They subconsciously wanted to say words of redemption, but it was already too late.

"——Stella!!" Arash roared.


What came to people's ears was the last cry of the soldiers.

The roar that went straight into people's souls and was filled with fiery fighting spirit struck hard into the depths of their hearts.

Then, the time comes.

Merlin's voice rang in the world of consciousness and in the ears of countless people who were following the live broadcast:

“That was the moment when the bloody war came to an end day and night, and the people of both countries were eagerly waiting for it.

The Turku general Frasiyaber, who was besieged by Emperor Merucheher, demanded to end the war by determining the borders of the kingdoms. After receiving the emperor's consent, the task of defining the borders fell on his shoulders.

Needless to say, it is impossible to forget.

The great hero of ancient Persia! Arash! The arrow shot after praying is filled with wishes.

The people, soldiers, wives, parents, and friends who have been exhausted by the too long war have placed their trust in this vision of peace that has nothing to do with the country and everything. And all these wishes are fulfilled by him alone. "

"Even after he died and turned into a heroic spirit, he was still fighting to protect the peace of mankind.

...This is the great hero of the East!

Keep your eyes open and take a good look. Even though it lasted for thousands of years, people in the West Asian land still remember this unique skill.

An arrow that none of the human beings who are properly born can reach! As long as it hits, the hero's life will be sacrificed! "

Merlin, the magician of flowers, opened his arms to embrace the world, singing and praising this magnificent scene.

Even if he doesn't show up——

But his voice seemed to have a sense of imagery, firmly grasping people's hearts.


People saw beautiful and dazzling colorful meteors in their field of vision!

Chapter 658: There is no difference at all from the lovely people we protected before!

boom! ! !

A terrifying blow that silenced and trembled the world.

At the end of the meteor is endless brilliance.

Under that blow, the sea of ​​fire disappeared, the dragon's roar disappeared, and the huge evil figure also disappeared.

People looked at the endless beams of light at the end of their field of vision, falling into a blank world on one side.

It was as if all evil had disappeared with that light.

Once you’ve seen it once, it’s impossible to forget it!

At this time, people hurriedly looked towards the hero.

But what did you see? !

"I'll stop here." His voice was hoarse and his lungs were breaking.

"Why... why..." A soldier asked tremblingly, his expression a little confused, and he didn't know why his heart was so painful.

The people and gods also looked at the consciousness that could no longer be called a 'human form' and was about to disappear, and stared at his appearance in shock.

Even so, the flesh-and-blood figure still makes people admire and revere him.

"The people here - they really have nothing to do with me."

People can understand, after all, ancient Persia was a country many decades ago.

He has been dead for who knows how long. He is not a human being of this era at all, but a heroic spirit.

Throat, cracking.

I can no longer hear in my ears. It seems that my eardrum is ruptured.

He should have passed away, but just like in the Holy Grail War, there were still words that he had not finished explaining to the Holy Sword user.

Now he is exerting his last efforts to explain his ideals to people.

“But even so, they are still innocent people.

There is no difference at all from the lovely people we protected in the past. "

Already, even the meat and organs are almost gone. Quick.

He wanted to continue to smile brightly, but he couldn't do it at this time.

The tongue is split. The brain and spiritual core will also disappear.

"..." The last words he wanted to say were still not spoken.

But the goal has almost been achieved.

Although he is another 'self' created by Homura, he only has the personality of a hero.

But he still hopes that more people can feel that beautiful will and pass it on.

He wants to use his last breath to tell people the beautiful world in his heart.

Isn’t it just like what he said at the end——

[But even so, they are still innocent people.

There is no difference at all from the lovely people we used to protect. 】

The people of the Theocracy were stunned.

The soldiers of Atlan were also shocked and stared at Arash, who had lost his life and turned into bright golden particles of light, which finally floated into the air and dissipated in the wind.

The pair of people in my heart who were protecting people who did not belong to their country, in order to protect the people of the Theocracy, had to face the dangerous and terrifying scene just now...

The last trace of the umbilical cord also disappeared unconsciously.

