The boy's body was empty except for his shorts, and his eyes were lifeless, just like those who have lost water in the desert and are about to lose their strength.

At this time, one end of the chain was still tied with a rope, and it was held by one of the soldiers.

At this time, the white-haired boy was treated no differently than a sinner or a slave.


After walking a few more steps, the white-haired boy's legs weakened and he suddenly fell to the ground.

"Huh?" The soldiers turned around.

"This guy passed out again."

"What bad luck, there is a big banquet in the palace." Another soldier complained.

It seems that they will be late for the banquet.

"Really, they destroyed the tomb of the new pharaoh on the day when he came to the throne."

Suddenly a shining golden light rushed over from the distant sky.

"!!! What, what is that!" the soldiers shouted in panic.

boom! The next moment——

The light as the conscious body of Tapirang shot directly into the body of the white-haired boy. The light, which should not have had much impact on the surroundings, actually materialized and produced a terrifying shock wave that sent the soldiers and horses flying out!

At this time, Tapirang got up from the ground, feeling the past body in his memory.

"Beast! I thought the game was finally about to begin. But it turned out to be this way!"

Looking at the chains binding his hands, he said angrily and unhappily.

This is completely different from what he imagined——

I originally planned to have fun playing dark games.

But he came back to endure hardship? ?

It was a hellish start.

When playing the same dungeon, some people start as pharaohs, while others start as prisoners on death row, tomb robbers who are about to be sent to the execution ground.

Homura is well aware of the entire memory world, and his conscious body has been observing the evolution of this world from the sidelines.

Became the only human being to witness this scene.

Although it is just a scene that evolved from the game world inside his body——

But it was originally a world composed of observing stories that happened in another world.

Homura couldn't help but smile when he thought that this scene would be a real portrayal in another world.

This is the difference in treatment between the protagonist and the supporting role!

Chapter 610: Ancient Egypt, on-site seals... stone slabs, and everyone was furious!

From Tairian Liang's expression, it is not difficult for anyone to see that he must be scolding his mother in his heart right now.

On the difference of rebirth, there was a loud bang in the sky and labor and capital made their debut? !

Just like that! ?

Not being a great evil god, Tapirang, as the King of Thieves, was extremely unhappy at this time.

He suppressed his inner dissatisfaction and looked at the sky with a murderous look on his face.


In the blue sky, there is a huge cave of black and gray clouds.

An inverted pyramid is revealed.

Apparently, this was where he had just fallen.

"But it's right here. This is the world in his memory." Tapirang said to himself.

Then came the thieves wearing black robes and armor who were the subordinates of Tapir Liang during this period.

At first, Tapirang didn't recognize them.

But that nature that is more evil than anyone else also brings a mind and spirit that are stronger than anyone else.

Without this kind of character, how could he grow into a big boss?

Tapirang looked calmly as he watched the men approaching his defenseless self. One of them dismounted and drew his sword to look at him.


Bracelets and anklets were chopped off. (Tairiang: On the surface, he is as calm as a brother, but in fact, he is panicking on the inside!? That doesn’t exist! I was so scared that I couldn’t move, okay! Hahahahaha!)

"I see, you're here to pick me up." Tapirang lowered his head to calm down while his wrists and ankles, which had just been freed from activity, were still a little sore.

"Yes... I slowly remembered the details of 30 million years ago."

Tapirang, who would never admit that he was actually confused just now...

He is different from Yami Yugi, but he is a man who came back with a guide! It's just a memory world that's like a copy, and it can't trouble him at all!

At this moment, Homura, who could see everything clearly in the sky, thought back to the moment when Tapiryo's muscles trembled just now.

Are you excited...? perhaps!

Looking at the prosperous Egyptian city in the distance, Ziliang said coldly: "But that guy is the Pharaoh, and I am an unknown thief.

As a result, the status difference is too big. "

His eyes returned to the Pharaoh.

"A valet who looks very much like grandpa..." Wang glanced at Simon slightly.

Then he looked at the familiar face of Priestess below.


‘Could it be that grandpa found the Millennium Brick, and Isis is a member of the tomb-guarding family. This is not an accident. ’

'And... yes, he is the priest who was engraved on the memory tablet with me. ’ Wang Xiang’s eyes finally rested on Seth’s face, which looked exactly like Kaiba.

