It was like facing a running train, whoever touched it would die. But Yan did it.

The powerful 'Dragon Blood Constitution' and the peak skills to burst the body's potential in an instant.

Finally, such a blow was achieved!

Following the top person in charge, the Kingdom Warriors and mercenaries cheered and roared excitedly.

Many people even had sweat flowing down their backs. Accepted the order of the superior.


The magicians who were scared and fled everywhere because Behemoth smashed the city wall were found by the Kingdom Warriors. They escorted the magicians to the city gate under the attack of the orcs.

The magicians began to cast the 'large-scale repair magic' in an orderly manner to restore the broken city wall.

In the outside world, the commander-in-chief of the orcs was jealous.

Chapter 65 Because there is no 'dining table', you can't become a Knight of the Round Table!

The Kingdom Warriors and the Mercenaries joined forces, and their strength is not weak.

The wall of the outer city was broken once.

This time, the orc vanguard leader and Behemoth were both killed by the black knight.

The situation was even better than last time...

Everyone was familiar with the route, and after spending some time, they finally repaired the city wall.

On the orc side.

‘Surprisingly, a golden behemoth died.’ The white lizard’s eyes were red, and his face was very ugly.

For him as a ‘commander’, this was already a big mistake.

‘Golden behemoth’ is the most noble bloodline in Kasas.

In addition, its number is rare, and it has always been very valuable. I didn’t expect it to be killed so simply and brutally.

After continuing to order the army to attack for a few minutes, facing the continuous firepower bombardment of the ‘magician’ group that had freed up its hands.

Even the behemoths felt overwhelmed, not to mention the ordinary orcs.

Worried that there would be losses of ‘golden behemoths’ on the battlefield, the white lizards finally reluctantly commanded the orcs to evacuate...

White lizards: ‘It seems that we can’t break through this fortress today! ’

As the orc army withdrew, the human warriors finally breathed a sigh of relief and began to count the war damage after the war.

The soldiers piled up the bodies in the square for cremation.

On the other side, the sergeant of the kingdom also began to settle the "rewards" for this mission for the "mercenaries".

According to the number of enemies killed by each person, they need to pay these mercenaries.

"Next..." The sergeant who received Yan before spoke after counting the people in front of him.

When he raised his head again, he was stunned.

"Yes, it's you!"

The black armor, this outfit is unique in the fortress.

And Yan's armor style is very different from the bloated appearance of others, and few people will recognize it wrong.

"Surname, name..." Facing this warrior who chopped Dasai and killed the golden behemoth with one knife, the sergeant was a little nervous and embarrassed.

Before, he thought the other party was a "rookie", but now it seems that he is the "rookie"!

The big man in front of him was a man who could even use the beams of a house as weapons.

Because of the Black Knight's previous achievements, there were many people in the fortress who admired him.

Many mercenaries in line at the back pricked up their ears.

'Will we know the real name of this powerful black warrior soon? '

They thought excitedly.

"Lancelot... Lancelot Du Lac." The indifferent voice finally reached everyone's ears.

In the next few days, the orc army seemed to have calmed down and did not provoke war.

The legend about the mysterious mercenary named 'Lancelot' - the black warrior, also began to spread in the fortress.

Whenever a new person joined the fortress, the veterans would tell the story of the 'black warrior' to inspire the new mercenaries.

And the figure who executed the orc vanguard leader and killed the golden behemoth was also passed down more and more mythical.


On the other side - the capital.

Yan, who transformed into the Black Knight of the Second Fortress during the day and turned back into the bard Andersen at night, opened the "door" back to the library.

"It's almost time to put the third volume of King Arthur on the market. Well, it's time to consider enriching the characters of the "Round Table". After taking off the heavy armor, Yan sat in front of the desk and controlled the "quill pen" to float up for the first time in a long time.

Although the story of King Arthur has been written for several volumes.

But just describing the story of "King Arthur" cannot fully show the real appearance of the "Knights of the Round Table".

And since the story of the era of the "Round Table" has been brought to the other world.

He doesn't want everyone's impression to always stay on "Arthur".

More than a dozen famous knights of King Arthur, each has their own shining points and interesting stories.

Whether it is Tristan's sad love story, or the double-sword knight Baring who struck the "tragic blow" that shocked three countries.

Or the heroic spirit version of Bedivere's 1500-year oath.

As the plot of the main volume develops, Yan plans to add their side stories when these knights appear.

Now, he has appeared on the battlefield under the name of "Lancelot".

But Lancelot in the story has very few scenes at this time.

When his real name was revealed in the fortress, many people did not even think that there was such a knight in the story of "King Arthur".

Similarly, it is not just Lancelot.

——Among the many round tables, many knights have appeared in the "drawing sword" ceremony of the Sword in the Stone.

But they are rarely described later.

