He clearly had a golden sword that was indestructible and invincible on the battlefield, but the opponent refused to let him use it!

He had no choice but to agree, but he lost the third game and was knocked off his horse.

Arthur asked the opponent to dismount and fight with swords on foot.

He thought that he was not as good as the opponent in horse fighting, but he would definitely not lose in sword fighting on foot.

However, King Berlino shook his head desperately.

"I only want to ride on a horse."

A group of readers felt aggrieved for Arthur when they saw this.

So, if Arthur is good at foot fighting, you don't play with him. If you are good at horse fighting and spears, you always ask others to play with you!

"Why is this King Berlino so annoying!"

"Too shameless! If I were Arthur, I would not be able to stand this anger!"

When ordinary people encounter such things, they all want to save face!

Maybe a perfect hero would choose to keep things quiet.

But what Yan wants to describe is precisely an imperfect hero.

It is precisely because of imperfection and flaws that he has flesh and blood, allowing people to deeply feel his soul and his will.

Arthur chose to draw out the golden sword and attack the ‘King of Berlino’.

At this time, he had violated his ‘chivalry’.

Those who saw this felt understanding, and while they breathed a sigh of relief, they were also a little worried.

They were worried that Arthur’s sword would really break, but they did not feel much disgust towards Arthur’s sudden attack.

Although they did not know what chivalry was now, they also understood that blindly tolerating was a cowardly act.

Perhaps it was this kind of king who was more real and more loved by them!

Remarks on the release

It will be released tomorrow——

Let’s not talk too much nonsense, let’s talk about the issue of adding more chapters!

The normal update is a guaranteed two chapters per day, one chapter in the morning and evening.

Open a bounty building, there is no cap on the monthly ticket, 200 plus one chapter.

Blades are also 200 per update, and after 1000, 1000 plus one chapter, capped at 20 chapters.

Recommended tickets are 3000 per update, capped at 5 chapters.

There is no saved draft, only an outline. All are current codes...

Votes and blades are welcome. Whether the author can become a coder is up to you.

When will the reward chapter be completed and the second reward be issued.

It will be available at 10 o'clock tomorrow.

Considering that the last book was delayed, I plan to update it at 12 o'clock.

The first order is very important, and I hope everyone can support it. The fattening party also asks for a first order before raising it. Thank you all!

Chapter 68 Fighting for honor, regardless of right or wrong!

Arthur rushed with a shield, and his golden sword was unsheathed.

Seeing Arthur's appearance, King Berlino quickly dismounted.

'If a knight can only defeat the opponent by taking advantage of the warhorse. Then what kind of quality can he have. '

'How can he ride on a horse and attack people on foot! '

King Berlino, who thought that such behavior was not noble at all, picked up the shield and started a fierce battle with Arthur.

And the voice of King Berlino can be seen by people with a God's perspective.

This made them stunned.

The little princess was even more dazed.

‘Wait, you are just a bad guy, shouldn’t you be thinking about how to kill Arthur’s brother by any means? Still thinking about a fair fight? ’

This idea of ​​fair competition advocated by warriors actually made many warriors feel less resentful for a while.

Fighting for honor is not about right or wrong.

So is King Berlinno a good guy or a bad guy? For a while, everyone’s mind was a little confused.

They didn’t know why they suddenly had an idea that ‘King Berlinno’ didn’t seem to be too bad.

However, as a knight standing on the opposite side of the protagonist Arthur, even if there was no resentment, many people would find it difficult to have a good impression of him.

Not to mention, this King Berlinno had been pulling Arthur to compete with his ‘strengths’ before, which made people feel very shameless.

The battle lasted for a long time.

The two fought with blood splattered, and in the end their bodies were entangled, and the two swords were twisted on one side.

The knight’s sword actually split Arthur’s sword in two.

Noticing the precious style of the golden sword, King Berlino was a little worried: "Now you should surrender to me! If you don't admit your failure and cowardice, I will take your life."

- Broken! Really broken!

Many eyes couldn't help but widen when they saw this.

The sudden break of the golden sword puzzled and shocked many people.

Although they knew that the golden sword would definitely break.

There was a preview in the second volume before.

