However, they did not wait for the Sun King to take action directly.

Ozymandias changed his words and said: "...Hmph. To be honest, I originally thought that you would be exhausted after waiting for almost the fourth (singularity point).

It seems that Yu’s conjecture is really hard to laugh at. "

He opened his golden eyes that made people afraid to look directly at Mashu and the others, and said sternly: "It's really - it's too late!

It's too late, it's too late, there must be a limit to how late you are!

Master of Chaldea!

Before you visited this place, the human logic of this era had already collapsed! "

The tone of voice that sounded like hatred made everyone confused. For a moment, they couldn't tell whether the Sun King was an enemy or a friend.

We can only look at Mashu and the others’ reactions in the book.

Matthew gritted his teeth in embarrassment and asked: "King Ozymandias...!? What on earth..."

Ozymandias: "That's literally what it means. In this era—

This was supposed to be a battle for the Holy Land.

One side defends and the other side attacks.

It is the incompatible fight between two ethnic groups.

In the end, the Holy Grail would have been handed over to one of the two camps, and the Holy Land would have become the hotbed of the Demon Pillar.

——But the premise is, if you can arrive earlier. "

Da Vinci: "It didn't turn out that way.

The war to retake the Holy Land didn't happen...or did it?

For the Holy Grail is in your hands, King Ozymandias.

I'm afraid you were summoned by someone on the Crusaders' side.

And of course you become their enemies and claim the Holy Land for yourself.

Did you summon this Egyptian territory?

So human reason in this era has collapsed, right? "

Leonardo da Vinci's words remind people of the brief introduction to the singularity described at the beginning of the previous epic.

'The Crusades——'

And now they saw the word crusade.

Is the war the Sun King is talking about the Eastern Expedition?

Limited information is quickly connected in people's brains.

Although Ozymandias did not reply directly, he praised: "...who are you.

He seems to be an outstanding wise man..."

Guda they responded.

After learning the real name of ‘Da Vinci’.

Ozymandias also had a pleasant smile on his lips: "Oh? I know this name.

He is one of the most brilliant talents in human history.

That's it, that's it.

This is the so-called difference between genius and weirdo! "

Da Vinci: "No, no, if compared with the great Sun King, my intelligence is only slightly higher."

Looking at the two people chatting happily in the book, Yuye and the others felt that they were anxious for nothing.

Everyone who had followed Leonardo da Vinci's thinking and regarded the Sun King as the biggest problem with this singularity could not even think of any way to deal with this pharaoh.

In addition, Da Vinci and the others don't look nervous now.

Yuzuye wondered if her current anxiety was like a fool!

Are these people not nervous at all?

You are burdened with human principles and the future and destiny of the world!

Do we expect that during the battle, the Sun King's head will suddenly be separated from his neck in a weird way like just now?

The cat-eared girl gradually became irritable and angry, but finally showed a dejected look.

On the other side, continuing to read the epic, people see Leonardo da Vinci asking a topic that is of great concern to them.

Da Vinci: "And what? Am I right?

Can I think that the singularity of this era is you? "

("It must be him! Do you even need to think about it?!" A certain noble young master said with an anxious and uneasy look.

"...Woooo~!" A certain little princess put down the magic bread in her hand again, feeling that nothing smelled good.

Even the god of alchemy, Hermitus, frowned and regarded La Er as a singularity.


Just when almost 99% of the people started to think that way, the Sun Pharaoh's answer surprised them. )

Ozymandias: "Hmph~!

Huh haha, hahahahahahaha! ” He burst into laughter.

It was as if I heard some absurd, clown-like remarks.

Mashu and the others were confused...

People watching from God's perspective noticed that while La Er was laughing wildly, he also fell into a daze.

? ? ?

What... situation?

Ozymandias: "Unfortunately, you guessed wrong, sage from a foreign land!"

With a word from the Sun King, boom!

All guesses and inferences have been shattered.

Those things that are reasonable and well-founded seem to have become a blank piece of paper, not worth mentioning.

Everyone's brains shook, making a buzzing sound, and their consciousness went blank.

Guess, guess wrong?

How is that possible?

Chapter 680: The pure white Lion King, and the other side hidden behind the tyrant!

‘The facts are clearly in front of us…’ the Duke girl thought subconsciously, but hesitated to speak.

But subconsciously, I felt that the Sun King didn't seem like someone who would lie to people about this kind of thing.

The sense of arrogance and confidence displayed by the king reminded many people of the familiar Golden King——

——King of Heroes Gilgamesh.

Since he is such a powerful king and can tell the Chaldeans everything about this era without hesitation, he must be quite confident in his own strength, right?

There is no reason to deceive with such easy-to-find lies.

People's hearts were shaken.

If not La Er, then who would it be? !

Although a certain DIO was the savior of evil people, he is now the glorious Pharaoh!

La Er said he would never take the blame.

Ozymandias shouted loudly: "Yu! As the Sun King, Yu is omnipotent!

How could he possibly use a poisonous chalice like the Holy Grail! "

"I am the Lord of the Holy Grail, the guardian of the Holy Grail! I have no interest in the mere Holy Grail!"

The golden eyes stared at everyone, coldly without any unnecessary emotion.

Ozymandias faced everyone with overwhelming momentum: "So listen carefully.

The person who turned this era into a special case of singularity and destroyed human nature to the core——

In the ruins of Jerusalem you want to go to,

Sitting in that holy city of despair!

Nicknamed The Lion King.

Known as the Pure White Lion King! "


Pure white, The Lion King...!

When that name came out of La Er's mouth.

Claire, Yu Ye, Hermitus, and the little princess all fell into silent silence, shocked, and their eyes widened.

Is he really not the Sun King?

The Sun King, who took the Holy Grail as his own, summoned all of Egypt to this world, and confused time and space, turned out to be not the real culprit of the singularity.


Everyone took a deep breath, and their hands and feet instantly became cold.

Even if the Sun King is as good as the Sun King, he can't even compare with the other party's tone.

That Lion King——! What on earth did ‘he’ do!

Not realizing that the Lion King and the Knight King in their minds were the same person, everyone fell into a deathly silence at this moment.


A new page, the battle scene people imagined did not come.

After La Er's last words, when they reappeared, people saw that Mashu and the others had arrived outside the temple.

Matthew: “…Sigh.

It's really a stormy development, senior. "

Guda: "Yeah. But I don't really hate it."

Later, based on conversations between several people.

Only then did people learn that after a fight with the Sun King, not only were they not killed, but they were treated to delicious food.

The last sentence, "Then you go away," drove them out.


"You guys... get out of here? Just kicked them out? Eh-huh?! Hey! Didn't you say before that you didn't want to let Matthew and the others live?" Claire and the others had confused looks on their faces.

For a moment, I wondered if I had missed something, so I used King Crimson to read again.


They saw everything through Matthew's memories.

As a desert people, the Sun King will not ignore guests coming from afar.

Because they know the pain of long distance travel.

But this does not mean that he has reached an alliance with Matthew and others.

Both the size and the dignity are far from enough.

The Sun King asked them to first experience the reality and cruelty of this world.

After that, be willing to give them another chance.

Then people saw such extremely wild words that showed the king's strong confidence.

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