I never thought that there would be a day when I had to steal someone's skills because I had no clue.

I must not let other gods discover my true identity!

For this reason, Hermitos decided to completely block his divine power...

In order to gain a deeper understanding of the prototype of technological civilization, he also tried his best.

If a "compatriot" passing by found that his incarnation was working in a human factory, he could already imagine how the gods would laugh.

And at this time in Ceylon-

Factories everywhere were being expanded, and a large number of interested human resources were needed.

After knowing that Hermitos ran to a factory to apply for a job, Yan's expression became more subtle.

He was confused by the strange interests of this god.

Originally, he thought that a god had noticed him and wanted to trouble him because of the content of the epic.

But he sent his incarnation to work for him? !

That's it...?

That's it...! ?

This made Yan's vigilance against him drop a lot.

Forget it... As long as he doesn't cause trouble in the city, it's fine.

"Then... it's time to go, Black Jeanne." Yan called Black Jeanne.

This time, the Dragon Witch faced the Inquisition, which can be said to be her first debut in the other world.

He did not take action yesterday because he specially explored the enemy's territory and specific situation.

Prepare in advance---

He discovered some special things.

Maybe this time, Black Jeanne, who destroyed the Inquisition, will not only not be treated as a witch, but will also become a hero praised by everyone? !

He can't wait to make the witch become a hero, and he is so happy!

Chapter 632 At this moment, it is the stage of the Dragon Witch!

Although Black Jeanne cannot destroy France...

But it is okay to let her destroy some disgusting things and achieve alternative revenge.

Even if the memory is borrowed.

Before her death, Black Jeanne was indeed deceived by the church and signed a ridiculous thing like a confession.

If Black Jeanne is a witch...

For Black Jeanne, those people are like the Inquisition.

Black Jeanne had no resistance to what Yan said...

Dealing with that kind of executioner, she could be said to have no psychological pressure.

As a hero who destroyed most of France in the original world line, she is not a good person like her prototype.

Under the avalanche, no snowflake is innocent...

The members of the Inquisition are all fanatics loyal to the church, and their beliefs can no longer be changed unless they are destroyed.

And in the mission, whether they did it intentionally or not, their hands were already stained with blood.

Let Black Jeanne summon Fafnir...

With Ai Ge and Yan as magic power supply, it can fully support the consumption of this evil dragon.

After that, the two stood on the dragon and flew directly to the target point that Yan had already determined.


A dragon roar was faintly heard in the sky above Ceylon City.

Many people paused slightly, but because they could not hear it clearly, they just thought they had hallucinations.

But Hermitos's face changed, and he suddenly looked up in one direction.

"Dragon...?" Because of the complete sealing of the divine power, even if he still retained some of his five senses, he could not see it clearly, and could only vaguely see a dark figure that had already flown away.

And that back figure gave Hermitos a familiar feeling, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

"How could there be a giant dragon in Ceylon City... How many secrets are hidden here?" Hermitos frowned.

Then he shook his head...

No matter what is hidden, it has nothing to do with him!

Now he just wants to quickly learn more about technological civilization. The spiritual power of technological alchemy has become the thing he desires most in his heart.

He knows that he can no longer be as casual as before.

If he doesn't work hard,

Maybe the spiritual power he desires will be taken by others!

The evil dragon Fafnir - as the top dragon species, the speed is naturally not slow.

In the sky, only a black shadow can be seen rapidly cutting through the sky, bringing up waves of white waves.

With the physical fitness of Black Jeanne d'Arc and Flame, there is no discomfort at all in this high-speed riding.

In addition, Ceylon City is not far from the Theocracy and Atlan...

Soon the destination appeared in Yan's sight.

"We're here... The church below is the hidden base of the Heretic Inquisition of the Theocracy. I think you should know better than me what to do."

Thousands of feet above the ground, Yan and Black Jeanne looked down at the cathedral in the city below.

