After Seth rescued the white-haired girl, he ignored her and left with the others.

In the evening, when Seth went to visit Aknadi, Tapirang also turned transparent and followed him invisibly.

Recently, with the help of the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom, his power has grown again.

In the final showdown with the Black Magician, he was almost killed because Mahad's soul power was consumed too much and he returned to the stone slab...

Tapirang narrowly escaped death.

It gained the ability to walk through walls and become a chameleon from the monsters it devoured before. Not only did it escape, but it also used this ability to sneak back into the palace.

In the palace, Seth reported today's discovery to Aknadi.

He told Aknadi about the powerful elves he selected from among the common people, and wanted to prove that his actions were correct.

But Aknadi dissuaded him: "Let the innocent people go immediately! Seth!

It's not too late to give up now.

Behavior that makes people feel guilty will create fear in their hearts, and sooner or later, this fear will lure people into boundless darkness. "

At this time, Aknadi was still a good person. Even though he had the Millennium Eye, his inner will was still very clear.

He didn't want to watch Seth make mistakes step by step.

When people look at this scene, they may not even think about it.

In the future, the behavior and personalities of the two people in front of them will be reversed, and Seth will regret his series of actions and eventually pay the price.

No one would have thought that Aknadi's true identity was Seth's biological father who had long since died on the battlefield!

At this time, looking at Aknadi who still didn't recognize him, Seth asked coldly.

"Lord Aknadi!"

"What is the crisis for us and the people?"

Speaking loudly, Seth gave the answer himself.

"There is no crisis more terrifying than the collapse of royal power!"

Seth suddenly took a step forward and said loudly and firmly: "My actions are all for the Pharaoh and the land of Egypt!

I don't think I'm wrong! "

After saying this, Seth left alone.

People watched the sound of Seth leaving with confusion, and suddenly heard the movement behind them, and turned around to find that Aknadi suddenly fell to his knees in pain.

"Set... Do you want to repeat the mistakes I made back then?"

In order to save the country, he did not hesitate to bear all the evil deeds and used the blood of civilians to create an artifact to help his brother.

Can this kind of behavior based on the blood of innocent people really be considered correct?

Is this the justice of a priest?

jingle! The sound of the hands of the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom colliding suddenly sounded in the hall where only Akhnadi was left.

A chill ran down people's spines and their hair stood on end as they heard the familiar low laughter again.

Hehe...hehehehehehehe! !

Aknadi stood up in horror and looked at the figure that had appeared in front of him from unknown time.

White hair, red coat! And the thousand-year wisdom wheel on the chest!

Aknadi broke out in cold sweat and said in disbelief: "...You are Bakula!"

People’s eyes widened in surprise: ‘…! ’

When - Tapirang actually came in directly! What does he want to do?

Are we going to kill Aknadi here too?


I don’t know that in this world, there are people who are twice as powerful as the term “blackening”!

You probably never dreamed of what would happen next.

Chapter 621 Osiris’s Tiankeng Dragon and Ra’s Winged Dragon!

Aknadi was attacked and forced into the darkness of the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom, which induced evil thoughts in his heart.

After that, the Pharaoh heard the news and chased him out, summoning the sky dragon Osiris and Tapirang to pursue him.

He chased him all the way to the city, but Tapirang asked Diabond to launch an indiscriminate attack on the city.

In order to protect the people, the sky dragon of Osiris took Diabond into the sky under the king's command.

Because Diabond has already swallowed the white dragon, the black magician, and other elves before.

Not only can you use the special moves of these monsters, but you can also use the ability to become invisible.

After being strengthened by the Wheel of Wisdom for thousands of years, it can completely disappear into the darkness and even gods cannot detect it.

It can be called the highest level of breath blocking——

Osiris once fell into a situation where he could only be beaten.

"New God!"

"The red god who makes the sky and firmament shake..."

——Being beaten!

