Let's duel. President Kaiba! ’

Tapiryo's nonchalant, casual tone and attitude made Kaiba grit his teeth even more.

The picture on the computer screen suddenly turned into a white screen and garbled characters.

Bang! !

Kaiba slammed his palm on the table, his eyes becoming terrifyingly cold.

He pulled off his tie neatly and took out a box from the side.

Then open——

Countless cards and a strange wristband-like device appeared in front of people.

‘That’s—! ’

Claire and the little princess opened their eyes wide.

Looking at the countless cards similar to the previous God Cards.

No - no way! ?

Ridiculous and horrifying thoughts flashed and disappeared immediately.

People suddenly remembered that the previous description said that in addition to the God Card, there were also many monster patterns on the stone slabs, which were also made into cards!

So these shouldn't be God Cards with gods in them, but just simple card games, right?


No, if it's just an ordinary card without storing the slate elves!

Then will Tairiang still keep an eye on this man named Kaiba?


Dark game!

Such words remind people of Mr. Muto’s challenges in the Cemetery of Kings, which were full of crisis, evil, ugly humanity, and blood.

A series of pictures and messages gradually connected in people's minds.

A vague and vague answer emerged in people's minds.

At this time, Kaiba had already entered the elevator in the building.

People's perspectives have also changed.

When they opened their eyes again, what they saw was Kaiba coming out of the elevator when he reached the top of the building.

Kaiba: "Trojan!"

As soon as he came out, he saw his unconscious brother falling towards him, and Kaiba hurriedly and nervously caught him.

Everyone's attention was suddenly attracted to the two brothers.

But Hermitus was uncharacteristically looking at the elevator that was about to close absently.

‘This is—’ a new alchemical product? ! Automatic lift ladder?

Hermitus felt an itching feeling in his heart.

Then Tairong's voice suddenly sounded, and his soul returned to the epic plot.

Tapirang: "I've been waiting for you for a long time, President.

So let the dark games begin. "

Kaiba laid his younger brother flat on the ground, stood up and looked at Tapiliang coldly: "Dark game...? It's so boring."

With a slight snort, Kaiba scoffed, and then showed a hint of anger and an ugly expression.

"For this purpose, the Trojan horse was given to..."

"But this also means that your strength is exhausted. Don't think that you can escape from this!"

"Hehehehehahahaha! That's the momentum!" Tapirang let out a low, evil laugh that made people's skin crawl.

And a nervous melody sounded in the air——

That familiar sound is just like the tense melody that people first heard in the Tomb of the King when they faced the endless abyss and dark stone statues.

An inexplicable feeling of uneasiness and uneasiness appeared in people's hearts.

They opened their eyes wide and were completely attracted by the figures of the two people in front of them, like magnets that could not be separated.

Kaiba: "You will regret it...you guy..."

Just when Kaiba took a step forward——

Space, a sense of dullness that made Claire and the others panic suddenly came over!

This is--! ?

Chapter 603: Those who control the monsters and elves in the stone slab and engage in duels!

‘What’s going on with this uncomfortable and solemn air—’ Kaiba’s heartfelt voice.

The changes that Claire and the others could feel, Kaiba, the duel himself, could naturally feel it too.

"Don't be so surprised - it's just a game you often played 30 million years ago."

Kaiba: "A game from 30 million years ago...? Huh, for me who is looking forward to the future now, today's victory is the glory of the past. For boring topics, just look for games!"

Tapirang chuckled nonchalantly: "That's right, that's right... Yugi also participated in this dark game."

Kaiba: "What!"

He said he didn't care, but he cared about the Pharaoh more than anyone else and regarded him as his lifelong enemy.

Kaiba's pupils suddenly shrank!

At this time, people heard Tapirang’s voice again——

‘What awaits us and the game is the ultimate dark game.

So no matter what, I want to buy insurance first...

Because the only divine beast that can fight against the enemy is still sleeping. ’

"The only divine beast that can fight against the enemy...Fight against God?!...Gudong..." Claire and the others swallowed, guessing in disbelief.

Then everyone looked at Kaiba...

What kind of powerful power does this man in front of me hide... or is he a "divine beast"?

