Soon... the silent gods parted on bad terms after this brief gathering.

When each god left, his face looked a little bad.

However, whether they are fearful, trouble-hating, or calm, their eyes are still attracted to the world on the earth.

Even if they didn't show anything.

But the impact of the epic and the scene of Arash killing the dragon has been difficult to dissipate in their hearts.

After the gods return...

Although they were still wary of the Flower Magician, as if they had made an appointment, they all sent their avatars to the earthly world to purchase the item called the Magic Crystal.

Just a little 'curious'——

That’s right! Just a little bit!

The same thought passed through the minds of the gods.

And on the other side——

After Arash disappeared.

Atlan eventually became the final winner of this war.

However, everyone knows that they are not the biggest contributors to the war.

As countless people from various countries who watched this century-long great battle through magic crystals rushed to leave.


In the human kingdom, a legend about the great oriental hero from ancient Persia began to spread.

He is strong and handsome, with a bright, hearty smile.

As long as it is to protect the happiness and tranquility of the people, he is willing to lend a helping hand to people of any country.

It was an arrow that divided the national border.

A hero with a noble soul.

And more and more young people, after learning about Arash's deeds, also regard him as an idol and worship him.

Pure heroes and pure happiness are always particularly attractive.

And those villages in the Theocracy that were saved by Arash.

Witnessed Arash's heroic sacrifice to save them.

These moved people spontaneously built stone statues of Arash and enshrined them in the centers of various villages and towns to express their eternal commemoration of this hero.

This series of events also had a great impact on the rule of the Theocracy.

Coupled with the incompetent performance of the Crusaders' annihilation on the battlefield and their failure to protect their own citizens, many people who were dissatisfied with the church's previous rumors of "human experimentation" began to complain even more privately.

The powerful ruling authority of the Theocracy has been shaken to a certain extent.

Atlan did not miss this opportunity and continued to pursue the victory. After occupying the first line of defense (the line where the Crusaders were destroyed), he set his sights on the city of Saint-Grouin that the evil dragon originally wanted to invade. .

As one of the three major heavy cities of the Theocracy.

Not only is it the economic lifeline of the Theocracy, it is also the most densely populated city.

If we capture this place, the Theocracy will be severely weakened and will not be able to recover for a long time.

However, the soldiers who were originally prepared to fight a tough battle, whose fighting spirit was aroused by the death of Arash and the defeat of the evil dragon, encountered a shocking and confusing situation when they arrived at the city.

After seeing the arrival of the Atlan soldiers, the people of St. George's City not only were not alert, but opened the city gate and cheered loudly to welcome their arrival!

A scene in which Arash leads the archers of Atlan to defend the people of the Theocracy.

Not just other countries——

Many people in China have seen it through magic crystals!

Most ordinary people do not know the true identity of the evil dragon, and regard the evil dragon as God's punishment for the evil experiment of human body modification by the Theocracy Church.

And the soldiers of Arash and Atlan are regarded as the heroes who saved them.

How do people choose between heroes and villains?

Isn't this already obvious?

The Theocracy's rule based on the church was also short-lived.

There are still many citizens who remember the beauty of the previous kingdom.

Although the people below did not dare to speak out due to the power of the Crusaders, they have never forgotten the pope's act of becoming king and seizing royal power.

Especially after hearing that the new female king of Atlan seems to have a mysterious and special relationship with the previous royal family of their country.

People who originally had their hearts set on the past kingdom finally made their decision after seeing that even the powerful Crusaders had bowed down.

A few days ago, the city of Saint-Gloan experienced a major reshuffle of internal forces.

In the end, the church was defeated, and the people who were obsessed with the past kingdom successfully regained the control of the city of Saint-Gloan.

There was even a subsequent move to open the city to meet the enemy.

This scene fell into the eyes of many Alliance troops who followed Atlanta, and they were stunned.

Chapter 661 I hope you are that...hero!

The most difficult war seems to be over before it even begins.

The power of the human heart is so magical and mysterious.

For humans from another world who value supreme power, war should be fought to the death.

It is not uncommon in history for an enemy to suddenly surrender.

But when the whole city surrendered and still had a huge advantage, it was completely gone.

The people of Saint-Gloan welcomed their enemies with joy.

