What do the Dragon Witch and Merlin want to do?

Hermitus was itching, and he didn't care about the fire and attack on the cathedral.

It’s not a church that believes in itself anyway.


At this time, he became extremely interested in the purpose of this flower magician who seemed to come from a parallel world.

For a time, he was no longer anxious about finding a job.

And on the other side——

"Roar! My anger!" accompanied Joan's cry.

The battle has reached its end.

Suddenly, the strong man who reached the seventh level of the Theocracy did not stay here.

Although the Inquisition is the elite among the elite of the Theocracy.

But compared to Heizhen as a heroic spirit, it is still too unsatisfactory.

Whether it is quantity or quality...

Heizhen, who has a powerful sub-dragon army, has an even greater advantage.

Not to mention——

There is also a legendary evil dragon that only appears in epics and myths.

Even if a real god comes, it is impossible to defeat Fafnir here.

In despair and confusion, the priests were finally burned to dregs by the anger of the Dragon Witch that spewed from the ground.

And inside and below the burned-through cathedral, the darkness of the Theocracy was finally exposed to the sunlight.

There is no time to panic and fear the real terrifying power of Fafnir!

When those onlookers saw the real scene under the ruins of the cathedral——

They were all suddenly stunned.

The extremely stimulating, cruel and bloody scene, which should never have appeared in the sacred cathedral, suddenly appeared in people's eyes.

Then came people’s shocked and shaken looks!

Chapter 636 The Flower Magician: God doesn’t care at all!

"Damn it!! Crusaders! Where are the Crusaders!"

at this time……

The pope is far away in Jade Cold, the capital of the Theocracy.

He has always been concerned about Andersen's epic, and naturally he also owns a magic crystal.

Just when he entered the world of consciousness and saw the cathedral in ruins, the secrets buried underground were exposed.

Even the Pope, who had always been very calm, stood up instantly and could no longer hold back.

He growled loudly and irritably.

"Send all the crusaders that can be sent there immediately! Kill that evil dragon immediately! Immediately! Immediately!"

Damn it——!

It took less than half a second to issue the order.

...Thinking of the terrifying reputation of the evil dragon Fafnir, the Pope quickly retracted his order!

"Wait! Let's check the situation first! The order just now is cancelled!" The Pope waved his men to retreat.

At this moment, the Pope looked at the blood-soaked test benches under the church in the world of consciousness, which were directly exposed to the eyes of the outside world.

There were still blood stains on it that had not dried up, and the corpses of various twisted and terrifying monsters.

And the vague appearance of a dungeon can be seen, with countless young lives still imprisoned in it.

At the other end of the dungeon, there are many demons and monsters chained up.

He could think of how many people had seen this scene now.

What will they think of their Theocracy...

‘The church secretly keeps demons in captivity and conducts human experiments. ’

... As you can see, the condemnation from the citizens and believers will also come one after another.

If one thing is not handled well, everything will be over!

The Pope felt the heavy pressure——

Looking at the evil dragon projected in the conscious world, he could no longer maintain his grace and cursed in his heart.

‘The most powerful dragon species that even the Nordic God-Kings are afraid of, why would such a being target their church! ?

But the most critical one was destroyed! ’

The Pope doesn't even know now whether he should send troops to conquer that terrifying dragon.

Having read the epic, he knew that Fafnir was summoned by the magic of Black Joan.

Although I don’t know what its real strength is, maybe it’s not as strong as the real one in “The Nibelungenlied”?

But the name of the dragon and the shadow of the tree.

No matter how he speculated, the bad reputation about the evil dragon Fafnir made the Pope dare not act rashly again.

However, sitting still and waiting for death made him feel unwilling.

The Pope was caught in a dilemma.

"Sister...sister...?" The elf sister and brother hugged each other in the ruins. The younger brother Misu looked at the collapsed buildings around him in fear, not knowing what happened.

Sister Mira's eyes also revealed a look of panic, but she still pretended to be calm and kept comforting her brother.

"No, it's okay... Misu! Everyone in the clan must have noticed that we were missing and sent someone to rescue us!"

"May the Holy Dragon - Neil Hog bless me. May Misu return to her hometown safely." My sister prayed in a low voice, feeling her inner uneasiness disappear a little.

"It's my sister who returned to her hometown safely with Misu." Misu said.