As soon as they came out, they witnessed the appearance of the second phantom god, Osiris, who covered the sky... Everyone was excited.

I just saw a powerful lightning bomb, and I haven't been excited for long.

I was shocked to see the scene of God being beaten in the air.

God is being beaten! God is being beaten! Ah! Being beaten? ! Eh heh~? !

This picture can shock the dog mom for a whole year.

Finally, the desperate king asked Osiris to attack Tapirang, hoping to force Diabond out.

As a result, Diabond attacked the Pharaoh first.

Both of them actually thought of attacking the other player directly at the same time!


"These two people... are so, so sinister... Ahem! No, they are good and despicable tapirs!"

Just when everyone was watching anxiously, thinking that the king was going to die here.

Set arrived with his men and asked the elves to cut off the paws of Diabond's dog that wanted to hold the King of Death.

People breathed a sigh of relief——

Now that the reinforcements have arrived and the priests are supporting him, the Pharaoh, who has the power of God, can use the true power of God without any scruples!

He will definitely defeat evil!

Because the power of Obelisk last time is still fresh in people's memory, people at this time still have no doubts about the majesty of God and the power of the three mythical gods.


Just when Tapirara asked Diabond to attack again.

People saw the purple power ball shining in the sky and regarded it as a sign that Diabond was about to appear.

Pharaoh: "Now! Osiris! Superconducting wave!"

Can we finally see the true power of the red god!

People's eyes became hot, and they looked at the golden energy ball that began to gather in Osiris' mouth without blinking, with golden thunder on it.

It was a completely different color from the previous blue thunder bomb!

Immersive experience, isn't it to personally experience how terrifying and shocking the scene of the mighty god in the epic is!

At this moment, everyone's eyes blurred——

But another picture flashed by.

The scene they wanted to see, where the sky dragon rose up, released its power, and killed Diabond with a backhand, did not appear.

Aknadi, who had fallen in the temple, suddenly stood up.

He raised his knife and threw it at the card representing the Osiris Sky Dragon on the large stone slab of the temple.


That was the moment when the long knife was inserted into the stone slab.

The movement of the sky dragon suddenly froze, and then-

"Spiral wave!"

The purple spiral flash directly knocked off the head of the Osiris Sky Dragon.

Without the dragon head, the huge body like the Great Wall fell from the sky.

At that moment, the excitement, expectation, and excitement on people's faces were stagnant.


Aknadi, who was far away in the temple, was suddenly hit by the golden thunder punishment from the sky and fell to the ground with a scream.

But the figure of the sky dragon also completely disappeared in front of people.

For a while, the air fell into a deathly silence.

"God... is dead..."

A huge terror suddenly descended.

After a pause, everyone reacted with an expression of unspeakable fear.

The scene of the dragon head in the sky being blown away, this horrible and bloody scene has been deeply engraved in their minds.

No, impossible! How could it be like this! ?

This contrast is really hard to accept.

There is a kind of emotion called trembling surging in my heart.

"God! That's a god! How can a god die!"

Even if I have seen the future when the gods fade away and the gods are not visible.

But that is deeply rooted in the bones, living in the age of gods, and believing in the mysterious and powerful figure of the gods.

Let people never doubt the power of creatures called gods!

Not killed by creatures that are also gods -

But gods killed by monsters!

Ah! Ah!

"God... will die too?"

Just when people were too unbelievable because of the death of Osiris, they fell into a trance and had no mind to pay attention to the following plot.

No, it's not that I don't believe that God will die, but rather that I don't believe that God will die suddenly and simply!

He died suddenly without any reason!

He was just like a small monster.

Such a scene makes people doubt life and collapse their worldview.


After that, Set's spirit looked at the second purple ball of light that appeared in the sky, threw out the dagger and destroyed it.

But he didn't expect that it was just an eyeball monster.

It was deliberately released by Tapir to confuse people.

The Pharaoh thought of the second level, but the King of Thieves thought of the third level.

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