Lovely...people...? !

How ——!

One soldier had tears in his eyes, Arash's final words touching the tenderness of his heart.

The hero didn't care about himself, and his selfless death made him regret for the weakness of his power.

If they were stronger, would such a bright and dazzling man not disappear?

Flower Magician: "A form of wish that can only be fulfilled by those who have traveled to the age of gods.

Incredibly, at almost the same time, the miracle performed by the saint who was said to have appeared in Egypt and led the Narym people (referring to the saint Moses) was quite similar to this beam of light that split the earth.

But this was not the saint's miracle that split the sea, but the end of the archer's wish to split the earth.

An extremely long-range attack of 2,500 kilometers.

In the past, the arrows shot eastward from Mount Damavand reached the Oxus River on the far side.

After that, it is said that the border drawn by the earth split by the arrow lasted for more than 2,000 years.

Splitting the earth and ending the dispute between the two countries -

An extraordinary skill to determine the border for long-lasting peace. "

Arash's story is not long, and his life can be told in just a few words.

But some people, some heroes are indeed that kind of existence -

As long as they appear once, as long as you understand his glory, you will never forget him.

From the first time you heard about the one who shot down the stars, to the second time you heard about the one who could shatter the stars.

From the mysterious savior, the hero who brought peace and tranquility to the two countries, to the simple, emotionless blow that just happened to be witnessed.

The innocent smile on the hero's face before his death is still vivid in people's minds.

At this moment, his voice and smile seem to be still around.

The heroes have seen...

But this kind of fearlessness, this kind of sincerity, this kind of greatness of dying generously!

Let Hermitos, Claire, and the soldiers on the battlefield, and the people of the church who were watching, fall into deep stagnation and shock.

It is an indescribable feeling.

The words of the flower magician deepened their understanding of this deep impression.

"The treasure is the manifestation of the legend of the heroic spirit.

It is said that after Arash shot the arrow that brought happiness to the people of both countries, he died of exhaustion.

——The hero is gone.

When this extraordinary arrow was shot, no matter if he was a heroic spirit or a human body. No matter how invulnerable he was to poisons and diseases, and how he had not suffered a single wound in countless battles, his strong body would still be torn into pieces and vanished in an instant.

Because——he who climbed Mount Damavand chanting prayers was hoping for this.

From now on, the world will no longer need the great power of the Age of Gods——

Just like his little wish.

The world, stability and peace. ”

The voice of the flower magician gradually faded and no longer appeared.

But it brought people endless aftertaste.

‘The Age of Gods——will no longer need such a powerful power?’ People pondered and murmured in their hearts.

A complex, or bitter, or touching and pity surged in their hearts.

“A true... hero! "Even though Hemitos had a thousand words to say, he finally remained silent and turned into this exclamation and complex emotions.

If you focus on the archers in the West Asian world, you will undoubtedly point to Arash who brought peace.

Even in modern times, he is still a hero loved by the people of West Asia.

Whether it is the existence of a hero who saves the people, or the fact that he gambled everything for the people of Dawn...

To this day, he has never forgotten it.

And the last scene of the hero's death.

It is no longer just the West Asian world where he originally lived.

In this land of another world, he is finally known, understood, and remembered by people.

After a live broadcast, several people People in all countries of the human race will never forget this figure.

——The great hero Arash!

Hermitos, Claire, and countless others suddenly felt a strong urge at this moment, which was the desire to learn more about the story of this great hero.

In the ancient past, what kind of soul-stirring epic did he shine!

Some heroes, because people know his story, know his deeds like the back of their hands, and admire him.

And some heroes...

They use their own deeds to make people feel convinced and shaken.

This day is destined...

Many people (gods) will never be able to calm down again!

Chapter 659 What did you say? Everything is calculated by that magician? !

"Is that the Heroic Spirit?"

"The Heroic Spirit's Noble Phantasm..."

The gods were horrified and panicked, and finally came back to their senses from the shock.

What, what? !

What did that man, the Heroic Spirit named Arash, do!

Did he kill the dragon with the last arrow?

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