For a moment——

Countless eyes focused on this, including Claire, the little princess, the duchess, Yuye, even Rhine, Hitty, the elves...

Their breathing paused slightly, as if they were afraid of disturbing the dreams of the gods in the sky, and their eyes widened as they stared at those words——

At this moment, time seemed to have stopped.

Afterwards, people's hearts surged with infinite anxiety.

‘Idiot, is Guda an idiot?

This is the enemy's base camp.

Countless solemn knights, including the Knights of the Round Table Gawain and the Lion King, are far more than Matthew and the others can fight against.

He actually chose the stupidest way! ? ’

While complaining about Guda's irrationality, they didn't know why, but a warmth surged in their hearts at the same time.

Some are moved, some are respectful.

They absolutely dare not make a choice that requires great courage.


Just because I can’t understand,

They will be even more shocked when they see Guda say those words without hesitation!

Then they saw...

I saw Mashu’s equally loud cry and firm response in the book!

Matthew: "Yes! Anywhere will do.

In short, break through part of the knights' formation first!

Master, please pass your magic power to me!

I will never lose...! "

Chapter 688: The greatness of maternal love, people’s broken sanity!

【Create a breakthrough for everyone! 】

【I will never lose! 】

When two people's words reflect each other.

This firm declaration of master and slave, the noble soul that puts life and death aside, makes people feel passionate and a little ashamed.

The next moment, people's emotions were finally ignited and exploded.

Claire put down her epic poem and scratched her hair desperately, ‘Ahhhh! No matter! No matter! No matter!

never mind--

Let them choose however they like!


Damn, hate, hate. You must not die. Humanity is still waiting for your rescue! ’

At this time, Claire only felt a sense of anger and powerlessness in her heart.


It would be great if she could also help Mashu and Guda fight together!

The girl felt that she could not do anything at this time, and felt so blocked inside that she felt extremely uncomfortable!

'Those damn solemn knights have completely tarnished the honor of knighthood...

No, even the most essential conscience of human beings may have been lost!

Such a knight is not the Knight of the Round Table in everyone’s mind at all! ’

On the other side, Hermitus also showed a slight knowing smile: "Sure enough——

The so-called heroes are a group of cute and stupid... children!

Really lost to them. "

The god of alchemy, after seeing Guda's choice, didn't know why he breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

I'm afraid this is what he really wants to see!

Little Princess: "You must, you must live!"

Facing the Master's choice, Da Vinci showed a helpless smile.

Leonardo Da Vinci: "...Really.

In this way, the next development is destined.

Forget it, there’s no way.

If you think about it carefully, I am too omnipotent. "

In the end, she agreed with the Master's proposal.

Although her rationality told her that it would be better to persuade her Master to break out alone, her heart was actually just as gentle.

“Even if you can’t help a thousand people, you still have to help a hundred people!

Defeat those knights surrounding the Internet cafe! "

At this time, Da Vinci's body seemed to be shining with a gentle and moving brilliance.

Many young people are moved by the thought of Da Vinci's beautiful vertical paintings.

But when I thought that it might be a 'man', I felt bad again.


People continued to look behind the epic.

With the power of Mashu's servants, everyone successfully fought their way out of the siege among the solemn knights.

Refugees: "What's going on? Is there internal strife...!?

No matter what, you are saved!

Everyone, let’s go here——!

You should be able to escape now——! "

A large number of refugees escaped from the western siege gate opened by Mashu and the others.

Just when the doctor detected that the enemy had sent a large number of reinforcements, he persuaded them to escape together.

Matthew: "But...! If we don't fight, the refugees will...!"

Just as Mashu finished speaking, a loud noise came from the east side.

Roman detected a new magical reaction.

Others seemed to be fighting too.

They broke through the west side, and the man broke through the formation on the east side!

...! ?

When the little princess and Claire saw this, they felt relieved.

Great, although it's not clear who's helping.

In this way, the pressure on Mashu and the others can be reduced a lot!

It’s really a choice to dance on the edge of a knife!

And the perspective of the epic changed.

But he came to the three people who were successfully chosen by Shengba.

Although they were still worried and nervous that Mashu and the others could successfully escape, people were also curious about the outcome of the three people who successfully passed the Holy Baptism.

Three people selected from thousands of people, they——

Should I say it's luck or what?

At least the solemn knights won't hunt down these three people!

And what is the inside of the Holy City like?

They also want to know very much!

Everyone saw only a solemn knight stepping forward:

"You were chosen.

Please enter the Holy City. "

Just when people thought that the refugee would happily enter the Holy City with the joy of surviving the disaster.

Any normal person would be happy to survive successfully and receive rescue!


Female refugee: “Stop, let me go!

Ahh... Lu Shide, Lu Shide!

Wake up quickly, Lu Shide!

You actually beat a child, how could you be so cruel...! "

Child refugee: "Ah...ah..."

Female refugee: “If you want to go in, take my child with you!

I can't leave this kid alone! "

After seeing their mother's words, everyone remembered that this was the refugee mother and son.

It seems that the mother is chosen, but the child is not? !

Some people who react quickly have subtle expressions on their faces. In this case...

Those cold-blooded and solemn knights who are not like normal humans will obviously not be lenient!

They could almost imagine what a cruel scene would happen next.

It was a horrific scene where mother and child were separated, and you might even see blood.

...! !

...? ...! Just thinking about some of the tragedies I might see next.

Some people began to hesitate, hesitating whether to skip this paragraph——

That must have been a very uncomfortable and angry scene.

Or should we continue to hope that those knights can miraculously show their final humanity and conscience?

Solemn Knight: "This kid was not chosen. Forget about him.

Your body is no longer yours.

No exceptions allowed. No affection allowed.

The ideal soul is not allowed the freedom of a human being. "


Everyone felt cold inside.

You want a mother to forget her child? ! What a standard cold answer! )

Female refugee: “I will obey Mr. Lion King! I am willing to do anything!

So please, please let this kid come too...!

I'll make him be obedient!

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