. Muto's coming to this King's Valley is to challenge the legendary ultimate dark game.

No matter what it is, he is always victorious in various game challenges in the world——

Until he heard about the legendary Valley of the Kings that existed in ancient Egypt, where there was a peak that no one in the world could conquer and a glory that could only be gained by risking one's life.

'That's right...

This is my [game life] that I bet on myself.

The goal is to win the challenge of supreme glory. ’

And he is not interested in the treasures in the king's tomb...

The treasure can be handed over to these two thieves, who are only responsible for cracking the dark game.


At night, the three of them worked together and stepped into the deepest passage of the king's tomb with torches!


Listening to the old man's last words, Claire and the others, who were following closely behind the three of them, stared blankly at the scene in front of them!

A certain emotion was rolling in my heart for no reason.

Especially the old man's back at this moment, and the way he raised his head before, with a cigarette in his mouth and the corners of his mouth raised confidently.

People's fear of mysterious dark games has been reduced a lot, and they are even slightly excited.

etc! The little princess and the others reacted belatedly, no matter what -

This is just a world of images. Even if the dark game is dangerous, they will be fine! ? So what are they afraid of?

That's not to say! !

"Ah...can I safely experience the challenge of the legendary ultimate dark game!" Thinking of this, the little princess's eyes burned, and the tension and fear in her heart disappeared!

What replaced it was unprecedented excitement! You can experience the legendary dark game without worrying about your life!

Chapter 595: The darkness that swallows up the soul—the abyss?

"This is...!" The leader of the thieves suddenly screamed in horror.

Seeing the three figures walking away, Claire and the others hurriedly followed after they recovered.

Entering the entrance of the tomb, what you see is a horrifying and tragic scene.

White skeletons dressed in rags were everywhere.

This - the dark game has begun! ?

Everyone's minds were shaken by the scene in front of them, and they became tense instantly.


Grandpa Muto: “This is the mountain of bones for tomb robbers.

They are probably the remains of game losers. "

Comparing the game to tomb robbing——

Still comparing tomb robbing to a game, I heard what my grandfather said.

But no matter which one it is, the dangerous scene in front of you cannot be faked.

"So many bones... Did they all die here?" The little princess's blood cooled slightly. She took a deep breath and widened her eyes when she saw this scene.


People saw two tomb robbers discovering the ruby ​​eyes on the snake statue in the tomb, but they were stopped by Grandpa Muto.

Casting stones and asking for directions will reveal the mechanisms one by one.

A series of thrilling challenges were staged in front of people.

Only then did people realize how dangerous this ancient tomb of the king was.

Claire and the little princess were covered in cold sweat. If they had come here, they would have been easily confused like the two thieves and died by triggering various mechanisms.


"Is this a dark game? It doesn't look like it!" Claire had already followed Grandpa Muto and the others and explored all the way to the deepest part of the tomb.

Because the old man was with them all the way, it was difficult for them to even feel a sense of crisis.

Just to this extent, although it is dangerous for ordinary people and most adventurers, it is not that terrible, right?

Just when the girl was muttering in her heart.

As the story continues to progress, a wall appears in front of Grandpa Muto and the others, and there is no way to go.

"...? No, no way!" Looking at the dead end in front of them, everyone was in an uproar, so where is the dark game? ! Have you finished exploring the king's tomb?

"What's going on?" Claire was stunned.

Hermitus frowned slightly as he looked at the scene in front of him.

Then he noticed that the old man was stretching out his hand to rub something on the wall, and looked down at the liquid in the groove in front of the wall.



The old man threw the torch at the liquid, and the liquid actually burned. The sky-high fire spread to the wall, and soon formed a series of mysterious and unknown fonts.

"This, this is -!!" The God of Alchemy, who had remained calm at first, could no longer sit still!

From that moment, Hermitus's eyes were mesmerized by the incredible sight.

"...! Is it ancient writing...?! Or is it the font of a certain mythological system!!"

If this was a trick Andersen fabricated based on memory scenes, he would have admitted it!

Hermitus stepped forward, his whole body close to the wall! Eyes widened!

Then finally something was determined.

Hiss~——! This is a brand new mystery that has not been explored yet! New knowledge!

He excitedly looked at the light characters in front of him, but found to his discomfort that he did not recognize any of the characters and was completely unable to decipher the intricate details on the stone slab.

Just when Hermitus was blushing because he had no treasure mountain and could not mine it——

Fortunately... On the side, Grandpa Muto, whom he regarded as his image, finally spoke.

"Go forward to the forbidden area.

This is the resting place of the great Pharaoh.

Those who violate this realm will have their bodies rot and their souls will be buried in darkness due to God's sanctions. "

——God’s sanction? !

Grandpa’s interpretation of the words on the slate shocked people’s hearts!


Is the so-called dark game related to gods?

For a moment, everyone felt a little uneasy and in awe.

This was the first time for them to read this kind of trial-oriented epic.

Now that they know they may be exposed to divine punishment, most people would probably choose to retreat at this time.

As if the mechanism had been triggered, the floor beneath the three of them suddenly opened.

Mr. Muto looked at the sacred bird on the top of the stone slab.

Muto: ‘Horus, the sun god—represents the Pharaoh. He is the symbol of the one who switches the way. ’

Is the underground area facing the statue of the Sun God the real entrance to the King's Tomb?

I see……!

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