Does that Lion King actually have such powerful infrastructure capabilities?

Or is it borrowing the power of the Noble Phantasm?

Also, can all the doubts and speculations in his heart be found in this city?

I remembered that Tristan had killed innocent people indiscriminately for some unknown reason.

The other round tables don’t know what they are doing either…

and the mysterious Lion King.

Hermitus raised his mind and calmly continued reading to the back, hoping to find the answer.


Hermitos noticed the blue and gold patterns on the city wall in the illustration.

He suddenly remembered the golden pattern on the blue banner in the sacred hall when Master Tripitaka bid farewell to the Round Tables at the beginning of the epic.

It seems to be similar to this style!

The Lion King, the Knights of the Round Table, the King of Knights...! Their breaths shortened, and they thought of a possibility again.


Continue to the next page.

Mashu and the others were seen sneaking into the refugee camp.

In the process, I taught some bandits who wanted to rob the refugees a lesson.

But from these guys who claimed to be Muslim businessmen, they learned that the Lion King's assistants had unilaterally massacred businessmen.

And because of the strength shown by Mashu and the others, the bandits who were unwilling to continue dealing with them ran away in a hurry.

Before leaving, he also gave Mashu and the others advice that it was best not to get close to the Holy City.

Although they felt uneasy, Ma Xiu and the others had no idea of ​​retreating. In order to get more useful information, they had no choice but to break into the dragon's den and the tiger's den.


Didn't wait until the next day.

Mashu and the others, who were in the brightly lit tent camp just a moment ago, found that the sky suddenly became bright as day after sneaking in.

Night turned into day in an instant!

Looking at the new illustration, there is a sharp contrast between the deep night on the left and the daytime scene with the sun hanging high on the right.

people:! ?

What? what happened?

The scene that seemed to separate day and night made everyone confused for a moment.

Chapter 686: The Lord has sent down judgment, and this era is about to perish!

It is difficult to describe the shocking feeling of world changes and changes in the world using words alone.

But after the immersive reading mode is turned on from the magic crystal...

To personally experience the transition from night to day must be another heart-stopping experience for people.

Then it will no longer be as simple as being stunned now...

Although it is not as effective as being there.

It took several seconds for many people to gradually understand the meaning of the illustrations in the book.

‘——Someone manipulates the transition between day and night…’


Claire's mouth dropped open.

Don't talk about her... Even Hermitus, as a god, was stiff at this moment.

‘Changing the celestial phenomena at will? ! ’

——How much authority that requires.

Could it be that another powerful god species has arrived?

The god of alchemy is indescribable.

Facing these perverted gods, he had already lost his sense of comparison.

It's just that this time Hermitus didn't expect that he guessed wrong. It was not the gods showing their authority.

At this time, facing this terrible scene, Guda couldn't help but ask: "I'm sorry, did I fall asleep just now!?"

Matthew: "Senior, that's not the case...!

The sun suddenly rose! "


Has it risen? ! ’

... Gudong... Swallowing.

The little princess and the others chewed on the amazing information contained in those words.

Just let the sun rise? It still simulates the celestial phenomenon of the sun rising.

But...even if it doesn't change the world, even if it just creates the celestial phenomenon of the sun rising, that's terrible, right? )

Just when the refugees started to panic because of the sudden rise of the sun.

? ? ? : “Please calm down.

This is the miracle brought by The Lion King——! "

As the sound rang out, a certain figure gradually walked towards the refugees in front of the city gate.


After the new illustration appeared, people saw the figure of the unknown existence.

..., Gawain!

It turned out to be——Gao Wenqing! ?

Her golden hair was as bright as the sun, and her elegant figure in a blue cloak was standing there with her hands on her waist.

That is the nostalgic figure of the Sun Knight.

But because of the previous incident with Tristan, when people see Gawain now, their first thought is not surprise, but more surprise and suspicion.

Why is Gawain in the Holy Capital?

Isn't the Holy City the territory of the Lion King?

Sun Knight Gawain: "This is the blessing given to me by my king.

It’s called ‘Eternally Blessed by the Sun’. "

"It's Gao Wenqing! It's Gao Wenqing of the Knights of the Round Table!

Holy Ba is about to begin! Being able to enter the Holy City——! "The refugees suddenly let out cheers of surprise.

And Claire and the others suddenly reacted.

Gawain...really Gawain!

The king that Gawain is loyal to is the King of Knights and the King of Lions.

Wouldn't that be...! ! !

Everyone suddenly realized something.

The Holy Capital, the Knights of the Round Table, and the Lion King are all connected in one go.

The Lion he the Knight King?

The Lion King is my King Arthur.

After thinking about the Sun King saying that the Lion King is the culprit of the singularity.

This shocking twist that was completely unimaginable made them open their mouths slightly, and their eyes were filled with astonishment.

Roman: “Are we going to start accepting refugees!?

But I sensed a very powerful servant reaction here! ? "

Leonardo Da Vinci: “…Too bad.

Impossible, how could this happen. "

Roman: "...Leonardo? What's wrong, this isn't like your style!?

What happened! ? "

Da Vinci: "Master, Mashu!

Get out of here quickly!

It should be too late now. What a saint.

It's just a typo. Those guys—"

(Looking at Da Vinci who did not respond to Roman, but lost the smile on his face again, and said the word "escape" solemnly and horrified.

Everyone's heart suddenly trembled.

And this bad premonition, with the subsequent declaration of Gawain, has a tendency to spread even more——)

Gawain: “Everyone.

I sincerely thank you all for taking the initiative to come to this holy city.

The age of mankind has been destroyed.

And this tiny world is about to perish.

The Lord has sent judgment.

There is no room left for human habitation on any land above ground.

That's right.

There is no place to live except in the holy city of Camelot. "

Dong~dong-dong—the heart beat rapidly several times.

People's breathing became rapid.

Not only because he heard Camelot, the familiar name of the British capital.

It’s even more because of what Gawain said: “The era of mankind has been destroyed.

And this tiny world is about to perish. 】

Such words.

——Remarks that seem to have determined that human ethics will be destroyed.

It makes people feel that the handsome appearance of the current Sun Knight has become a bit scary and scary!

What does Gawain want to do.

No, it’s the Knights of the Round Table, and what is the king going to do!

Gawain: “Our Holy City is a complete, perfect pure white thousand-year kingdom.

Pass through this main gate, and the ideal world is waiting for you inside. "

Refugees: "Oh...! The rumors are true!

Knights of the Round sacred...

Even if he is a knight from a foreign land, his brilliance is genuine..."

Amid the cheers of the crowd——

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