"Well... together." Mira opened her mouth slightly, but in the end she couldn't bear to say her true thoughts.

For her, it was enough as long as her brother could survive successfully.

But seeing Misu who also hadn't forgotten herself, Mira was a little touched and was once again full of hope for life and had the motivation to live.

‘Say...well, maybe it’s really the clansmen who came to save us? ! ’

Sister Elf thought in her heart expectantly.

Then she heard a huge dragon roar, and her eardrums seemed to be torn apart by the terrible sound. Mira's face turned pale in an instant, and she looked in panic in the direction of the sound.

Dragon - what came into view was an extremely huge dragon! A dark dragon!

The dragon's chest seemed to be cracked, shining with a gem-like brilliance. That was its heart.

Fierce and awe-inspiring, Mira's eyes could no longer be moved away, trembling with fear, locked on the body of the terrifying creature.

And under the fiery sky, there were countless two-legged dragons circling.

For a moment, the elf girl was frightened by the terrible scene in front of her, which was like hell.

... Countless human experimental subjects imprisoned in the dungeon also saw those two-legged dragons and began to tremble.

At this time, many people in the crowd of onlookers were crazy.

"It's my brother!! It's my lost brother!"

"Ah...sister. It's my sister who disappeared for a long time! Why is my sister there and imprisoned! Ah!"

"No, it's impossible. My sister is the most devout believer. The people in the church clearly told me that they would take her to the capital to study and she would become a priestess serving the Pope in the future. Ah!!

Why is my sister there!"

"Liar! The church deceived me!"

More and more excited voices rang out in the world of consciousness.

Many people found the figures of their long-lost, familiar relatives and friends in the ruins.

The activity area of ​​the Inquisition is nothing more than the Church and several surrounding countries.

Most of the experimental subjects captured are from neighboring countries and borders.

A small number are selected from devout believers.

At this time, there are some people watching through the magic crystal.

The last moment, they treated the terrible scenes in front of them as stories!

Anyway, it doesn't involve them and won't endanger their lives, so it's okay.

At most, people couldn't help but sigh and express their worries about the future.

But when they saw their long-lost relatives appear among them.

These people's eyes instantly turned red!


There was no need for Yan to remind them of anything. Just from the shocking and blood-stained pictures on the test bench, people could think of countless dark scenes.

Looking at the relatives imprisoned in the dungeon.

How could they still do it, how could they still laugh. Not to mention being excited and stimulated.

Anxiety, disbelief, ecstasy, anger--

All kinds of complex emotions began to echo in people's hearts.

People who were originally afraid and worried about the sudden attack on the cathedral by the Dragon Witch suddenly changed their mentality.

They gritted their teeth, their eyes were red, and looked fiercely at the church that had turned into ruins.

I wish Black Zhen would make the fire burn more vigorously!

It would be better to burn directly to the sky, and burn the knights of the Church to pieces.

But thinking of the relatives who were still trapped under the ruins.

People's hearts became nervous again, fearing that Black Jeanne would kill their relatives as well.

"Is this also God's will?

Huh?! The so-called mercy of God turned out to be such a cheap thing.

Look at this scene! I say! Don't you think it's too ridiculous?"

Black Jeanne, who obviously didn't expect to see these under the church, came back to her senses from the slight daze of seeing the scene in front of her. Her expression became a little ugly for a while, and she gritted her teeth and asked Yan beside her.

Her face also showed undisguised disgust.

These are the believers of the glorious and righteous God!

Under the church dedicated to God, it is an evil, dirty place where filth and dirt are hidden.

The disgust for the crimes of these heresy tribunals reminded Black Jeanne of her hatred for the gods.

Her high emotions suddenly cooled down, and she could no longer raise a trace of excitement.

"God is not that boring. God doesn't care about these things at all. Only humans would try to master power that does not belong to them." The corners of his mouth under the flame hood slightly raised, and he paused for a moment, responding to Black Jeanne's words.

And his voice was directly transmitted to everyone's ears through the world of consciousness.

For a moment, both Black Jeanne and the "people" watching were stunned.

'God doesn't care at all? '

Hermitos showed a surprised expression.

This sentence unexpectedly made him agree!

He didn't know which compatriot would be interested in the flesh and blood of such an inferior creature as the devil...

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