In such a dense crowd, he himself was fine, but the person who was converted might be missing an arm or a leg.

At this time, outside the dilapidated house, a man with an expression of surviving a disaster looked at the house behind him with some fear.

He remembered that he was in the center of the house before, how did he suddenly come out?

When the beam collapsed, it just fell on the man, and next to him was the thin mother and daughter.

However, at that time, the man was so frightened that he thought he was going to be crushed to death that he couldn't even save himself, let alone the equally pitiful mother and daughter.

The man, who had no idea that he was almost missing an arm and a leg, was very grateful for the wonderful experience of suddenly appearing outside the house.

“Keep hitting… After breaking through their city walls, all the orcs will follow and kill them. Kill all the human warriors and mages, and keep all the ordinary people as slaves. This time, we must take down this second fortress!” In the Kasas Legion, a white lizardman wrapped in a white robe looked coldly at the direction of the second fortress with golden vertical pupils.

The white-robed lizardman was constantly using ‘psychic magic’ to communicate remotely and command the entire army.

Boom! ! Bang! Bang! !

The city wall began to shake violently and some cracks appeared under the continuous impact of Behemoth.

“Magician!!! Strengthen the wall! Hurry up and use earth magic to strengthen the wall!” The commander in charge of the defense of this area shouted hurriedly with red eyes.

A group of humans wearing blue magician robes received the order and immediately stepped forward to cast earth magic to strengthen the city wall.

They successfully added another layer of tall and thick ‘earth wall’ inside the city wall.

Just when the magicians and the leading commander breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat.

Boom! !

A shocking loud noise came, and countless earth blocks were shaken into the sky in the stunned eyes of the magicians.

——It seems that they did not expect that even if another earth wall was added, it could not stop the impact of Behemoth.

As the entire wall was broken, countless soldiers standing on the wall fell directly, and were soon trampled to a bloody mess by the huge Behemoth and died tragically on the battlefield.

Inside the fortress, in addition to the refugee shelter on the periphery, there is also an inner wall.

The soldiers on the inner wall noticed the situation here. When they saw that the entire side was broken into stones and there was a large gap with nothing in it.

The soldiers were silent-

Many people could not help but tighten their weapons in their hands.

It seemed that only this could make them regain a little sense of security.

"Go in! Kill! Hahaha!" Seeing this scene, the leading orc pioneer leader immediately excitedly directed other orcs to rush in.

The wall of the inner city is only five or six meters high.

Now that the tall wall of the outer city has been smashed by the "Behemoth", how long will it take for them to completely break through the second fortress!

The orc leader, who wanted to make merit in Kasas and was appreciated by the overlord Wolnir, rushed in first.

His strength has reached the peak of the fifth ladder. With the orcs' strong body, after rushing into the gap, he rushed to the kingdom warriors who had already prepared a siege formation.

Because of this brave forward, more and more orcs were able to safely break into the city through the gap.

"29... This guy is just like a monster like those Behemoths!" A soldier on the inner city wall trembled and whispered.

His eyes were fixed on the orc leader.

From just now, he was counting how many of his compatriots the other party had killed.

"Stop them! Where are the mercenaries? Let them support the army below immediately!" On the outer wall, a top leader pushed several soldiers away and lay on the wall to look at the inner city.

When he saw the orc leader who was laughing and slaughtering the soldiers, his eyes became even redder.

'The outer city must be repaired immediately, otherwise the orc army will march straight in.

Relying on the inner city alone, humans can't hold the second line of defense at all.

But in such a short time, how can we encircle and eliminate these orcs who rushed in, and then repair the city gate! ? '

Thinking of this, the bearer's throat was a little dry, and he clenched his fists, and his ten fingers had penetrated into his palms.

Chapter 61 I thought it was the boss, but it turned out to be a small fish!

'Even if it is an ordinary earth wall... such a tall wall repair, at least a group of magicians will cast magic for four or five seconds to complete.

But the earth wall is not hard enough. It will still be easily smashed by Behemoth.

In this process, the safety of the magicians is the top priority.

It is too difficult to achieve these points. 'The top leader thought with an ugly face.

Puff! ! Another head was chopped off.

The orc leader, holding a two-meter-long giant sword, stared at the "kingdom warriors" in front of him with fierce eyes, as if looking for the next target to be beheaded.

"It's Dasai! The leader of the vanguard of the Kasas Empire!"

"The Dasai who is said to be able to tear the strong limbs of orcs with his bare hands!?" A trembling voice came from a group of kingdom warriors.

Long before Kasas invaded other orc tribes, information about some brutal and powerful orcs in the Kasas army was passed on to the outside.

Dasai is one of them.

The warriors held a shield in one hand and a sword or spear in the other hand, pointing at the orcs in the encirclement.

Obviously they are the party with more people now, but now they seem to be surrounded.

"What's wrong!? You don't even dare to step forward! If you want to have a bright head, I can give him another sword for free!!!" Dasai, the leader of the orc vanguard, roared.

That loud roar shocked all the soldiers present, and Qiqi couldn't help but take two steps back.