Tapirang: "It's begun! I'll attack first and draw cards!"

"Wait... what on earth is this!" Looking at the sticky black and purple mist surrounding them like a thick fog, the darkness and oppression coming from the air made everyone feel sick. .

But when he watched Kaiba put on the duel disk he took out from the box, he started playing cards with his opponent.

Everyone was confused again——

Are you...really playing a game? !

Tapirang: "I want to fuse the Headless Horseman and the Count of the Undead! Summon the Duke of the Undead! The first mover cannot attack...so this round is over for me!"

Kaiba uttered a distinctive snort, and folded his arms in front of him. No matter how brilliant the opponent's tactics were, they seemed to be disdainful and unworthy of mention in front of him.

Even if it was the first time to meet this man, it was not difficult for people to see that he must have a strong sense of pride in his heart.

Kaiba: "Hmph... You summoned a monster with an attack power of 2000 in the first round!

Draw a card on my turn!

Come out! Bloody Beastman!!"

Takura: "But that guy's attack power seems insufficient!"

The bloody beastman's attack power is 1900, which is 100 lower than Tapir's fusion monster.

Kaiba: "Not over yet!

Activate the magic card in my hand...Contract! Reduce the monster's attack power by half!" Said Kaiba, pointing to the Duke of Death!

"Go! Bloody Orc!"

Under Kaiba's command, the Bloody Orc directly crushed Tapir's fusion monster. Because of the contraction, the attack power of the Death Duke has been reduced to 1000.

After the Death Duke was destroyed, Tapir directly suffered 900 points of damage!

"What on earth is this...!" The little princess stared blankly at the scene in front of her, and her heart trembled at the incredible scene like a dream!

Just now that-

Is it... the slate elf? !

These two people are manipulating the slate elf to fight! They can actually control the power of that monster!

Recalling the powerful monster that swallowed the thief leader directly on the last floor of the King's Tomb, which had this terrifying and frightening aura.

The aura of these monsters in front of them is also like substance...

The so-called dark game, is it to manipulate those slate elves... to fight and kill!

"It looks like it's very interesting!!" A noble young master spoke excitedly, showing a fiery interest in this kind of duel.

But what makes people hesitate is...

Is this a dark game? !

Playing this kind of game must come at a very painful price.

Just as everyone's heart was surging with waves and various thoughts flashed through their minds.

The duel on the other side continued.

Kaiba: "That guy is a monster that cannot be destroyed in a certain battle. So you will bear it for him."

As Kaiba spoke, people noticed that Tapirara had just recovered from the painful posture on his body.

The slate spirit in front of him still existed.

"Cannot be destroyed..." Hermitos muttered.

The painful appearance of Tapirara curled up in a ball just now suddenly came to mind.

'You will bear the price'...Does this mean that the damage and pain suffered by the slate spirit will be reflected on the holder himself!

What an evil game...No wonder it is called a dark game.

Just from a few pictures, Hermitos has guessed many settings about the dark game.

Some perceptive people have also discovered this.

...! This is simply playing a game with your life! Hiss~!!

Tapir: "Hmph... Well done!"

Kaiba: "My turn is over now."

Tapir: "Draw a card during my turn!"

Just then, Kaiba reminded Tapir that his monster's life points should drop by 500 points during his turn.

Tapir snorted in dissatisfaction.

(This card cannot be destroyed by battle. You must pay 500 basic points each time you prepare.)

Tapir's life points dropped from 4000 to 2600 in one go.

Although I don't know what the life value represents...

But people can also vaguely guess that the loser will definitely have very bad, even terrible consequences!


"It's best to lose this dark game.

In this way, no matter what his evil purpose is, he will definitely fail!" The little princess couldn't help but mutter to herself, cheering for Kaiba in her heart!

Tapir: "I sacrifice the Duke of the Dead to summon Diabond Core!

Next, I activate from my hand and equip the Magical Dead Image! This equipment card can special summon a modified derivative with the ability of the equipped monster."

Attack power 1800, a strong monster with a human-like upper body, a snake-like lower body, and blood-red eyes suddenly appears.

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