All the clergy were peripheral or internal members of the Heretic Inquisition. The place hidden deep in the church was the real base of the Heretic Inquisition.

The gathering place of the Inquisition that was extremely mysterious in the outside world...

Perhaps for others, it was harder than climbing to the sky to find it.

But with the ability that Yan had, he had at least hundreds of ways to explore here.

The Pope would never have thought...

As the most hidden special institution of the Theocracy, it would be thoroughly explored by someone within a day.

"Hmph! Just destroy this place!" Black Jeanne looked at the church below with a look of disgust.

Even if she thought she was not Jeanne, she would still be affected by those memories.

She hated those dirty rats.

Especially when they shouted the name of God on one hand, but did some disgusting things without hesitation on the other hand.

"If there is a vibrant street, destroy it as much as you want.

If there is a lively village, ravage it as much as you want.

No matter how evil, no matter how cruel, God will forgive." Yan, who thought of some scenes, suddenly spoke and smiled brightly at Jeanne.

"......!" Black Jeanne reacted immediately.

This is the order she gave to other berserk heroes in the epic after being summoned by Giles!

Now hearing it from Yan, Black Jeanne was so ashamed that she wanted to explode on the spot!

Those remarks made for revenge are based on the premise that they are really revenge.

After knowing that she is not the real Jeanne...

When Black Jeanne heard these words, her middle school degree instantly increased several times.

"Huh?! There should be a limit to being disgusting. You are so annoying, do you want to be hanged?

...Really!" Black Jeanne said with a somewhat disgusted expression.

If she didn't know that she couldn't win, she would have wanted to teach this man a lesson.


Black Jeanne turned her head away, her mood was a bit subtle now.

He actually accompanied her, the Dragon Witch, to do something "revenge".

Is he still a child?

The Master's Master——It can also be regarded as one's own Master! Just treat him as one's own Master.

Anyway, no one will like me, what is this man thinking! Accompanying her to such a degree of nonsense.


I don't understand! Anyway, it's right to make a big fuss first.

It just so happens that she hasn't done much since she was summoned, and she also wants to release her power once! A somewhat cruel smile appeared on her face.

"Fafnir! Go directly to that church!" Black Jeanne directly commanded the evil dragon to act.

...At this moment.

In the innermost part of the church.

In the enclosed space, there is a huge dungeon.

There are many children in it.

This is where the sinners brought back by the Inquisition are imprisoned.

Generally speaking, the Inquisition will not leave anyone alive when they go on a mission.

For the church, those who are really sinful are directly killed.

Most of the people imprisoned here are forcibly accused of sin and kept in the dungeon for some special reasons.

Unlike the Inquisition of other churches...

The Church is involved in human experiments and biological transformation technology.

In order to make the warriors stronger and better able to deal with the monsters in the abyss, many members of the Inquisition have undergone physical transformation.

And the transformation cannot be risk-free -

In order to minimize those risks.

A large number of experiments are necessary.

Using ordinary criminals for experiments alone is too small and the efficiency is too slow.

And for the development of the Church and strengthening its strength.

Some things that are not allowed to be seen in the light are also necessary sacrifices for God and the Church in their eyes.

Only sacrificing a few innocent people can bring about a strong fighting force, better protect the Church and fight against demons.

In the eyes of the Pope, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages.

In order to prevent the secret from being leaked...

There are no fewer core clergymen of the Inquisition defending here.

Those experimental mice have no chance of escaping.


Everything began to change with a huge dragon roar from the sky.

Chapter 633 The war started by the dragons! Only targeting the church?

In the southern part of Limozan, the Holy Marte Cathedral.

At this moment, the priest is baptizing the newly appointed nuns.

"From today on, you are a member of the Holy Marte Cathedral. Congratulations... you have graduated completely!" The high priest announced.

There have always been few female clergymen willing to join the Inquisition.

For professions like nuns that require kindness and good nature, it is even more difficult to find nuns willing to join the Inquisition.

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