Following Da Vinci's announcement, facing a group of weak humans, they were naturally no match for Mashu and the others who had the strength of sub-servants.

This encounter was quickly won by the Chaldean side.

In the end, Guda failed to act cruelly and just ordered Mashu to knock out most of the attackers.

Guda apologizes.

Da Vinci raised his eyebrows and showed a gentle smile: "It's okay. It's amazing to have such calmness in your heart.

Not something to be reprimanded for.

But we have to leave immediately.

There's no guarantee they won't have other companions. "

But before leaving, Guda asked if he could leave some water and food here.

Although Da Vinci objected, Mashu chose to support his master.

Leonardo da Vinci: “Well, although it’s just for comfort, sometimes a sip of water can light up your life!

Take it, you who have lost your soul! "

And it was Guda's good deed that only saved these people for half a day.

But it’s not without reward——

When they were about to leave, the leader stopped them.

After learning that they wanted to go to the Holy Capital.

"...Well, that's right. The Holy Capital is the only city.

It is the land of dreams that has everything.

It is the city of the great Lion King who killed all the Crusaders who tried to burn down the world..."

Da Vinci (the Crusaders were all wiped out...

But why were the Saracens driven out too...?

And the Lion King was mentioned again... I thought it was just the sun king's nonsense, but now it seems like it actually exists...

But when it comes to The Lion King, it should be...

Well, it’s really getting more and more confusing, isn’t it? )

Da Vinci's inner description disappears at the critical point.

It made everyone feel itchy!

Who is the real person of the Lion King? !

And what that person said, the Crusaders tried to burn the world, but were killed by the Lion King?

Hiss~! Are the Crusaders really the future army of the Theocracy?

Have such terrible ambitions?

People's minds are shrouded in doubts and haze.


On the other side, just a moment ago, they were boasting about the beauty of the Holy City and the greatness of the Lion King.

The next moment, the man turned around and said: " careful.

The more beautiful something is, the more terrifying it is...

Stay away from the city walls.

If you don’t want to die, you’d better go back to the desert! "

The monster, who looked completely different from the one who had lost his mind before, was now giving advice to the Chaldeans with a compassionate heart.

The transformation between humans and beasts, and then between beasts and humans...

Such a wonderful and complicated scene caused everyone to fall into silence and deep reflection.

How is this considered good?

Or evil?

And what does that strange advice mean?

Since there is such a place as the Holy City, it is described as being like the last holy land.

Why would these people rather struggle and wander on the verge of death on the edge of the desert than go to the Holy Capital?

He also told Mashu and the others that if they wanted to survive, they had to go to the terrifying desert realm guarded by the mythical beast Sphinx.

As the story becomes more and more exciting——

People became more and more curious about that holy capital and the true identity of the Lion King in that capital.


Hermitos narrowed his eyes and suddenly thought: 'Speaking of which, how are the Knights of the Round Table and the King of Knights doing now? What role do they play in this world?

It seems that since the beginning of the epic, they have never been seen again! ’

Chapter 683 The appearance of the Knights of the Round Table is puzzling and disturbing!

It’s been a while since I left the desert——

When the communication was no longer disturbed, it didn't take long for the doctor to finally contact Guda and the others.

After learning that the pre-Egyptian territory appeared in the 13th century, the doctor realized why he had been unable to contact Matthew and the others.

Later, I learned about the existence of Raji and the Lion King from the experiences of Mashu and the others.

Roman: "King Ozymandias...

Another troublesome person has appeared.

But this time we should also have trustworthy companions.

Ozymandias mentioned The Lion King, right?

That must be a reference to Richard I.

As long as the Lionheart King is here, there should be a way to deal with the Sun King.

You go and meet the Crusaders and find a way to deal with Richard I - what does this expression mean?

Why do you feel like you are suppressing a smile?

Did I say something strange? "

When Leonardo da Vinci explained that after the Crusaders had been defeated, the Crusaders no longer existed in this era.

The doctor was shocked twice in a row.

Afterwards, he anxiously transmitted the map of the singularity.

Roman: "Did you see it? There is a huge city in this singularity!

There is no doubt that it was a city captured by the Crusaders!

Since this exists, it means that the Holy City has been captured by the knights!

Although this is not historically correct, this is the situation now!

But you say the Crusaders were defeated! ?

Then who is in that city—"

Hermitus and the others were also shocked...

The Lion King is the leader of the Crusaders?

And now that the Crusaders are dead, who is that person in the Holy City?


Everyone was confused.

Not long ago, the God of Alchemy was still thinking about what role the Knights of the Round Table would play in the Singularity.

Suddenly I remembered that the city the Round Table was currently protecting seemed to be a holy city.

A sudden thought occurred in his heart...

But I have never heard that King Arthur is also called the Lion King!

There are really more and more confusing things.

What on earth is this——

What's going on.

At this moment, Roman suddenly discovered a strong Servant reaction in the book.

Following Guda's order, they hurriedly stopped the car and chose to hide temporarily.

Immediately afterwards——

To the people's surprise, they saw the new Hassan again.

‘Hassan the smoke-drunk’——!

Another one with the same name as many religious leaders in the royal capital.

Could it be...they are all the same person!

This conjecture made many people's expressions change.

If names such as Yanzui and Baimang are not inheritance, then Hassan who appears in the singularity may really be...


In the illustration, the short smoke-drunk Hassan is running with many civilians.

Drunken Hassan: "...That's it for now.

It is impossible to lead so many compatriots to escape again...

...Wrong decision, and so regretful.

Everything is over. "

(So ​​many humans!!

He noticed that those civilians were not servants, nor were they the kind of human beings who were about to turn into zombies and abandon their souls.

Claire and the others were a little excited.

The desperate ecological environment before made them breathless.

It's great to see so many survivors now.

Speaking of which, Hassan, who had a lot of faces, seemed to be accompanied by many humans.

Apart from the Holy Capital, are Hassan also gathering the surviving humans?

But at this moment, Hassan's words and the words of regret left Claire and the little princess at a loss, not knowing what they meant.

Until they saw it——)

With bright red hair, a very familiar figure of a knight appears in the illustration.

Although the name is displayed with the symbol "???" representing the unknown.

But people who have read the biography of King Arthur will not be mistaken.

That is one of the Knights of the Round Table——!

Tristan, a knight with strength that is said to be comparable to Lancelot, the strongest knight of the Round Table after Baling, and the sad prince.

‘It’s Tristan! ! 'Seeing that the round table finally appeared, one can imagine how excited people were.

Those familiar and heroic knights are probably the ones people are most looking forward to appearing in this epic!


What Tristan is about to do next will completely subvert people's inner emotions and joy.

Tristan: “…sad.

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