'This is the principle of making the best use of everything -' Seeing the helpless expression on the Master Chief's face, such thoughts flashed through Homura's mind.

In fact, he was also very interested in this mysterious mission, but he still squeezed out the last value of the 'mission reward' before agreeing to the other party's request.

If you want to ask why you do this.

Of course, we must make full use of all the favorable conditions!

'Even if the difference is only 100 pieces of silver, it is a shameful thing to waste! ’

Put away the biography of ‘King Arthur’.

Rhine lowered his head and blushed to the roots of his ears.

It’s really the final plot that is a bit too big.

The girl's heartbeat is still speeding up, and she cannot calm down for a long time.

"We should be reaching the city of Ain ahead, Your Highness Rhine. But we haven't seen the person responsible for receiving us yet." A warrior from the kingdom suddenly approached the carriage on horseback and said to the inside.

"Well, then..." Rhine came back to his senses and was about to respond.

Suddenly, the carriage stopped with a burst of noise.

Girl "!?"

"Your Highness——"

"What happened?" Rhine suddenly became alert and asked with some uneasiness in his heart.

"In front, it seems that a big tree has fallen down, blocking the way. There is a group of 'people' there, carrying it."

"No, that's not right! No one else should be walking on this road except us! Tell everyone to be on alert immediately!" The girl suddenly opened the curtains of the carriage and spoke hurriedly.

This is the only road to the front...

The nearby large mercenary groups that can participate in the war should have already gone to the fortress. Apart from them...how could there be a large number of people appearing on this road.

Rhine's words also caused the kingdom warrior's expression to change, and he reacted instantly.


Before he could shout, many figures suddenly emerged from all directions and surrounded them.

"You are——!" The kingdom soldier was the captain of this team. Seeing the scene in front of him, he immediately asked the soldiers to protect the carriage.

Everyone formed a circle to watch these guys vigilantly.

'many! ’

The figures that kept emerging from the woods had completely cut off their retreat.

‘Completely surrounded. ’

Rhine stepped out of the carriage and when he saw this scene, his pupils dilated and he realized that these figures were actually 'orcs'.

No, the leader is actually a 'human'.

A capable gray-haired man wearing a hat and a green cloak.

But this situation looks even more dangerous!

"Gui'an, my dear Highness. I'm glad to meet you here, the descendant of the King of Heroes!" The only human among the group of orcs suddenly stood up and took off his hat to salute.

When he said the words 'descendants of the Hero King', his face showed an expression of excitement and trembling to the extreme.

The undisguised dangerous aura was almost so strong that it would make Rhine suffocate.

"Who are you?" the girl asked.

"I am Zers Weiss. I wonder if you have heard my name from your father?" the man asked gently.

"No, I haven't heard of you." The girl replied in an unnatural tone.

'Normally, my father wouldn't have much communication with her, let alone talk about the people he knew. ’

However, to the man opposite, it sounded like he had heard something very unbearable and unbelievable.

"Don't you know!? He has never mentioned me to you?! Ah! Ah! How arrogant!" The person he has always regarded as his biggest rival has never spoken to you. His own heirs mentioned him.

But it doesn’t matter!

He can't beat the opponent yet, but it's okay to take back some 'benefits' from the opponent's descendants first!

"Who are you? Why are you hanging out with these orcs?" The kingdom warrior on the side couldn't help it anymore and yelled loudly.

He was not in the mood to listen to this man continue to talk nonsense.

"Hahahaha!" The man leaned back and let out an exaggerated laugh.

Then his laughter stopped suddenly, and he stood up with a cold expression.

"As you can see, I am a human. But now I have joined Casas."

"What!?" The surrounding kingdom warriors looked at the man in front of them with disbelief.

Even if they had some suspicions about the situation in front of them, hearing the other party's own words of "admittance" still had a great impact on them.

This is not a matter of betraying the enemy country.

Joining the 'orc' Casas Empire that is invading human territory, this is a direct betrayal of his own 'race'! ?

‘—Is he crazy? ’

Zers confirmed that he was not crazy at all.

How long has it been? There was a time when he was the most talented swordsman in the kingdom.

After being defeated by the King of Heroes, no matter how hard he practiced his skills, he could not defeat the opponent and regain the glory of being number one.

Frustrated, he faded out of sight.

The fire of jealousy and hatred in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

In order to gain the power to defeat that man, he did not hesitate to make a deal with Overlord Warnir, and even betrayed his own race and country.

Now not only the descendants of the Hero King, but also ordinary warriors of the kingdom seem to have forgotten their 'names'.

This was intolerable to him, and it made him feel even more that staying in Linduo was a dead-end option.

There, he would never be able to defeat the Hero King, that Dragon Slayer, that Sword Master!

Chapter 71 The 'Demon Soldier' ​​made from the dead body of the 'Demon God Pillar'!

"Do it!" followed the man's order.