While people listened to the Pharaoh's inner speculation, they couldn't help but look at the thousand-year-old artifacts worn by the priests.

At this moment, the thousand-year-old jewelry on 'Isis' suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light.

"...!" The millennium artifact represents prophecy and has the power to predict the future and seek good fortune and avoid misfortune!

People suddenly felt that description coming in—

"This is... the power of the artifact?!" People were shocked, understanding the purpose of the thousand-year artifact for the first time.

At this time, reminded by the artifact, 'Isis' suddenly shouted Mahad's name loudly.

The priest standing on the other side of the king stood up hurriedly. At this time, an assassin launched a sneak attack on the Pharaoh on the throne on the high platform on the beam.

The assassin's sneak attack weapon was quickly blocked by Mahad's robe.

'Isis': "It's terrible to want to take the Pharaoh's life!"

Mahad: "But the celebration ceremony is going on now, take this guy to jail."

The assassin was quickly arrested.

Facing the anger of the priests, Set put forward a different opinion at this time.

Set said that they should take this opportunity to show their power as priests to the king they are loyal to!

The king has not seen the power of the thousand-year artifact yet!

His inquiry was also recognized by the former Pharaoh's brother Aknadi and the king's attendant Simon, and finally decided to publicly try the sinner in front of the king.

Wang Yang: "Public trial?!"

Simon: "The new Pharaoh. Egypt has become a huge country. But in contrast, the evil people who are jealous of our prosperity have never stopped."

'Isis': "So please rest assured, Pharaoh."

Aknadi: "As long as the six of us priests are here, the Pharaoh will not be touched even by a finger."

The priests spoke confidently and firmly one after another, which made Claire and the others a little stunned for a while.

Seth looked at the sinner who was tied up and kneeling in front of him, and made the final judgment: "Now your sin will be punished by seven thousand-year artifacts!"

"The punishment of the thousand-year artifacts...!" Claire and the others were shocked and looked at Seth in surprise.

A gleam of light flashed in Hermitos' eyes.

Is he going to use the power of the artifact? !

By the way--

It's the first time for them to see the power of the thousand-year artifact up close!


Several priests came forward one after another.

First, the priest Xiada used the Millennium Key to see through the heart of the sinner in front of him and discovered a huge and evil monster.

Then, the priest Aknadi used the Millennium Eye to materialize the monster!

Boom!! As the Millennium Eye emitted a dazzling light and shot into the sinner's body.

A huge black fog began to spew out from the sinner's mouth continuously, as if to dye the whole world into the color of darkness.

His eyes had turned white, and his throat began to make a twisted sound.

Everyone stood up instantly when they saw the scene in front of them! They widened their eyes in horror.


…!!! !!!

What, what is that?

Even Wang Yang sat up straight and asked in surprise.

"This is the first time that Pharaoh has seen the demon of a sinner being extracted. It is a demon born in people's hearts because of anger and resentment." Simon.

"Demon...?" Wang Yang was a little furious.

"Yes, in order to gain greater power, the demons manipulate them to commit crimes and increase their anger and resentment." Simon.

"Please look at that picture! The priests selected by the seven artifacts will seal the monsters in the stone slab."

As Simon spoke, the Pharaoh noticed a huge stone slab that the soldiers had carried and erected.

When the little princesses saw the very familiar stone slab, their hair stood up instantly!

That, that isn't...? !

The stone slab used when fighting against Kaiba with Tapirara is similar to the stone trap card and magic card.

It's just that there is no pattern engraved on it.

"Slate elves...monsters born from the human heart. Can they also control the owner's desires and actions!?" Hermitos murmured, feeling a little incredible.

No, speaking of it...these monsters seem to be the embodiment of desire.

But such a huge evil...

It can even control people's will. Is this really just pure desire? !

Looking at the picture of the monster that has revealed its body, with four spider-like limbs, a human upper body, and green skin, and the lower body is still connected to the sinner's mouth, and black surging gas is constantly coming out.

A creepy feeling suddenly rose in people's hearts.


In the sacred hall, the huge monster that was about to blow off the roof of the hall roared terribly at the tiny bodies of several great priests and the king.

For a moment, people subconsciously took a few steps back.

The crisis of life instinct began to frantically warn them!

Chapter 611 The real scene of the fall of the kingdom - war!

Aknadi: "Priest Set, use your thousand-year-old tin staff to seal the monster on the stone slab."

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