The Union soldiers couldn't understand...

Even the Atlan soldiers who were at the center of this incident were overwhelmed by this great luck.

It is different from the past when the residents hid in their houses in fear and fear after soldiers conquered the enemy's cities.

This time, the city of Saint Gruon was like a wanderer returning to his mother's arms.

The people walking on the street were more numerous and more lively than in the usual celebrations.

Adults, children, old people, women, all came out to look at the Atlan soldiers entering the city with eyes like heroes.

The children's eyes were confused, curious and longing, which made the Atlan people feel an unprecedented strange feeling.

A child suddenly approached the queue, and his two little hands were tangled together.

The soldiers were not alert...

It was just a child, and they did not feel hostility, so they all pretended not to see anything.

... But the child took the initiative to come forward and talk to one of the archers in armor.

"Big brother, are you the warriors who defended our warriors with the great hero Arash?"

The archer who had noticed the officer's eyes and was about to drive the child away raised his hand and stopped in mid-air, and he looked at the child in a daze.

He heard the name - 'Arash'!

There are many archer troops in Atlan, and not all troops are lucky enough to fight with that hero.

But the archer in front of him was indeed one of the many warriors that day.

For Arash, the name that made him feel extremely complicated, the figure that made him admire and sad.


"Then you must know Brother Arash! Did Brother Arash really destroy the evil dragon and defend our city in the end?"

"Yes. He is a hero. The great hero of ancient Persia... the sharpshooter!" The archer spoke with an extremely respectful and proud tone.

Proud that he could fight side by side with such a hero!

At this moment, he had forgotten the order of the superior, and in his heart there was only the touching memories and sadness when he saw Arash sacrifice his life.

"Well! Arash must be the strongest! When I grow up, I will become such a great hero, defending others and defending the country!"

Become a hero who defends others and the country? !

The soldier looked at the innocent and simple smile on the child's face.

Recalling Arash's innocent and cheerful smile like a child.

"I hope you are the hero who can protect people's happiness and peace." The soldier said.

The hero's will has been passed down.

And the experience of talking to this child from a different country, or even an enemy country, talking about ideals, talking about heroes... talking about beautiful things!

The soldier was in a trance for a moment.

He suddenly understood and understood what Arash said at the end.

'Lovely people. Lovely people - no matter what era, they exist.

They can protect such beautiful and happy things.

This is why Arash was able to keep that innocent smile during his lifetime.

He has the original intention of loving this beauty more than anyone else! '

And the soldier was ashamed that their battle was not to liberate the Theocracy from the clutches of the Church from the beginning.

... But it was a thorough war of revenge!

Although they were prepared to treat the people in the conquered territories well.

But in essence, for these people who originally belonged to this land, are they really not invaders?

Looking at the child who was trotting away excitedly at this moment, looking back from time to time, looking at him with a close and reluctant look, as if he also regarded himself as a hero.

The soldier's face under the armor trembled, and he opened his mouth slightly.

The word "hero", how heavy!

But there was no moment when he wanted to be a real hero more than now.

If he really was a hero, it would be great.

The war did not end because the city of Saint Gruon was taken, but it became more and more intense.

Atlan has always maintained its advantage in this confrontation.

Soon, with Saint Gruon as the center, dozens of towns were captured, and there was a territory equivalent to one-third of the country.

The strength of Atlan and the decline of the country made the surrounding countries begin to move.

The alliance army seemed to have the idea of ​​joining the war.

Just when the ambitions and desires of the kings and nobles of various countries were extremely inflated.

At the border of the Church, the armies of several countries began to gather, and they also wanted to get a piece of the big cake of the Church!

Yan suddenly landed a memory picture on the magic crystal, which had a great impact on those countries, causing them to lose the energy to send troops.

In the magic crystal——

That was the goddess of the river, guiding the sacred river where the two worlds meet, and the gods joined forces to release the sealed dragon.

Including how the river led the dragon to the battlefield later, it was all recorded in it.

Although it was only a few minutes of pictures.

It was more effective than the sensation caused by the previous words.

The people of many countries who recognized the true identity of the evil dragon and the true face of the "great flood" caused a sensation in various countries!

The three-headed evil dragon was actually released by the gods!

The evil figure that was defeated by the hero came from the gods? !


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