Among them, Lancelot and Tristan, the two knights, did not belong to the local "knight" camp at the beginning.

One of them is the son of King Ban and Queen Elaine, and the other is the child of King Rivalan of Ronoa and Blanchefort, the sister of Marco, Duke of Cornwall.

In their original countries, both of them were of very noble status, equivalent to princes.

Until the demon spirit Meili predicted that the two would have a "fight" in the future. They gradually began to play a role.

"Tomorrow, the third volume will be published first. Tonight, I will write part of the extra stories of "Knight of the Yangtze River" and "Cui Sadness". When the fourth volume is published, I will organize them together and put them on the market to see the response." Yan said to himself.

While using mental power to control the "feather pen" to write lines of fonts frantically.

There is nothing much to say about "Cui Sadness", his "love story" can be published as another book.

But there is a problem with Lancelot——

Yan suddenly thought of the problem of Lancelot's "sword".

This has to mention the "first knight" at the beginning of King Arthur's accession to the throne.

The "most heroic knight" Knight Baring of the Double Swords.

When Baring died, Meili predicted that his sword would fall into the hands of Knight Lancelot on the lake.

And Lancelot would use this sword to accidentally kill his dearest friend, the Knight of the Round Table Gareth.

And a lot of deeds of "Lancelot" can be published in another story series.

Before choosing which story to write, Yan thought of giving the "Knight of the Double Swords" a perfect ending first.

——The one who was once deeply favored and favored by the king.

As King Arthur's favorite knight.

But because Arthur has not yet married Queen Guinevere and has not yet obtained the huge round table, he cannot become a member of the "Knights of the Round Table".

Although it is not a round table, it is better than a round table.

Thinking of this...

It seems that the writing speed of the 'feather pen' under Yan's control suddenly became faster due to the influence of Yan's good mood.

Chapter 66 Escorting the magic soldiers, as expected... reading is more important!

"The war on the front line is tight. A few days ago, news came from the second fortress. The outer city was smashed by a behemoth, and the fortress almost fell."

"This is the second time, father." In the mansion of the Hero King, Rhine asked his father worriedly.

It was a man with the same bright red hair and a cold face.

Although he is Rhine's biological father, he still looks handsome when he was young. If he is said to be her brother, others will believe it.

"Well... So I ask you to escort a group of magic soldiers to the battlefield as a descendant of the 'Hero King'."

"Hero King-descendant! !?" The girl widened her beautiful eyes and looked at her father in disbelief.

Then there was an uncontrollable surprise.

"Father, father... have you finally recognized me?" Rhine said timidly and cried with joy. She looked at her father with tears in her eyes.

However, the man in front of her always looked indifferent.

He just spoke softly, breaking the girl's fantasy:

"I have never had any expectations of you, how can I say recognition?"

Bang! The huge ecstasy suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley, and something in her heart seemed to be broken.

Rhine was stunned by her father's words.

'Never... had any expectations...? '

Then, she suddenly understood.

So that's it, her father didn't recognize her identity as the 'descendant of the hero king'.

It's just that the empire needs such a 'hero' offspring to join the battlefield to cheer people up.

Even when she heard that she was going to leave the battlefield, the 16-year-old girl didn't worry about her safety, but was immersed in the surprise of being suddenly recognized by her father.

Unfortunately, this is just her one-sided fantasy.

She should have been sitting in a beautiful and spacious classroom, enjoying the wonderful campus life like other girls, reading books, practicing magic, and enjoying her youthful life in her spare time.

In order to get her father's recognition, she had been practicing swordsmanship hard, which was as ridiculous as a clown.

The girl finally left the capital with a box containing the "magic soldier" under the respectful gaze of a team of kingdom warriors.

She left in a daze and with loss.

Most of the people who came to see her off were admirers of the "Hero King", which made the girl feel more painful and ironic.

They heard that for this battle with Casas, the "Hero King" even sent his only bloodline to escort the legendary dangerous "magic soldier" to the front line.

This news made many warriors admire him and voluntarily come to see off the brave descendant of the "Hero King".

But how many of the "respectful" eyes were for the girl herself, and how many were for the Hero King!

At this time, Rhine was sitting in a fine carriage escorted by hundreds of kingdom warriors, with a heavy iron box on her legs.

Inside was the magic soldier responsible for "transportation" this time.

The girl didn't know what type of weapon was in it.

In theory, the conditions for using "magic soldiers" are generally very harsh.

Except for the strong men of the seventh step, few people can control them.

Although she didn't know why the Empire sent such a dangerous weapon to the fortress, Rhine didn't have the heart to think about so many things now.

She held the magic box tightly with both hands, sticking to the task of protecting the magic box and sending it safely to the fortress.

Even if her father didn't recognize her, she didn't want to disappoint him.

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