The chapter of the prologue...

There is an illustration in the middle, which shows the appearance of a knight with only half of his face exposed.

The silver hair is completely different from the bright red hair of the Roman Sword Emperor! People were stunned after seeing it.


It should not be the Lucius we know.

That unruly Sword Emperor could not have said what he just said. ’

And the soul is used as fuel to drive the body forward, coupled with the familiar sentence

‘Body, soul, spirit...the elements of the trinity.

All of this is rusty. ’

This mysterious voice is used to describe the words of the knight!

——! !

“It’s exactly the same as the slogan. Could this Lucius be...Bedivere?!”

People who are familiar with Lucius’s character denied its authenticity.

In addition to the illustration of half of his face, the silver hair is really imaginative.

Is Bedivere using Lucius as an alias...or something else?

People who originally thought of Xiaobei as the protagonist of this epic thought of him at the first time.

But they were not sure about this guess, and they felt itchy for a while.

Who is this knight!

"… Really? You've stood up.

Then accept this as a farewell gift."

The mysterious voice spoke again, "Your goal is a possibility.

It is the end of the world where the chivalry will become the ultimate form."

"Even if you have to fight with your past comrades.

Even if you have to face the sins of the past."

? ? ? : "The brilliance of this arm will never diminish.

Because this is exactly——"

In a burst of white light, the communication between the two ended.

And the people who just saw this place did not catch their breath, and showed a confused look.

! ?

What is exactly——?

Why is the key point missing again!

The word "again" expresses the grief and indignation in people's hearts, but they can't do anything about it.

The familiar taste is worthy of the epic described by Andersen.

Then, people saw it.

At the end of the preface, there is such a passage.

‘In the depths of Star Avalon…

Even if the soul burns out, it will still move forward. The obsession that allows the broken and decaying body to continue to function…

——This is the knight’s atonement!

At the last moment when the soul was completely burned out, he had lost consciousness, lost his five senses, and lost the direction of the four directions of heaven and earth, and finally came to that [Utopia of Independence (Avalon)]

Even if the body has been worn out, surprisingly, the spirit is still unwilling to disappear.

Relying on amazing obsession to not allow himself to die, the violet knight who has turned into rock encountered a mysterious magician.

And this is——’


Turning to the next page, that is the beginning of the main text.

People saw new illustrations, and the scene has changed.

…The endless desolate land that seemed to have been hit by a meteor shower was full of huge craters like meteorites falling.

Lucius’ figure appeared in the center of that desolate land——

‘…When I came to my senses, I was already standing in this foreign land.

…Dry land. Howling wind.

The air is burning hot, devoid of life. ’

‘It’s been a long, long journey.

No, it’s too arrogant to call it a journey.

Because I’ve only been wandering so far.

While wandering, I’ve seen many worlds.

There are beautiful countries, and there are ugly countries. But I’ve never seen such a hell.

I can’t help but recall the barren land I once belonged to.

…There must be a limit to irony. Compared to this scene, my homeland can even be considered quite fertile.

…I see.

This is the end of my journey. ’

He took steps towards the sandy land.

‘No matter what I have to sacrifice, this time I will definitely –

…This time I will definitely.

I will kill my king with my own hands. ’

Bang! Bang!

It was like a hammer hitting everyone’s forehead.

"Kill my king...?!" The Duke girl, who had already grabbed the epic and was reading it, turned pale and murmured in surprise.

...Is it a mistake?

Was the previous guess wrong?

Could it be that this knight is not Bedivere at all?

With Bedivere's loyalty to the king, how could he have the idea of ​​killing his own king?


[That is the obsession to move forward even if the soul is burned out. Let the broken and decayed body continue to function...]

See the words at the end of the previous preface.

And the heart of atonement named as the knight.

And the mysterious magician who seemed to be the flower magician he encountered.

The mysterious voice and the knight before were obviously Merlin and Bedivere.

And in Avalon in the inner sea of ​​stars, how could there be other magicians besides Merlie and Merlin!

The Duke girl shouted in her heart, but her mind was a little confused at the moment.

What on earth——

What's going on...

And soon, another scene that was beyond their expectations appeared in the epic.

The perspective changes after the story.

Arriving in Chaldea, Mashu's memory fragment.

Also as a memory of the second summoning case.

That was the first time she met Roman, the doctor in charge of her.

No longer separated by experimental glass, but actually communicating with others face to face.

Such a heavy atmosphere made people stunned, and what made them even more stunned were Matthew, the doctor and Chaldea!

"... Chaldea, how come it appears in this epic?! Isn't this the continuation of King Arthur?"


People thought of a bad guess and were a little dizzy.

The only person who can be related to Chaldea is——

People's eyes widened for a moment.

No way!

Chapter 668: The noble heroic spirit in Mashu’s body—the real name.


Twisted human history.

The seven segments of humanity are burned out and must be successfully repaired in order to recover the future of mankind.

Think back to those episodes about Chaldea.

The ducal girl Yin Ya bit her index finger and quickly flipped through the memories in her mind.

She has a good memory for the epic poems she has read.

This suddenly reminded the girl of the end of King Arthur's story.

The description of the Storm King's world line seems to be an abnormal world line.

According to normal history, King Arthur will sleep forever, which should be the final outcome.

But Bedivere in that world line did not return the holy sword.

That is to say——

Because the Holy Sword was not returned, might the existence of the King of Knights have become a singularity?

If King Arthur's death is an important turning point in the decline of the age of gods.


The princess broke into a cold sweat.

If you think about it this way, it can also explain...why Bedivere wanted to kill the king.


If you want to kill the king in order to save humanity.

The reason is there.

But Bedivere hopes that the king will be happy so much, and he is more unwilling to see the king harmed than anyone else. Would he really have the idea of ​​killing the king in order to save the world?

Confused - the girl's mind is a little confused.

And the words in the book attracted her attention back again.

Because Roman didn't know if it was out of good intentions or if it was really what he said...

He told Matthew.

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