Although the Heroic Spirits summoned may belong to the enemy camp.

But the Knights of the Round Table...

In the minds of many people in other worlds, they are almost synonymous with justice, order, and goodness.

How could they stand in the enemy camp!

Even though the knights have their own shortcomings, their shining points have already conquered people's hearts in the past epics.

Even the rebellious knight Mordred and the knight of the lake Lancelot, the two knights who are openly enemies of the round table and the king.

From the epic, we know that the two people's hearts have never changed their loyalty to the king.

People still believe in the noble nature of the knights.

Just as people couldn't help but smile.

In the book, the female monk named Sanzang spoke again: "Huh? Why did the air suddenly become heavy?

Did I say something strange?"

Sanzang looked a little embarrassed.

"I just said, 'I'm almost tired of this city and I'm going to leave', right?"

? ? ? : "... Indeed. In other words, Xuanzang Sanzang.

Is this your declaration of breaking up with us?"

In the illustration, along with these words, a knight in black armor and white velvet cape appeared.

That serious and indifferent face was reflected in the eyes of many people.

Gradually recalled some annoying fragments in the biography of King Arthur.

"It's Agragwen of Iron——! That's right. It should be him! Why is this annoying guy here too!"

I have never listened to Agragwen's true voice. In the story of King Arthur, he simply set up a plan to force the king and Lancelot to go to the opposite side.

It has always been a grudge for many people.

Although Agragwen did not intend to betray the king in everything he did.

Until the end, before the knight died, he had never shown any disloyalty to the king.

But compared with other knights with distinct personalities...

Agragwen's appearance at this time is not pleasing.

But people also began to realize some special points.

'Are all the round tables summoned? 'Claire and the Duke girl suddenly realized that something was wrong, and thought at the same time.

Four round tables——!

If it was because of the regional problem, the Heroic Spirits who appeared in the same region happened to be partners in the same period...

This coincidence itself has a certain taste of inevitability.


Is it really just a coincidence?

If it is not a coincidence, then there are external factors that can interfere with the advent of the Heroic Spirit.


At that moment, the image of a cup that was also shining flashed through their minds, and they fell into silence.


Chapter 671 Time error, Sphinx and Faceless God?

Sanzang said that he left just to pursue his hometown.

However, Aguguiwen did not trust Master Sanzang.

… He thought that the other party did not need to continue his previous behavior.

"You have no reason to return to your hometown, and you have no responsibility.

What's more, your hometown does not exist in this world at all."

Facing the questioning of Iron Aguguiwen——

Sanzang gave the answer of the goal of the heart.

She is a valuable monk who aims to travel. However, the Round Tables were silent, and seemed dissatisfied with this answer.

People saw that the beautiful woman commented on the city before leaving.

‘Peaceful, rich, magnificent, and abundant food…’

‘A place like an ideal country. ’

‘Utopia? ’

Claire and the others thought in a daze.

Although the appearance of multiple Round Tables made them doubt the power of the Holy Grail, the Round Tables were still the same Round Tables now…

If they were like the heroes under Jeanne d’Arc, they were controlled by frenzy and had to destroy and burn the earth wantonly.

Even the city they lived in could not get such high praise!


Sometimes excessive peace is not necessarily a good thing.

People who did not realize the other situation were relieved.

‘It seems that the Round Table did not join the enemy camp. ’

Then they saw Sun Knight Gawain thanking Sanzang for his praise.

Gawain politely invited Sanzang to stay, but was rejected again.

In the end, Sanzang not only left, but also took another hero who the celebrities did not know and went deep into the desert.

This action made Mordred hate this woman very much.

"What are you going to do, Aguguiwen.

Without the permission of your father, you are not allowed to leave this city--" Xiao Mo reminded.

(People's hearts jumped, 'Can't leave this city?')

"Isn't this the rule of our round table?

Or let's put it this way, that woman is an eyesore, right?" Xiao Mo.

Aguguiwen: "I agree with this, Mordred.

But the king has allowed it."

"Tsk, is it true?

There is a rare opportunity to stab this woman in the back!" Mordred said unhappily.

However, Xiao Mo quickly said that she was just a woman, and she couldn't do anything in the desert, right?

She threw the question to Tristan.

Tristan asked him to ask Lancelot.

'If it's about women, please don't look for me, go to Lancelot...

That’s right… Although this is very sad… But he still has more experience in love…’

The conversation between the round table made it impossible for people to see through.

Claire, the Duke Girl and the others were a little confused.

The epic had just begun, but it seemed to be shrouded in countless mists, which made people have a lot of questions in their hearts.

Why did they react so strongly to the heroic spirit named Sanzang just leaving?

Mordred even said, ‘It’s a rare opportunity to stab this woman in the back.’

And is the city where King Arthur is staying now Camelot?

Why doesn’t the king allow people to leave?

These questions made them more confused than one.

And when Cui Sadness’s words ‘Talk about women, find Lancelot’ appeared.

It made people confused for a while.

They didn’t react for a while.

They almost forgot that many of the kings and knights in this world line have reversed their genders.

After the heroic Lake Knight became a man…


People recalled the many anecdotes about Lancelot in the biography of King Arthur. It was a story that would not have been a problem if it happened to a woman.

If it happened to a man! Hiss~!

"......!" For a moment, people's bodies stiffened, the men showed envious eyes, and the girls blushed.


The male version of Lancelot, simply...!)

Afterwards, Gawain asked Agrawen if the king had any other orders.

As the king's adjutant, Agrawen is now one of the few people who can be directly received by the king. If they want to get news from the king, they can only go through him.

Agguiwen: "Don't be arrogant. The king has nothing to tell you.

You just need to show your loyalty to the king as knights.

Although Xuanzang Sanzang is a foreigner, he is not the "rebel" that the stars have seen, that's all."

Tristan: "When the stars of the foreign land shine, the White Asia Alliance shows cracks.

The king's majesty is covered with clouds, and the tower of the divine trust collapses--"

The meaning contained in the poem made people doubtful, but because they knew too little now, they couldn't analyze anything.

And then...

They saw Agguiwen giving orders to the round tables.

Just prepare for the reception, and the last master of this world will arrive soon!

'The king ordered that you must not lose your courtesy to them. '

'Listen, knights of the round table. I look forward to seeing your true loyalty. '

The Knights of the Round Table...

No, the Knight King has also been summoned! At this time, people finally confirmed this.

And the Knight King also knew about the upcoming events of Chaldea?

People naturally knew who the last Master was.

It was because they knew that they felt incredible...

... What position did the Round Table and the King occupy in this singularity!

The Heroic Spirits in the last singularity were not aware of the existence of Chaldea at first!

... Wow!

They couldn't wait to find out what happened.

People anxiously turned to the next page, but found that the perspective had returned to Chaldea.

After the soul transfer and the descent...

In the endless mad sand, the Master and his party opened their eyes.

This is——

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