"Asshole!! What are you still doing? Kill this orc!" On the city wall, the sergeant ordered the soldiers with a red face.

‘Too arrogant! ’

‘A mere orc with fifth-level peak strength and sixth-level physical fitness, if it weren’t for the Behemoths, would an orc of this level also want to invade their second fortress? ! ’

"You go up first..." A powerful warrior on the fifth step pushed his companion beside him and said.

"No, you should go first! I will support you from behind!" Another powerful warrior who was also on the fifth ladder said with a serious face.

If you ignore his rapidly beating heart.

They are also on the fifth ladder, but their combat effectiveness is far inferior to that of this orc.

They don't want to take on a mission that involves death!

"You can't beat him for sure..." Someone whispered below.

The soldiers in the inner city were all sweating.

Thinking about it, if the inner city is also destroyed by Beamon later, will they have to face such a terrifying enemy?

"Mercenary! There are mercenaries! Whoever can kill this orc, I will reward him with 20 silver coins!!" the sergeant shouted angrily.

However, no one was willing to step forward.

Below, both the kingdom warriors and the mercenaries were standing in the crowd, vigilantly guarding the group of orcs.

Although many of them are not afraid of death, they are not willing to go up and give away someone's head without knowing why.

If you want to win against the orc vanguard before you, you must at least be a powerful warrior at the peak of the legendary sixth ladder!

That was a warrior close to the strength of the King of Heroes. How could they exist among this group of people.

"Hmph! A bunch of cowards. Tiny, eggless humans! Orcs, follow me and dig out their eyes and intestines!! Let humans become our slaves completely!" Dasai shouted excitedly and violently.

He was very satisfied with the scene before him.

A group of orcs also shouted excitedly.

At this time, there was a steady stream of orcs pouring in from the vacant outer city wall.

"It's over..." The sergeant on the city wall saw this scene and spoke in a hoarse voice.

Just when the morale on the human side is getting lower and lower.

In sharp contrast to the wildly shouting orcs on one side, the kingdom soldiers were completely silent. Everyone clenched the weapons in their hands, and their palms were covered with sweat.

The number of orcs is increasing, and their encirclement advantage will soon disappear completely.

It’s still unclear who will surround whom at that time. Many soldiers still hesitate to move forward!

Snap! Snap! Snap!

A crisp sound of metal clashing caused by the collision of armors came to mind behind the soldiers.

"???" The warrior at the end heard the heavy, powerful footsteps and glanced back subconsciously.

Then he saw a shocking scene.


A dark warrior wearing full-coverage heavy armor.

The color is as chilling as the abyss.

If only the armor looked more intimidating, the warrior at the end wouldn't have such an exaggerated expression.

It's just that what the other person is carrying with one hand is... what? ! !

At first glance, it looks like a huge object three or four meters long!

Yan just carried the rafters and stepped into the battlefield.

The beams that were supposed to be 6 meters long are now only more than half preserved due to breakage, but the length and thickness are still very eye-catching.

"...Trouble, give way." Yan walked up to the team of Kingdom soldiers and spoke in a deep voice.

"!!!" The last warrior.

Being watched by the owner of this pitch-black armor, he instantly felt extremely stressed.

Hearing Homura's voice, he immediately tensed up and stepped aside in panic.

Afterwards, more and more people noticed the movement behind them. When they saw the warrior in black armor and the exaggerated beams in front of them, they couldn't help but take a step back.

Even some warriors on the fourth step can lift such a long beam, but seeing this scene with your own eyes, the strong impact is different.


"They don't look like members of our legion. That armor... must be a mercenary from a certain mercenary group!"

"Hey! Look at his weapons!"

"What is he carrying on his shoulders? It can't be a beam, right?!"

Along the way, because the soldiers all consciously moved out of the way, Homura successfully reached the front of the kingdom's soldiers.

Finally his footsteps stopped.

Then he suddenly lowered the beam on his shoulders and stuck it vertically on the ground.

Peng! ! !

The dull sound made Dasayi narrow his eyes slightly and look at the dark warrior in front of him.

"Hmph!! Do you want to fight me even with a beam in your hand? Human beings will lose their lives if they try to show off their power!" Dasay said sarcastically.

In terms of strength alone, he can also lift a rafter and use it as a weapon.

But can the beams really be used as weapons? The sharpness and hardness are not good at all! This human is really stupid.

"Let me ask you, are you the strongest one among the Kasas?" Yan suddenly spoke without paying attention to the strange looks around him.

Dasai was stunned by his words.

The surrounding kingdom warriors were also slightly startled. Obviously, they didn't expect Yan to ask such a question at this time.

"No, no..." Dasai answered subconsciously.

Let alone those golden behemoths, Dasai was not sure that he could win, not to mention the overlord Vornir.

The black knight nodded.

When he came from the back, he heard the other party's voice of showing off, the angry roar of the sergeant, and even the whispers of the soldiers.

The strong perception ability allowed him to easily see through the strength of the orcs in front of him.

He has a strong physical fitness and strong breathing. He should be a high-level warrior.

But he still can't compare with him who has been bathed in dragon blood.

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