Instantly, a huge dizziness enveloped Hermitos. The shocking news made him a little unable to digest.

He fell into silent trembling and palpitations.

His heart couldn't stand it...

Wait, this human body is too fragile. Now he feels that breathing has become a little difficult.

And then Hermitos, who reacted, trembled more violently.

Constant trembling!

Not frightened or scared, he was excited! Hermitos's mouth curled up a smile, and he wanted to laugh, but looking at the endless brilliance of the Creator God of Light, his consciousness paused for a while.

Chapter 628 God of Technology Alchemy: Someone took the lead? ! Stop! Ah!

"Her Axe!"

Zoke turned back subconsciously.

"Darkness! Disappear!"

Just like in the ancient stories, the final shouts and declarations of the brave, kings, and heroes when they are about to defeat evil!

But this clichéd thing can't be more clichéd, when people see the real scene!

Still fell into indescribable emotion, shock, and excitement!

"Disappear!" Claire and the others whispered.

And the majestic figure responded to their voices the next moment.

"Creation Light!"

In the huge hum, Zok was directly shattered under the light!

Boom! !

As all the darkness faded, a huge hole was broken in the sky, and a dazzling light column shone on the ground line.

It was like an aurora column that engulfed the entire city.

There might be a part of Zok's shattered body.

'Instant kill! '

Hermitos and the others watched this scene in shock!

At that moment, the God of Alchemy seemed to see a real god!

He saw a higher-level life form standing above their gods.

Even if it was not the consciousness of the planet, it was equally terrifying -

and even had the possibility of being more powerful!

He actually gave that powerful Zok so simply...

The Sun God - obtained the spirituality of the God of Creation, and the achievements and name recognized by the world.

Hermitos had to think seriously about the importance of the spirit again!

From ancient times to the present, there has never been any news about the existence of the spirit in the sky of the Gods' Homeland.

Either it was deliberately hidden by the gods who possessed the spirit.

Or the difficulty of obtaining the spirit is really as described in the epic.

That is a miracle that is difficult to be born in the boundless universe, one in ten thousand or even one in ten million!

Just like humans wanting to defeat the gods, the possibility is theoretically close to zero.

Hermitos quickly found a suitable metaphor for it.

He did not feel any surprise about learning about the spirit, but instead magnified its difficulty infinitely in his heart!


After learning about the existence of the spirit, how could he be willing to go back to the time when he knew nothing.

"Wait... Will the breakthrough of my alchemy power be related to the spirit!" Hermitos suddenly thought of something!

Important contributions to the world!

After the fading of the Age of Gods, the flame of civilization can still be maintained, replacing the mysterious and gradually prosperous technological civilization.

That was regarded by him as a symbol of the peak of the alternative alchemy road.

For a time, Hermitos, who was originally extremely envious of the God of Light, fell into a strange madness.

"Merit, useful merits for the world and all things!"

The fading of the Age of Gods is inevitable according to the epic...

It will even involve the departure of the gods.

It can be said that it is related to the important changes and trajectories of the entire world line.

What better way is there than to make a civilization more prosperous!

As for the spirit, even ordinary people have the opportunity to obtain it, and even become gods because of it!

This is completely different from the acquired gods who have grown up through nine deaths and ignited the divine fire.

If someone had taken a step ahead of him and created technological alchemy, he would have received the gift of the spirit of the 'God of Alchemy' from the world.

"!!!" Thinking of this terrifying thing, Hermitos could not sit still.

Fortunately, the epic of the King's Memory Chapter has also reached its end.

With Zok being defeated, there are some daily fragments of the Pharaoh passing the throne to Set and leaving the memory world.

When the epic was completely over, Hermitos' consciousness reappeared next to the bookshelf.

The epic that was taken out before, representing the King's Memory, was closed.

Looking at the other epics stored next to it, Hermitos was not in the mood to review them this time.

He hurriedly withdrew from the magic crystal--

On the other side... the main body also received Hermitos' memory.


The terrifying divine light gathered on the sky.

"Hermitos--! What are you doing again!" Several divine thoughts came to detect this side, and spoke unsatisfiedly.

"Ahaha... Sorry, everyone. I thought of something interesting." A hearty laugh came from the temple of Hermitos.

"Is it what you saw and heard on the earth again? Instead of thinking about those boring things, why not get familiar with your power."

"If it is a mythological epic like last time-I am still quite interested." The divine thought of another goddess spoke gently.

"...No, I'm just a little excited to see new and interesting kids. Sorry...I'm sorry for affecting you." Subconsciously, Hermitus lied to the gods for the first time.

Then several divine thoughts also lost interest and left.

Not all gods are as enthusiastic about the heroes on earth as Hermitos.

Although infinite life does make many gods feel bored.

But except for gods who are really not good at fighting, no god will not desire to improve their strength and power.

It seems that he has concealed it——

Hermitos narrowed his eyes slightly, and the eyes of the gods who can see through people's hearts looked directly at the lower world.

After a few seconds——

"It's really distressing! Technology alchemy...?"

Although it was something that was being tried, he didn't think of using it to benefit all things and races on earth at the beginning.

Originally it was just out of his own interest and love, but now there is a more important reason.

It seems that he has to be serious——!


"Ding Dong!" A prompt sound came from his body.

The capital——Hermitos's human incarnation was slightly stunned and looked at the magic crystal on his body.

Did this thing make a sound just now? !

The original body has already got his memory, so it is up to him to decide what to do.

As a clone, he has regained his composure.

After confirming that the movement came from the magic crystal, Hermitos put his consciousness into it again.

Then he learned a message.

The magic crystal has opened a book review area.

Now all people who have read the epic can comment on their feelings after reading the epic in a specific book review area.

At the same time, the like function is opened. Good book reviews will be pinned higher and easier to be seen.

Book review? Like? !

Just some simple functions, even Hermitos, who is new to it, can quickly understand how to use it.

"This...! Isn't this an alternative network!" Hermitos' heart skipped a beat.

It allows people living in different regions to communicate in an alternative way like book reviews! !

Some people have already begun to study the products of technological civilization in the epic.

Oh no! !

If you say that before reading the King's Memory,

If Hermitos knew about this setting, he might still feel interesting and gratified that someone has successfully achieved technological alchemy!

But after understanding the requirements of Lingge for merit...

At this time, his thoughts had already changed.

If I have to describe that subtle feeling:

Stop! NMD! Let me do it! Ah!

Chapter 629 I want to go to Ceylon!

The development of civilization may be important in technology, but more importantly, the concept.

Human civilization has developed for thousands of years, and technology has been advancing, but it was not until modern times...

The concept of science began to become popular, and the world entered a leapfrog development.

A technological civilization that has completely prospered in just a few hundred years.

The wisdom of the ancient sages is not lower than that of modern people.

Limited by different perspectives...

They look at things from different angles. Many modern people know the truth, but they want to understand it, and often have to spend more time to practice.

Although the other world has developed for so many years, it has not yet given birth to technological civilization. That is caused by its special era environment and backward productivity.

When Guoyan incarnated Andersen, he mentioned the existence of technological civilization many times in the epic.

Even in the epic, he personally experienced the appearance of technological civilization.

The "world" that was originally vague in people's hearts began to glow and heat up, and gradually became clear!

This world will never lack talented and gifted people.

Humans also lack active exploration and curiosity.

Of course, it is not only Hermitos who noticed technological civilization, many people also have great interest in it.

If Yan had not shown the technology in advance -

Even if he did nothing, in about hundreds of years, the seeds of technological civilization would have sprouted in another world.

But what will it grow into...

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