The orcs who had been watching for a long time quickly rushed towards the Kingdom soldiers.

In terms of numbers, the orcs, three times as many as the kingdom's soldiers, had a huge advantage from the beginning.

Looking at this scene, Rhine would be a fool if he didn't know that this operation had been completely exposed.

‘Have all their combat capabilities been taken into account? ’ The girl said worriedly.

"Everyone, don't panic!! We are very close to the City of Ain. With such a big movement, we just need to hold on..." Pfft~!

Before the warrior of the kingdom could finish speaking, a sharp sword penetrated his throat.

"So fast! When!" Rhine trembled all over, and only then did he notice the existence of the sword holder, the man named Zers Weiss.

He was obviously at least five or six meters away from them before.

"What a cute reaction... Your father was very cold back then! He lost my virginity in just a few strokes!" As he spoke, the man's figure seemed to flicker on one side, then appear on the other side and kill someone.

‘! ! ! ’ The warriors of the kingdom looked at this scene in horror.

‘There is no space fluctuation, it is not the magic of space movement’.

The girl was sweating profusely, but she couldn't understand what the scene in front of her was about.

Poof! Another kingdom warrior was pierced through the chest by a sword, and it looked like he could no longer survive.

The kingdom warrior's eyes were protruding and bloodshot. He suddenly roared and clenched the sword with one hand, and swung the sword to slash at the opponent with the other hand.

However, the man 'disappeared' again in full view of the public.

Yes... completely gone.

The smell disappears and the figure disappears, as if it never existed in the first place.

Although it would make sense to use thieves' techniques such as 'aura masking', what's the matter with that weird speed?

"Give you a chance! Pick up the sword and fight me one-on-one in the name of the descendants of the 'King of Heroes'. If you win, I can consider letting you go!" The man's figure appeared again, and he smiled gently. .

But his eyes were as dangerous as a poisonous snake's.

Shining like the sight of beloved prey.

As long as it is related to the 'King of Heroes', then defeat it. This is what justifies his existence.

"If you continue to let me kill you, without these orcs, you will all be wiped out!" From the beginning to the end, the magic weapon box was not mentioned once. Rhine didn't know whether the other party didn't know or didn't care at all.


‘A one-on-one duel? ’

The girl gritted her silver teeth. With her swordsmanship, she might not even be able to compete with the kingdom warriors around her.

If he loses in the duel, it means that the 'descendant of the Hero King' is just an incompetent person.

Such a result——

"Your Highness Rhine, let me use 'that'! As long as I rely on its power, I will be able to defeat these guys." The team leader of the Kingdom Warriors suddenly stood up and said, and he looked inside the carriage.

"No, no." Thinking of the danger of 'that', Rhine shook his head hastily without thinking.

"There is no time to hesitate, Your Highness!...According to Article 73 of the Empire's Special Hidden Law. Soldiers who know and have a certain awareness of death are allowed to use magic soldiers in times of crisis. If they can get the recognition of the magic soldiers, they can directly cross Go through the process and become the owner of the magic weapon." The team leader took a deep breath, with a hint of excitement in his solemn and fearful voice.

Trying to master the 'Magic Soldier' ​​is a very dangerous act.

But if it really succeeds, the rewards are simply not proportional to the efforts.

That's a net profit of at least 1 to 1,000.

Even a thousand kingdom warriors are not as valuable as a handful of magic weapons.

Those who can even master the magic weapon can almost be said to be a certain 'heroic' powerhouse in the future.

As long as those who possess magic weapons do not die young, there will be no one in history who does not become a 'hero' in the end.

That is to say——

‘No matter which magic soldier he wanted to hand over to a strong man in the fortress in the first place. As long as I can control it. I can become the master of this weapon! ’ The captain of the Kingdom Warriors thought longingly.

There is no warrior who does not love the sword.

Just like the golden sword and the sword of victory that those young people in the capital are now pursuing.

The most desired weapon in every warrior's heart is undoubtedly the 'Magic Weapon'.

"I understand..." The girl sighed and nodded.

The empire has clearly stipulated that she cannot stop the other party in this kind of matter.

That is the consciousness of dedicating oneself to death and glory.

"Hey!? Is there any secret weapon?" Zers Weiss' eyes were a little subtle, and he didn't stop these people for a moment.

He came here for the name 'King of Heroes' from the beginning.

His goal from beginning to end was only ‘Rhine’.

As for the magic soldiers——

How could a warrior like him, who had long since faded out of people's sight, have the chance to know such confidential things.

Wait until Rhine takes out the 'Magic Box' from the carriage.

Only then did Zers Weiss clearly feel the faint ferocious aura on the surface of the box.

‘What? ! ’ The man’s eyelids twitched.

At the same time, Yan's sight was also focused on it. He didn't know when he arrived here.

He just noticed what was happening here and was in a state of 'magic invisibility'.

At this time, he was leaning against the tree, watching the scene in front of him with interest.

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