‘Is Pharaoh still watching? What is that? It can’t be the Noble Phantasm of a heroic spirit! ’ Someone couldn’t help but think.

However, only a few people noticed Wang Xiang's somewhat lonely expression at this time.

The pyramid in his eyes seems to be more than just a pyramid, like his friends in the real world, wandering in the pyramid like they are constantly exploring the way out of a maze.

On the other side, Alice continued to use the Millennium Jewelry, but could not find Tapirang's whereabouts.

Priest Mahad was not among the priests, but found the king.

At this time, people happened to hear the king's voice.

'As a Pharaoh, do I really understand you...and do you know the real me...'

No one he knew was here.

Many people know him...

Although he is a king, everything in front of him is so unfamiliar and he has no memory at all.

The Pharaoh held tightly the magic steel name tag that Kyoko gave him...

He couldn't find anything familiar here, as if he didn't belong here.

"Pharaoh...is this what he thinks?"

The little princess opened her eyes in shock.

If we don’t understand others, we don’t understand the real king...

This reminds the girl of a certain world line where King Arthur doesn't understand people's hearts.


The state of Pharaoh's body seemed to be different from that.

Even though the Pharaoh couldn't hear her voice, the little princess couldn't help but hold her breath quietly and looked at the king with some worry.

For fear of disturbing him——

Until the arrival of Mahad broke this lonely tranquility!

"Pharaoh..." Mahad.

Chapter 616: Oath to protect the people’s smile! This is the priest's duty!

Wang Yang: "You are..."

His name should be... Mahad! ?

"Pharaoh, why are you here alone?

As for what happened the night before, I hope you will be careful. "Mahad half-knelt on the ground and said respectfully and rigorously.

Faced with this, it sounds like there is something more than a human reminder.

Wang Yang was not angry, but showed a knowing smile: "Yes, it's my fault. I will be careful."

"Ah... no, this is not what I meant!" Mahad, who was more worried about the king's safety than anyone else, hesitated to speak because he couldn't speak... and finally could only turn his head slightly.

He also realized that his attitude just now was a bit too tough, and it was really rude to the king!

It's just that recent events have made Mahad, who works as a security guard, feel very guilty.

That pressure... also had a big impact on him.

While both of them were walking slowly in silence.

Passing by a water tank, Mahad and Pharaoh suddenly heard a commotion and looked startled.

"...? Who!!" Mahad.

'oops! Found! ’ A cute girl’s voice came from the jar.

Claire and the others who followed them looked surprised.

"Jan~!" A brown-haired girl who looked like a black magician girl came out of the water tank and jumped onto Wang Xiang's body happily like an octopus.

(There are two versions, one with blond hair like the Dark Magician Girl, and one with brown hair. Considering the average hair color of people in Egypt, brown hair is still used here.)

This surprise made Wang Yang, the pharaoh, stunned.

"Mana! How can you do this! Get away from the Pharaoh!"

Hug, hug! Just like a child!

The upright Mahad looked at the disrespectful scene in front of him and hurriedly lifted up the collar of his 'disciple' and pulled it aside.

Mana asked back why the master was so weird.

I obviously had a good relationship with the prince before, so why not just talk in the usual way.

But Mahad severely rebuked that the Pharaoh was now a Pharaoh and no longer a prince.

The king is the king——!

As courtiers, they must not exceed it.

This foolishly loyal and a bit cute look made everyone watching on the side show surprised expressions.

Think about the experience of the Knights of the Round Table and King Arthur.

Although they are all very close comrades-in-arms, monarchs and ministers with deep friendship, the subordinates of both sides are unusually strict in their etiquette! This kind of strict self-discipline——

Is it also a different kind of expression of respect for the king? !

Then people saw Wang Xiang asking Mana if he had known Mahad before? He was a little concerned about Mana's words just now and the relationship between himself and Mahad.

But Mana looked shocked: "What are you talking about?

Don’t the three of us often study magic and compete in martial arts together?

The three of us are very much like brothers and sisters. "

"Ah...yeah." Wang Yang reacted in time.

Although there is no memory of the past...

But when he heard that he had such a relationship with the two of them, he felt much better and was a little happy.

"Ah? Are you really a prince? It feels different." Mana bent down and came closer in confusion, and looked at Wang Xiang with her small face.