Even if they were prepared in their hearts, how could it break so suddenly?

'Is the knight's sword sharper and stronger than the golden sword? '

Then they saw the explanation behind...

'Because of the unjust act of launching a sneak attack on others, God punished the golden sword and it was broken. '

At this time...

When King Berlino's words were combined with it.

Arthur's flaws have been infinitely magnified and exposed.

He could not admit his failure, and could not admit his cowardly side.

As an undefeated king, he did not allow himself to lose any competition.

It was for this reason that he drew out the golden sword and forced King Berlino to fight him.

"Speaking of death, I am not afraid of it. But you can't force me to admit that I am a coward. As a knight, I would rather die than be humiliated."

Then Arthur turned around and pressed King Berlino, who quickly turned over and pressed back. He held Arthur down and prepared to kill him with a sword.

...Even if Merry cast a spell of sleepiness, it was too late.

Merry suddenly stood up, pulled out a sword from nowhere, and knocked King Berlino's weapon away.

She revealed Arthur's identity, but King Berlino was worried about Arthur's revenge and wanted to kill him even more.

At this time, the spell of sleepiness finally took effect, and King Berlino fainted.

The chapter about the broken golden sword ends here.

People who have read it have a feeling of loss for a while.

'The golden sword is still broken! '

Many people who like Arthur and the legend of the golden sword feel uncomfortable.

But there are also rational people who are now thinking about the deeper things they see in the story of 'King Arthur'.

The sword of the king is a gift from God, but it is broken because of Arthur's fighting.

It was said in the previous article that the sword chose Arthur as the king because of his "heart" that cared about the people.

It was a sword of protection.

Another reason why the golden sword broke was that Arthur violated the original intention of "holding the sword"! ?

At this time, at the end of this page.

Under the beautiful illustration of Mary saving Arthur, it was written: "It is not terrible to make mistakes, but it is terrible to not dare to admit your own mistakes. Only by facing it can you correct it."

The little princess was surprised to find that the story was not over here, and there seemed to be a few pages behind.


Thinking of some possibility, the girl's body suddenly stiffened.

It won't be that evil "preview" again! Then should I watch it or not?

In the end, the little princess couldn't help it and continued to turn to the next page.

Rhine was also struggling here.

... Yan Ke never said that the third volume would only talk about King Berlino.

It is actually a misunderstanding of the little princess and Rhine to think that the third volume ended after the "golden sword" broke.

Turning to a new page.

At this time, Arthur, who was rescued by Merry, looked at the fainted King Berlino, but he thought that the other party was dead.

This made the noble king sad and regretful.

"Merry, did you kill him? There is no more respectable knight in the world than him. I would rather spend a year's money and food in the country to buy his life. Save him!"

Merry told Arthur that the other party was not really dead, and he would even become a knight loyal to him in the future.

Arthur finally felt relieved.

This battle gave Arthur a profound lesson.

He was too proud...

As a knight, he was also a king.

Being brave and fierce is not what a king does.

"I don't have a sword..." Arthur, who had been repaired, was silent for a while and spoke with difficulty to his mentor Merry beside him.

It also expressed the voices of all readers who watched the legend of "King Arthur".

At this time, everyone's heart was covered with a layer of worry.

Without the ‘golden sword’, is Arthur still King Arthur?

Is such a kind and benevolent king going to step into the so-called ‘hell’ future so soon?

“Don’t worry, there is a sword nearby. If you can take it, it will be yours.” Mei Li smiled and said with a slight smile.

This is the turning point of ‘King Arthur’.

It is also a disaster destined for him.

Whether Arthur chooses to hold a sword or a gun at this time, there will be different endings.

Soon, they visited the fairy in the lake.

Arthur asked the fairy for the sword, rowed the boat, and took out the holy sword stuck in the lake.

It was a sword more exquisite than the golden sword.

Looking at the illustration, the sword body that seemed to be made of light, and the scabbard with exquisite patterns, Rhine had a deep obsession.

‘Is this, this also a sword? So beautiful! ’


If I can hold such a sword! ’ Many people’s minds began to become active.

Originally thought that the golden sword was handsome enough.

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