It’s still the same face~!

"Idiot! He has become the pharaoh! The prince shoulders a burden that is beyond our comparison." Mahad scolded sternly.

"Ah! Master, you called him Prince!" Mana stretched out her index finger and said with a smile.

"Ah! I'm sorry, Pharaoh!" Mahad's face immediately became embarrassed.

After a period of relaxing and warm daily life——

I learned that Mana had used magic to freeze all the soldiers in the palace, so I sneaked here.

Mahad severely reprimanded Mana and asked her to quickly undo the magic, but Mana forgot the spell and anxiously conjured up the magic book to read.

In the end, it was Mahad who undoed the spell.

At this time, looking at the clumsy magician apprentice and the strict but gentle priest, the Pharaoh's heart couldn't help but feel a little warm.

'Mahad, Mana... At least I exist in their hearts, and I have companions. ' The king smiled and closed his eyes, calmed down, and enjoyed the rare good time.

"Mana is so cute!

The master is also great!

Although he looks a little fierce, he is surprisingly good at taking care of people..." Claire and the others looked at the priest and his apprentice, and said to themselves enviously.

'——What a good relationship! These three people! ' It turns out that the king can also have such a close group of partners and friends in private.

This real scene in the epic made them see the other side of the king.

‘The Pharaoh is also a human being, he is no different from us! He can be happy, sad... and has companions who walk with him. ’ The king is not alone! Such a sigh.

Speaking of which, doesn’t the hero king also have a close friend like Xiao En?

People recalled the kind of experience in the past epics that words alone could not really feel.

Now they came to their minds one by one.

And the people immersed in this daily warm and relaxed atmosphere did not notice Mana’s obviously extraordinary magic power.

Only... Hermitos: "What an excellent level of magic, whether it is a master or an apprentice."

He felt that he had a further understanding of the power of the ancient Egyptian priests.

The magic level of the soldiers who just froze a road has touched the truth.

The next moment, the scene changed.

Hermitos found that it was daytime in front of him...

It was already the second day.

The plot of the story reached the time when Mahad led his men to patrol around the city.

Looking at the ruined city after the fire, he was in great pain, and he vowed to deal with all the thieves who committed these evil deeds.

Especially the thief king - Bakura!

"Priest... will the city burn again?" A little boy stopped in front of Mahad and asked carefully.

His eyes were full of hope.

Mahad had to stop.

He was absent-minded and stunned for a moment, and noticed the expectation in the child's eyes.

He smiled from the bottom of his heart and said firmly: "It doesn't matter. I won't let your city suffer such misfortune again."

The little boy nodded, and a pure smile bloomed on his little face: "Yeah!"

Looking at the child who ran away happily and joyfully, and the smile that infected people's hearts.

People were absent-minded for a moment, and a soft part of their hearts was touched.

When they looked at Mahad again, Claire noticed the resolute look in Mahad's eyes.

‘I will definitely, definitely not let the tragedy in front of me happen again! ’

“…He——!” Claire was shocked and was about to say something.

Then Claire noticed the arrow on the thousand-year-old wisdom wheel on Mahad’s chest, floating in the same direction.

‘? ! ’

When they looked in the direction of the arrow.

… On the distant hilltop, a familiar and vague figure appeared.

“King of Thieves… I will not let the people suffer again.” As if he had noticed it, Mahad looked at the figure who suddenly rode away on horseback and murmured firmly.

“Bakura…” People couldn’t help but read out the real name of the boy with that title.

Looking at the city with traces of fire everywhere, and the children who were full of yearning for a new life in the future.

People suddenly felt uneasy!

Claire remembered the convention in Andersen’s old thief epic!

Hope, future, new life? Wait! Hiss~! It won’t be another tragedy? !

Before those things come, there may be deeper despair?

Thinking of other epics, even heroes cannot resist the gears of fate, and the inevitable end!

'Mahad's firm will to protect the people -

Ah -! If he fails in the end. '

The terrible future that people don't want to see made people hurriedly shake their heads.

Claire gritted her teeth and said, "It's okay! The Pharaoh is still in this city.

As long as you don't leave here, with the protection of the three mythical gods and the king, Tapir will not dare to make trouble again!"

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